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Sheff Council - Shalesmoor Road Layout

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1 hour ago, Tony said:

Left hooked by a cement mixer I heard. These are real life consequences of the bad decision to remove the protected lane and rely on magic paint instead. 

Who was found liable? What exactly were the circumstances of the accident? What was the visibility?  What was the speed?


Let's get some facts before making wild assumptions to clearly further some agenda.  Cyclists have just as much as possibility for their OWN welfare as any other road users.

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50 minutes ago, Tony said:


Here's a picture of the LibDem leader calling for the cycle lane to be removed. The sign just over his right shoulder is where, well, it doesn't need saying. :( 



Yes it does need saying because no one has a clue what the hell you are going on about.


You are not seriously suggesting that we should suddenly close all junctions and all roads just in case a cyclist happens to have an accident when a different vehicle happens to turn into it. 


It's an accident. It could have been the cyclist's fault.   It could be the truck's fault. It could have even been both.


For god sake stop with a speculation and dramatics.


Someone choosing to wibble and wobble along a live carriageway has an element of risk. Stuff happens. No matter how good and how separate the cycling infrastructure there will always be some point when a bike meets vehicles. Junctions have to exist. As others have said, the cement truck was not turning left on some whimsy. They needed access to that particular location. A similar just as tragic accident could happen anywhere else tomorrow and the week after and the week after that.

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