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Sheff Council - Shalesmoor Road Layout

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Back in the earlier part of the football season, I often saw traffic going towards the Parkway along Derek Dooley Way at around 6-15pm on a Saturday. I suspect there will be more complaints caused by this constriction when Hillsborough opens to spectators again.

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5 hours ago, Planner1 said:

Which is exactly what you are (unsuccessfully) trying to do.


Not every improvement to the highway network is for motorised traffic and sometimes, to make things better for some modes of travel, you have to make things worse for others.

And here I was thinking that logic should be applied when implementing 'improvements' to a highway network.


I didn't realise that it makes perfect sense to correctly identify a road stretch with several issue caused by traffic volume, address those issues by spending millions widening said road in late 2019/early 2020  and then in mid 2020 spend tens/hundreds of thousands more narrowing said road stretch.


Makes perfect common sense now I think about it.





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1 hour ago, Planner1 said:

Well, no one can accuse them of not being bold or trying radical solutions. It is after all a temporary restriction and it can be removed if it causes ongoing issues.


Perhaps we should see how it goes for a while before reaching hasty conclusions.

If this is a temporary restriction then what is the cost of  the work involved, signage, line painting cones/bollards etc ?
Surely in these times of austerity this is an expense an already stretched council can not afford.
Add to this the delays to emergency vehicles as I witnessed today with an ambulance taking nearly over five minutes to clear the section between The Shakespeare public house and the Netherthorpe  Road roundabout basically because the vehicles stuck in this single lane nightmare had nowhere to move over.

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1 hour ago, Planner1 said:

Well, no one can accuse them of not being bold or trying radical solutions. It is after all a temporary restriction and it can be removed if it causes ongoing issues.


Perhaps we should see how it goes for a while before reaching hasty conclusions.

How about the ambulance that got stuck in this moronic scheme whilst trying to attend a 999 call earlier today & their only recourse was to get out and move the barriers in order to get around the STAND-STILL traffic CAUSED by the scheme?


Someone potentially died because life-saving equipment was held up because someone in a position of power that they should not be anywhere near and quite frankly, based on this decision, shouldn't even be trusted to ask "do you want fries with that" because it's too intellectual for them. 

1 hour ago, ECCOnoob said:

I really do hope that the message will one day get well and truly sent to these decision makers come local election time.  

Unfortunately Sheffield and larger, South Yorkshire will never vote out a labour council, unable to see the forest because the trees are in the way is probably the politest way of describing Yorkshire's voting public. 

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6 hours ago, Planner1 said:

How many times are emergency services stuck behind such a vehicle?


If the emergency services have a real problem with something, they will talk to the council about it. Most times, if, because of changes, they now find it slower to go that way, they will use an alternative route.


The emergency services are very pragmatic and accept that they will sometimes get caught in traffic. It is not practical to have unobstructed access for emergency vehicles at all times on all routes. They fully understand this and plan for it.

I am aware of at least two ambulances being stuck in this area today alone, one  has been  filmed with the paramedic and a bystander physically having to move the barriers so the ambulance could get down the cycle lane, with the paramedic then running in front of the ambulance to move the cones further up the road.
Badly, instigated and planned.
And no i'm not anti-cyclist and no I am not able to cycle or walk to work .
It is 14 miles from door to door for me, a journey on   three buses (if they aren't full) and an added hour (each way) to my journey, time which neither I  nor my family can afford to lose.

Quote from The Star -  23rd April 2019

Coun Jack Scott, cabinet for transport and development, denied the report was lacking in detail and said: “This scheme will at worst maintain air quality in that area and at best improve air quality in that area.

“I’m quite clear that I need to take action, which will sometimes be controversial, to improve air quality but this is not an air quality scheme.

“I’ve heard people say it is not sustainable – which is understandable but I’ve not heard anyone say it will be bad for pedestrians or cyclists.

“The stark challenges we face in our city cannot be avoided…but a scheme that improves bus times and makes it safer for pedestrians is absolutely what we should be doing.”


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16 minutes ago, darylslinn said:

If this is a temporary restriction then what is the cost of  the work involved, signage, line painting cones/bollards etc ?
Surely in these times of austerity this is an expense an already stretched council can not afford.

If you'd been paying attention to the news recently you'd know that the government has given councils money to promote active travel at part of dealing with Covid-19.

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7 hours ago, Planner1 said:

Post #33 did. 

If traffic is just queuing on one section of road and it doesn’t affect the wider highway network, I wouldn’t describe it as a major problem.


When any major change is introduced, it tends to be a bit chaotic on the first day or two, then drivers reroute if there’s a quicker way and the problems often lessen. 

We have nowhere to reroute as all the other roads around that area have now been blocked off !

3 minutes ago, altus said:

If you'd been paying attention to the news recently you'd know that the government has given councils money to promote active travel at part of dealing with Covid-19.

Are the government going to give me a deal to buy an e-bike then to use this cycle way.... what a waste of government money.


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2 hours ago, Planner1 said:

Cycling isn’t going to be suitable for everyone for every trip, no one is suggesting differently.


The evidence of years of trying shows us that just aiming for free flowing roads and letting our towns and cities be far less pleasant and healthy places to live because of the dominance of motor vehicles, was a mistake. There’s plenty of evidence out there that towns and cities don’t have to be car dominated and can offer a far more pleasant, safe and healthy environment as a result. 

Not on arterial roads,it’s the A61 that we are constricting here.



Councillor Bob Johnson needs to think again,or perhaps for the first time.


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7 hours ago, Planner1 said:

Which bits of the main highway network around the city have no queuing problems at peak times? 

What ends to happen is different drivers use different alternative routes and the traffic tends to percolate away across the network. Yes, there’s more traffic on the alternatives. What do you expect?


Like I’ve said, drivers won’t get out of their cars unless car use is made slower, more difficult and/or more costly.


If the vast majority of car commuting trips are under 5km, you can’t argue that many of those drivers could switch mode if they wanted to. 

No. What will happen is businesses will move away from the city centre. Covid has proven to many firm that they don't need a desk for every office worker. Many people are now working from home and will continue to do so. Firms will reduce the floor space they rent and the city centre will have even more empty buildings. 


Covid and the resulting change in the way many people now work has done more to reduce congestion than SCC's half-baked traffic schemes have ever done. Shalesmoor is yet one more nail in the city centre's coffin, as it makes the city centre an even less attractive place to base your business.


But feel free to keep banging the drum that an aging population is clamouring to walk or cycle for miles in hilly Sheffield. I'm sure there must be a few people out there who believe your SCC anti-car propaganda.

4 hours ago, carosio said:

Promoters of cycling (a fine pursuit most of the time) are eager to point to towns like Cambridge or Amsterdam, with smiling commuters pedalling happily along flat streets in bright sunny weather, but here in the North on the edge of the Pennines, especially in winter, it's a different story. Although the last few years have seen mild winters, they can be long and dark with frequent gales, persistant snow, ice and slush compounded with the hilly terrain. Happy commuting.

Stop quoting inconvenient facts, SCC won't thank you for it.

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