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Limb Land Field Dore

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There have been many cars with teenagers descending on Limb Lane field in Dore at around 6:30 every evening. Chasing each other in their cars around the carpark, loud music , hooting horns, flashing head lights etc, Many disappearing into the adjacent wood. Am sure they are drug dealers but can’t prove it. Then leaving broken glass around the carpark. People walk their dogs here. One of them had a ring pull imbedded in their paw. What to do ? They are not actually breaking law but obvs up to no good! 

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I wonder if you’re thinking of the picnic area where there’s a gate? 


I don’t know if it closes or at what time but if it does close it must be when it goes dark. There are definitely gangs of youths up there most evenings at around 7:00 pm because I am always there at that time.

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21 hours ago, QueenV said:

Chasing each other in their cars around the carpark, loud music , hooting horns, 

What you describe sounds like anti-sociable behaviour. I'm not saying you should phone the police. But, If the police saw this I would think they would make them clear off.

Edited by Janus
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I put it on their FB page and tweeted them without a response. As I actually didn’t see a crime committed I didn’t feel a 111 call was appropriate. However, as suggested I have now emailed SCC parks dept. 

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