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Disabled Man Starves To Death During Covid.

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4 hours ago, ECCOnoob said:

That I would definitely agree with.   There seems to be an alarming lack of mention of this persons family, friends, neighbours, support workers, social workers, police, medical professionals..... 


Somebody must have known what was going on.  What was happening and why is this not being explained.  As I said earlier people don't just starve to death.


There is a chain of events here with apparent failures that go well beyond simply blaming Boris as lex luthor seems to think. 

Another thing that also needs to be taken into account is that Lambeth Council, in common with other LA's, also have millions stashed away in their reserves intended to be used in emergencies which I would have thought this is one.  Their Accounts for last year make good reading for some but because they are Labour all problems now get the "its this governments doing" treatment and nothing to do with us.

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Seems like many disabled people have lost their lives during Covid, and for the deniers, this piece is by Ian Burrell, a Tory and former speech writer to Cameron.


btw, in what world does the replacement of one statue with another get as many views in one day, and this has in weeks and is about the death of a man?

Edited by gamezone07
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46 minutes ago, gamezone07 said:




Seems like many disabled people have lost their lives during Covid, and for the deniers, this piece is by Ian Burrell, a Tory and former speech writer to Cameron.


btw, in what world does the replacement of one statue with another get as many views in one day, and this has in weeks and is about the death of a man?

Because people die all the time.  Death is a fact of life and it doesn't make news unless there is proven extraordinary circumstances, negligence or deliberate neglect.


This is an opinion piece giving a view on a load of statistics and as per usual it's nicely packaged into a shock headline and "oh deary me" article with without detailed context and analysis of each and every one of those fatalities.   What is the news?


I'm not being harsh here - but is it really beyond the realms of probability that people with a disability or pre-existing condition are also statistically going to be more susceptible and at risk during the outbreak of a deadly and contagious virus.   Is such obvious probability newsworthy?

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On 30/06/2020 at 14:55, apelike said:

Another thing that also needs to be taken into account is that Lambeth Council, in common with other LA's, also have millions stashed away in their reserves intended to be used in emergencies which I would have thought this is one.  Their Accounts for last year make good reading for some but because they are Labour all problems now get the "its this governments doing" treatment and nothing to do with us.

And given the extra expenditure and reduced  income as a result of covid-19, reserves (4 weeks of annual expenditure in Lambeth's case) have soon been wiped out.

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23 hours ago, Longcol said:

And given the extra expenditure and reduced  income as a result of covid-19, reserves (4 weeks of annual expenditure in Lambeth's case) have soon been wiped out.

Extra expenditure I can understand and that is why councils and also this government amass reserves but they are also inline for some payouts from grants which the government has also announced. Not sure why they have also suffered from a reduced income though. You also seem to be implying that they have no reserves left and they have been wiped out. If you look at their accounts for the last financial year I think you will find they had many millions stashed in reserves which incidentally had risen despite being hard done by. They also state IIRC that they have streamlined their services and made them more efficient which can only be a good thing.

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1 hour ago, apelike said:

Extra expenditure I can understand and that is why councils and also this government amass reserves but they are also inline for some payouts from grants which the government has also announced. Not sure why they have also suffered from a reduced income though. You also seem to be implying that they have no reserves left and they have been wiped out. If you look at their accounts for the last financial year I think you will find they had many millions stashed in reserves which incidentally had risen despite being hard done by. They also state IIRC that they have streamlined their services and made them more efficient which can only be a good thing.

Well according to HMG  all councils have lost huge amounts of council tax, business rates, sales, parking fees etc.




"The data collected from councils so far shows their combined spending and income pressure to the end of May has been £3.24 billion."


That's only two months into the financial year.

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2 hours ago, Longcol said:

Well according to HMG  all councils have lost huge amounts of council tax, business rates, sales, parking fees etc.

Have people and/or companies been exempt from CT and business rates? As for sales, what do councils sell? As far as parking fees are concerned that is not income for the council as such as it should get invested for traffic improvement, roads etc.  ;) so they should not be any worse off because of it.  





"The data collected from councils so far shows their combined spending and income pressure to the end of May has been £3.24 billion."


That's only two months into the financial year.

But you missed out this bit..


"The government has given councils an unprecedented package of £3.2 billion in grant funding so far and the councils in our survey received £3.14 billion."


But, getting back to the OPs topic so far, even now, no one has been able to corroborate the MPs statement about this actually happening.

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