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Peter Crouch, Bbc 1


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21 hours ago, RiffRaff said:

Not the series - the advert for it!

The other bloke in it mentions something about "olives"?

Am I mishearing, or missing something?!


Yeah, he does.  It’s the punchline to a joke.  We don’t hear the set-up.


He then says, “tough Crouch.”


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3 hours ago, Arnold_Lane said:

Yeah, he does.  It’s the punchline to a joke.  We don’t hear the set-up.


He then says, “tough Crouch.”


So a completely pointless comment, then!

Oh well....


Cheers Arnold Lane.

(Great record, by the way!  ;-) )

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On 10/06/2020 at 21:58, desy said:

Rubbish prog how did he get the job.

It was supposed to have been a funny, post-match programme, to be shown after each of the days Euro 2020 games.  Of course there is no Euro 2020 but the BBC had already signed them all up, so it looks like they're going to use them. 


Suppose the BBC were looking for another Skinner & Bediel type footie programme but for a new generation?  

Edited by Baron99
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Well this programme certainly needs saving ! It’s really badly produced, with forced laughter, bad jokes, and a terrible band. Peter Crouch looks uncomfortable and out of his depth. Is there nothing better to put on ? I mean it’s peak viewing time on a Saturday night !

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On 13/06/2020 at 21:55, pattricia said:

Well this programme certainly needs saving ! It’s really badly produced, with forced laughter, bad jokes, and a terrible band. Peter Crouch looks uncomfortable and out of his depth. Is there nothing better to put on ? I mean it’s peak viewing time on a Saturday night !

Probably not.  As mentioned, it was meant to show after Euro 2020 games.  The Extreme Retirement section was filmed ages ago and probably cost a lot of money.


Its not great.  But I think they have run out of Mrs Brown’s Boys repeats.

At the beginning of lockdown they broadcast a Pointless episode as primetime Saturday night TV.  So it could be worse.

Edited by Arnold_Lane
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On 13/06/2020 at 21:55, pattricia said:

Well this programme certainly needs saving ! It’s really badly produced, with forced laughter, bad jokes, and a terrible band. Peter Crouch looks uncomfortable and out of his depth. Is there nothing better to put on ? I mean it’s peak viewing time on a Saturday night !

There isn't really any opportunity to create anything 'better' to put out.   We are all in lockdown and you'll be surprised how lengthy and complex any form of television production takes.  


Until the situation changes broadcasters have to make a tough decision between endless repeats or this.


At the end of the day the program was made for a specific purpose which has now been completely wiped out. The money has been spent so at least it's better to show it rather than everyone complaining that they wasted of licence fee money on something that was immediately canned.


To be honest I never really get this supposed "prestige" regarding Saturday night viewing.  It might have once been a prime time slot but nowadays most people are either out, going out or occupied by a thousand and one other distractions.   It's clear that the big variety and entertainment shows are slowly dying a death.  Even the cash cow that was the X factor is only just limping along.   Let's face it, even back 20-years ago Saturday night primetime entertainment may have drawn millions of viewers but it was pretty crap.


If ever you have a pang of nostalgia for the so-called "glory days" of Saturday night television just have a look on YouTube at shows like you bet, Noel's house party, blind date, pets win prizes, game for a laugh, stars in their eyes, Dame Edna's neighbourhood watch....   Revel in the cheap and cheesiness of it all.  Cringe at the wobbly sets, gaudy lighting, over the top graphics and slimy hosts.   The rose tint soon fades away and you realise that in reality it's wasn't actually that good.  


We just didn't have any alternatives.


Edited by ECCOnoob
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