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If You Aren't Anti-Fascist. ?

Message added by mort

So we are clear - the usual rules apply here. If you cannot behave in a civil manner then I will be happy to suspend your account. This includes personal attacks on other users. Debate the topic like rational adults please. 

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13 minutes ago, Rockers rule said:

Hello Janie48.

exactly my point- very much two sides to the same coin.

Both Communism and Fascism in theory were not  that dissimilar and the original doctrines of both were for the betterment of the people who were to live (and prosper) under either systems.

Unfortunately both ideas were hijacked by despots that did in fact as you quite rightly point out not only  kill those opposed to the either regimes but their own country men as well.

What we are witnessing now with ANTIFA is nothing to do with a desire to protest against what they class as a Fascist State what so ever. The original protest of an unquestionable wrong has been over run by those wanting a revolution of sorts, but as with any revolution you need something in place to replace what you are revolting against. The people who are rioting are not interested in any form of dialogue or have any idea of what outcome they want from their so called protests. Bring the government down and replace it with what? them in charge? people who don't mind attacking the Law, happy to vandalise other peoples property or our way of life? even their looting was only second to their desire to vandalise - yes these are the very people I'm sure we all would just love to have running a country. 

Keep safe.



You're falling into the false dichotomy trap of assuming that anti fascist = pro communist which is, of course, total nonsense.

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3 minutes ago, Halibut said:

You're falling into the false dichotomy trap of assuming that anti fascist = pro communist which is, of course, total nonsense.

Far from it Mr Halibut - in none of my post's have I shown any reasoning that if you arn't one you are the other.

As for falling into traps - love what you do.

Keep it up.


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For a hundred years there has been groups of fascists in Europe, the UK including Sheffield, sometimes these groups gain some funding, populist figurehead and gain some traction. Targeting ethnicity, culture, religion, art, knowledge and understanding  these groups thrive on provoking a response.

In response to these successive fascist groups a far bigger number of people will gradually emerge to overwhelm them. Antifascist marches been taking place since the end of the Great War.


I, like the vast majority of these protesters have never joined anything  vague political. You can tell the ones that have with their similar placards, badges and uniforms, moving through the masses trying to find their pals(followed closely by the media looking for a photo to sell). Meanwhile the vast majority are hanging around waiting , often cold, bored, tired damp and hungry but pleased that they are doing something.


Meanwhile the latest organized fascist group are hurling abuse and (empty) cans at their latest "Antifa" enemy opponents. This "enemy" gives as good it gets driving off the fascists into the Harley pub before they get back on the tram to resume their journey. How fitting that the British fascist has to use a foreign word to describe their "enemy".







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8 minutes ago, Annie Bynnol said:



Meanwhile the latest organized fascist group are hurling abuse and (empty) cans at their latest "Antifa" enemy opponents. This "enemy" gives as good it gets driving off the fascists into the Harley pub before they get back on the tram to resume their journey. How fitting that the British fascist has to use a foreign word to describe their "enemy".







Who are you talking about here?

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On 3 June 2020 at 19:30, Halibut said:



If you aren't anti-fascist...are you a lover of fascism? If so, what is it that you think laudable about fascism? The fashion? The jackboots? The totalitarianism? Please share your thoughts.

"if you're not with us, are you against us?"


I suppose that is somewhat less fascistic a proposition, than the traditional alternative with a declarative, rather than a question, in the second half of the sentence.


But your aggressive posting at replies suggesting that one can be anti-fascist without supporting a militant movement like antifa,  makes one wonder.


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I was reading about fascism and found that there are three main concepts serving as definition of fascism: 

  1. the "fascist negations": anti-liberalism, anti-communism and anti-conservatism.
  2. "fascist goals": the creation of a nationalist dictatorship to regulate economic structure and to transform social relations within a modern, self-determined culture, and the expansion of the nation into an empire; and
  3. "fascist style": a political aesthetic of romantic symbolism, mass mobilization, a positive view of violence, and promotion of masculinity, youth, and charismatic authoritarian leadership.

Also,  "some attempt to explain fascist demonologies as the expression of irrationally misdirected anger and frustration". Misdirected anger. I've heard that recently, I think in this particular topic...


Interesting to see the common traits of seemingly opposing ideologies.

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1 minute ago, Branyy said:

I was reading about fascism and found that there are three main concepts serving as definition of fascism: 

  1. the "fascist negations": anti-liberalism, anti-communism and anti-conservatism.
  2. "fascist goals": the creation of a nationalist dictatorship to regulate economic structure and to transform social relations within a modern, self-determined culture, and the expansion of the nation into an empire; and
  3. "fascist style": a political aesthetic of romantic symbolism, mass mobilization, a positive view of violence, and promotion of masculinity, youth, and charismatic authoritarian leadership.

Also,  "some attempt to explain fascist demonologies as the expression of irrationally misdirected anger and frustration". Misdirected anger. I've heard that recently, I think in this particular topic...


Interesting to see the common traits of seemingly opposing ideologies.

Quite easy insert Communist insted of Fascist into any of the above.

Any Quote is only as good as its source.

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Talking of Antifa, i wake up this morning and facebook is bedlam, apparently anybody with a bald head on their profile has been removed, i believe its to do with facebook removing fake accounts of white supremicists pretending to be Antifa and advocating violence?

The trouble is they do it with artificial intelligence instead of people, and obviously it aint that intelligent.

even Neville Staples gone and hes neither white...or bald lol




I just did a search on Neville and he was on mi friends list, not one Neville Staple had a photo or was "friends" with me so yup hes been deactivated LOL

Edited by melthebell
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