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Disabled Man Starves To Death During Covid.

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16 hours ago, Lex Luthor said:

Let's face it.  This run of Tory governments has an appalling record on it's responsibilities to disabled people.

This happened in Streatham which is covered by Lambeth Council, a Labour run operation. But let's not let facts ruin your vendetta against the Conservative government. 🙄

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On 25/06/2020 at 19:25, ECCOnoob said:

No they don't.


There is a chain of events leading up to that.  There are a multitude of reasons to be explored whether through self neglect, abandonment, self-harm, negligence by others, institutional failure....


I don't work in a world of "...just because"  

Irrespective to the chain of events,   the person in question starved to death,  :roll:

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4 hours ago, ECCOnoob said:

Nobody is denying that.  The question is why? 


I think the question should be did it happen at all or is it just fake news to make a statistical point? There are no details at all to back this up and as the press are normally all over this sort of thing its seems a bit iffy. Even doing a search in the local newspapers in that area throws up nothing.

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On 27/06/2020 at 08:54, Resident said:

This happened in Streatham which is covered by Lambeth Council, a Labour run operation. But let's not let facts ruin your vendetta against the Conservative government. 🙄

Yeah, but the next excuse we'll get is "the evil government is starving them of funds and forcing them to make cuts".


So I'll pre-empt that with this:


Lambeth Council accused of wasting ‘millions of pounds’ after independent scrutiny highlights Town Hall financial waste


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On 26/06/2020 at 17:42, ECCOnoob said:

Connected to this tragedy because......? 

Errrrm, because the current Conservative government were in charge of this whole fiasco.

On 27/06/2020 at 08:54, Resident said:

This happened in Streatham which is covered by Lambeth Council, a Labour run operation. But let's not let facts ruin your vendetta against the Conservative government. 🙄

And let's not try and divert the blame from where it lies; firmly with this Conservative government's appalling response to the crisis.

20 hours ago, alchresearch said:

Yeah, but the next excuse we'll get is "the evil government is starving them of funds and forcing them to make cuts".


So I'll pre-empt that with this:


Lambeth Council accused of wasting ‘millions of pounds’ after independent scrutiny highlights Town Hall financial waste


I must have missed the bit where Lambeth Council had been made responsible for the national response to Covid-19.


Are Lambeth Council also responsible for the years of degrading treatment and the systematic withdrawal and withholding of benefits from disabled people in this country?  What about the scandalous treatment that is disguised as "care" that thousands receive?

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2 hours ago, Lex Luthor said:

Errrrm, because the current Conservative government were in charge of this whole fiasco.

What is this fiasco you are speaking of?


We don't know how this individual died. We know nothing about circumstances or history leading up to it. We don't even know categorically that it happened.


All we have is some one line hearsay from MP during a committee and a newspaper report on the fact that she talked about it.


Where is your evidence to category prove that the government and their policies are directly responsible for all the circumstances leading up to this person allegedly starving to death? 


If you don't have any then it's all just speculation and you are showing disgraceful behaviour by using the death of this person without any factual context as some stick to further your anti Tory agenda.


This conversation is about the death of an individual.  There are questions to be answered which are not. There are massive gaps in factual information which are not being addressed and generic whining about the government is not going to cut it.  

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4 hours ago, pattricia said:

If a person starves to death it’s caused by one thing : Lack of communication.

That I would definitely agree with.   There seems to be an alarming lack of mention of this persons family, friends, neighbours, support workers, social workers, police, medical professionals..... 


Somebody must have known what was going on.  What was happening and why is this not being explained.  As I said earlier people don't just starve to death.


There is a chain of events here with apparent failures that go well beyond simply blaming Boris as lex luthor seems to think. 

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2 hours ago, ECCOnoob said:

That I would definitely agree with.   There seems to be an alarming in lack of mention of this persons family, friends, neighbours, support workers, social workers, police, medical professionals..... 


Somebody must have known what was going on.  What was happening and why is this not being explained.  As I said earlier people don't just starve to death.


There is a chain of events here with apparent failures that go well beyond simply blaming Boris as lex luthor seems to think. 

Spot on !

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