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Pubs Reopening This Weekend.

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12 hours ago, RiffRaff said:

Many of the pubs that are opening are not opening their toilets because of the 1 metre rule.

You can only hope that they bother to point this out before you enter!


I am pretty sure it is illegal, to operate a pub without toilets.

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Guest makapaka
13 hours ago, speleo1 said:

Well the Hillsborough Hotel won't be opening up,it's closing down and being turned in flats or apartments.

That’s a shame I like that pub.

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Distancing is as we know is going to be a big threat in pubs ect but not heard much about just as big or bigger threat of transmission,  touch,  ie, door handles,glass wear, tables and chairs, at some point we all touch these almost immediately after someone else,  :gag:

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On 30/06/2020 at 13:52, Baron99 said:

Listening to Toby Foster this morning on Radio Sheffield.  He'd been checking out what pubs are up to & spotted one in Barnsley where they want you to pre-book a table, cost £20 of which you'll get £15 back to spend on your drinks.  When you book, they also want a screen shot of your payment details emaied to them, along with the personal details of those in your group.  Then you've got to download their ordering app.  Finally, you've got a maximum of 2 hours to enjoy your new drinking experience. 

In which time your credit card will have been maxed out and your group will all have had Burglar Bill around at theirs removing that new  Smart TV off the wall. LOL.


Keep safe.

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Guest makapaka
2 hours ago, PRESLEY said:

Distancing is as we know is going to be a big threat in pubs ect but not heard much about just as big or bigger threat of transmission,  touch,  ie, door handles,glass wear, tables and chairs, at some point we all touch these almost immediately after someone else,  :gag:

it’s not just as big or a bigger threat of transmission. 

its a lesser threat of transmission and It can be managed if you Keep washing your hands and don’t keep putting your hands on your face. 

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The two things which would encourage me to start going to pubs again are:

The ban on loud music, as you get older your hearing does too and having a conversation over a background of loud music is difficult.


The rule which one of our local pubs has stated is that children under a certain age should remain seated and it will be the responsibility of the adults to ensure they do. That, plus the children should vacate by 9.30 pm. Any infringement will mean the whole group will be told to leave. No more treating a pub as a playground, we hope.


However, until things have settled down and people have accepted the "new normal" I think I'll give pubs a miss.

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3 hours ago, PRESLEY said:

Distancing is as we know is going to be a big threat in pubs ect but not heard much about just as big or bigger threat of transmission,  touch,  ie, door handles,glass wear, tables and chairs, at some point we all touch these almost immediately after someone else,  :gag:

A few pubs are using disposable, single use plastic glasses.  Not very environmentally friendly.

Edited by alchresearch
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Guest makapaka
1 minute ago, alchresearch said:

A few pubs are using disposable, single use plastic glasses.  Not very environmentally friendly.

Good idea in the short term thoug. 

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19 minutes ago, makapaka said:

Good idea in the short term thoug. 

Is it though? Somebody still has to pick it up presumably, unless the punter has to bin it. If an employee has to pick it up, they might as well wash it.


The huge uptake in disposable plastics is going to be a big problem down the line.

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1 hour ago, makapaka said:

it’s not just as big or a bigger threat of transmission. 

its a lesser threat of transmission and It can be managed if you Keep washing your hands and don’t keep putting your hands on your face. 

Ok good points made but your gonna be in and out of the bogs every five minuets washing your hands I would have thought,  :hihi:   joking aside,   I do agree with you,  only my thoughts on this ,  but would you say  putting surgical gloves  on outside before you enter and for the duration of being in the pub be a good idea,   either way following safety, be it wearing  gloves or washing hands  is still the route I would take.  

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