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Anyone know any members of the Perrozzi family?

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I used to work with a Mick Perozzi at Newburgh Engineering in Bradwell. That was in the early 80's and I think he was a welder. Did he used to be a an amateur boxer? There was a story going round that 3 skinheads tried to mug him near the big hole in the road, & they came-off second best !

I have a grandad and an uncle Mick, i am not sure if this is who you are talking about I will try and find out

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there my relations does any1 remember/know them


my great grandad was Alexander Perrozzi my nan was Linda Perrozzi before shie was married she had a brother called Tony please Email me if you want to find out more info on my side of the family as my nan knows a lot of the perrozzi family

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