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Anyone From Carbrook?

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Can anyone remember Westmorelands at the bottom of Berkeley St, used to go in for the penny tray, and also the spiritual church on Bold St, strange place.

Used to love playing on the scaffolding on Bold st, shhhooootttt what would H & S would have had a field say in those times.

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I had a friend called ann lived in the shop in late 60s . Can't recall if her name was Westmoreland though. Do remember the spooks on bold street, it is still open as a spiritualist church.

Did you know the padleys, laws, fowlers, slaters, gervises, jones, balls, platts families? They all lived around that area?

Where abouts did you live?

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Know them all apart from Slaters, other names can remember, Goddard ( Jeff I think is landlord of Bradley Well at Darnall ), Greenfields, Perry's, Surtees, Linda Green who i think joined the Folies Bergere ( in Paris, not the Adelphi). All good guys, loved living there at number 20.

Didn't know the Spirit place was still there. My aunt and uncle used to be believers and went there , when my aunt died from cancer a big golden cross shone on her face. Many of my relatives saw it including my mother who was very straightforward.

Although I've lived and worked all over, whenever someone asks where I'm from I always say Carbrook, Sheffield.

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The slater i knew was beverley.they lived on the little bit of road cut off by bold st and the river don.

Susan Greenfied, thats a name i havent heard for years, she was a friend from carbrook infant and juniors. Then i lost touch when i went to senior school.

I have spent many an hour playing cards with ken,dennis and christine law. Crash for old money. Was aways lucky, much to their dsgust. Their mam connie and i think the dad was albert,lovely people.

Surtees - phillip i think, malcolm and philip jones oh the years roll away dont they?

I started a carbrook thread a few years ago and met up with three people who lived on our street. Not seen each other for 45 years. Looked the same, just greyer and less hair - and that's just the women!

I always say carbrook, never from down the cliffe.

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Yeah, older and greyer, that's true. The Surtees were Phil, Monica, Mabel and Mary. Susan G. was diagnosed with Diabetes at aged 5 and had to inject herself, couldn't believe how she did it. Saw her as an adult and she was truly attractive. What a great street was Berkeley. Loved to sit on the outlet pipes on the Bendix on cold days.

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We also used to gather round the damp air from the bendix which condensed the minute you moved away and made you colder. Then across to the golden wonder for a tannersworth of chips. Their chips were always soggy but that is how i like them even now. Do you remember when the chinese opened ? We used to have a pancake roll and boy did it feel exotic. Life in the fast lane! The kids today dont know they are born.

I remember phil and mabel surtees. Susan G was so brave i have to say that seeing her inject had a profound effect on me as I am so anti drugs, injecting to save your life is one thing but for pleasure? i dont get it.

Been down the cliffe today on way to parkgate. Not the most direct route but good!

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Oooopppssss! forgot Margaret Surtees, remember going to her wedding. Yup the Chinese restaurant when we used shout in the door " Who bombed Pearl harbour". I know that was the Japs but at 10/11/12 who can differentiate.

Susan had to use the injections at the time which were like putting a six inch nail in the body.

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Hi i'm new to the forum, i used to live in the yard net to the lampool 1950to 1961.


---------- Post added 03-08-2013 at 20:16 ----------


Hi i'm new to the forum, i used to live in the yard next to the lampool 1950to 1961.

Edited by smudger50
made mistake in first draft
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