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Clicking Knee

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17 minutes ago, redruby said:

It rather depends on the nature of the problem. Having general ‘pains in bones’ could be caused by any number of conditions, and yes, should be assessed by a GP. Having a more specific issue with say, a knee, is where a physio might be a better option.  

We are agreeing (I think)?  I gave some examples in a previous reply about situations where I would go directly to a physio and have done.  That's involved payment though as I wasn't aware that it is possible to refer oneself to a NHS physio directly so I paid to go privately. 


 If it is the case that you can refer yourself directly to an NHS physio, for something that appears pretty uncomplicated, then why not?  But it's not clear whether that is available in this area and it depends on which CCG you are under.  How would you find out?  Ring the relevant CCG I suppose and ask.  Or maybe ask at your local doctor's surgery?  


 If it's the case that you can't refer yourself directly for NHS physio, then your GP certainly can and that means your physio treatment would be free.  

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On 01/07/2020 at 05:44, redruby said:

If you can, it’s well worth paying to see a physiotherapist privately for a consultation as this is their specialism and they will have time to do a thorough examination and give detailed advice. If that isn’t an option see a GP but if it was me I would try to go down the road of getting a referral to a physiotherapist rather just taking painkillers.

Whoever you see first, needs to be able to make an accurate diagnosis.  That's the key point.  And I agree that taking painkillers isn't the solution, although it makes sense to do that in the short term if you're suffering a lot of pain.


I've had a lot of exposure to physiotherapists, in fact my sister-in-law is one.  She specialises in neurological physio, which is to do with the head, neck and spine.  So a lot of her patients are people with neurological damage, like stroke patients for example.  Other physio's may specialise on different parts of the body.  They will all have had general training, but some may specialise on certain things, so it's worth looking into that before you select one I'd suggest.  

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El Cid, I also had this problem and through neglect it grew into real knee pain! In the end I went to a NHS physiotherapist who prescribed daily exercises as shown on three sheets of paper. I tried these and they worked well.  I can't recommend it enough.

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  • 1 month later...
On 31/07/2020 at 06:48, DerbyTup said:

Whoever you see first, needs to be able to make an accurate diagnosis.  That's the key point.  And I agree that taking painkillers isn't the solution, although it makes sense to do that in the short term if you're suffering a lot of pain.


I've had a lot of exposure to physiotherapists, in fact my sister-in-law is one.  She specialises in neurological physio, which is to do with the head, neck and spine.  So a lot of her patients are people with neurological damage, like stroke patients for example.  Other physio's may specialise on different parts of the body.  They will all have had general training, but some may specialise on certain things, so it's worth looking into that before you select one I'd suggest.  

Yes, physios do tend to specialise, so if it is the result of a particular sport/activity then you need one who specialises in that particular area.  If you go via your NHS GP, they will give you a number to ring where they take details are try mto match physio/speciality/availablity to your problem/history.

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  • 9 months later...
On 17/07/2020 at 15:40, banjodeano said:

well, there are plenty of words like "minor" "marginal" and "mild"...so i guess it doesnt look too serious to me

I had a flare up last weekend, maybe I overdosed on exercise?

It was painfull when I crouched down, but its a little better now. I am taking things easy.

I was meant to have an email from the physio last year, but never received one. Both knees seem to be clicking more, there may even have been a swelling.

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Can only generalise but a lot of knee issues are caused by weakness further up.


I had medial (inner) knee pain for years and saw a physio who said I had weak glutes and gave me strengthening exercises which in time have made a huge improvement.

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