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Sheff Council - Shalesmoor Road Layout

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3 minutes ago, Parkside said:

What are class 3 , is there a class 1 and 2 .

Class 3 - road legal capable of up to 8mph.

Class 1/2 basic scooter/non-road legal capable of up to, but not more than, 4mph.

Simplified, because I haven't got time to find the actual regulations.

Edited by RollingJ
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1 hour ago, onewheeldave said:

Getting progressively more overweight and ill due to lack of exercise due to all the time sat in their car going nowhere.


Then to top it all, watching cyclists whizz through the jams, carefree with none of those beaurocratic hoops to worry about, far less expense; getting to their destination way faster than the motorist [cycle is the quickest way to get from A to B in gridlocked city centres] getting fitter and healthier in the process.

Car drivers don't get wet in the rain or freeze their bicycle clips off in the winter weather.


Car drivers can carry many great things and passengers.


Car drivers don't arrive at their destinations hot and sweaty and having to have a change of clothes.


Car drivers have the safety and security of being in a solid vehicle surrounded by safety features, emergency braking technology, airbags or other features protecting the driver, passengers and cargo. 


Car drivers (where appropriate) can travel at 30,40, 70 mph covering vast distances with little or no exertion from the driver and/or passengers. 


Most car drivers have very little risk of coming topping off the top of their cars or smashing their face in the pavement if they hit a pothole or flinging themselves over the top of their handlebars if they hit a potentially fierce speed bump or potentially breaking every bone in their body if in a modest accident with another vehicle.....


Pride comes before a fall my friend. Personally I'd rather be an overweight comfy car driver than some skinny healthy arrogant and preachy cyclist type.   


You see discouraging people and incentivising them to find alternative methods is perfectly well and good one but when discouragement is delivered by way of attacking, deliberately antagonising and inconveniencing or generally showing off it never works. 


In fact it makes people react even stronger.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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1 hour ago, RJRB said:

One category I think that there should be a separate thread regarding the ongoing discussion of licensing or taxing all possible road users whether lorries,cars ...diesel,petrol,electric,cyclists,motor bikes,e scooters,horses,pony and traps,pedestrians,mobility scooters.etc.

Apologies if I have excluded anyone.

Also this is not a general debate about the pleasures and benefits of cycling.

It is regarding the implementation of this particular scheme which to my mind has been a completely illogical,ill considered and nonsensical charade dreamt up by someone in his ivory tower who has absolutely no appreciation of the necessity of this carriageway to ease the flow of essential traffic around the city centre.



There was a category that I forgot.

Cars ,vans and recreational vehicles with cycle carriers fastened on the roof and back!

The only way that will happen is if you convince all the motorists to not bring the subject up. It seems some forum members, upon seeing a thread that mentions cycling, are incapable of resisting the urge to bring up their favourite bête noire.

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Can we get back on subject?



Well I haven't commented on this post till now as I don't or haven't been getting into Sheff much but have just come back from visiting mi Mum.

We've been keeping in touch on phone of course but this was the first time face to face since all this Cori V thing started.

Came in on the Parkway but came back over the top and down Netherthorpe Rd - what the Hell is that all about? 

Reducing the two lanes of Netherthorpe Rd into a bottleneck resulting in traffic building up the carriage way just doesn't make sense. 

As for the red and white (flood) barrier cycle lane I can only say thank God it wasn't rush hour.

One thing I did notice was how dirty the cordoned off bike lane was which was probably one of the reasons I didn't see a single cyclist.


I can talk all day about anything vehicle related including push bikes and even why they should be allowed on pavements.


Keep safe.


A car has to be more than A to B , its got to have soul.

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36 minutes ago, Rockers rule said:

Can we get back on subject?



Well I haven't commented on this post till now as I don't or haven't been getting into Sheff much but have just come back from visiting mi Mum.

We've been keeping in touch on phone of course but this was the first time face to face since all this Cori V thing started.

Came in on the Parkway but came back over the top and down Netherthorpe Rd - what the Hell is that all about? 

Reducing the two lanes of Netherthorpe Rd into a bottleneck resulting in traffic building up the carriage way just doesn't make sense. 

As for the red and white (flood) barrier cycle lane I can only say thank God it wasn't rush hour.

One thing I did notice was how dirty the cordoned off bike lane was which was probably one of the reasons I didn't see a single cyclist.


I can talk all day about anything vehicle related including push bikes and even why they should be allowed on pavements.


Keep safe.


A car has to be more than A to B , its got to have soul.

Had it been rush hour perhaps a cyclist may have appeared .

Doubtful though.

I can’t believe that the dirty cordoned off area has diminished their number in this part of town.

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4 hours ago, Planner1 said:

Cyclists are just as accountable as motorists for observing the rules of the road. They can and do get tickets for jumping a red light just like car drivers.


Almost every time I go out on the roads I see poor driver behaviour, which is often downright dangerous in my view. It is in my experience very rare to see a cyclist do something that I see as downright dangerous.

I wonder why there appears to be a highly disproportionate amount of anger / ire directed at cyclists?

Are they really???  How are they identified??

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5 hours ago, Planner1 said:

Cyclists are just as accountable as motorists for observing the rules of the road. They can and do get tickets for jumping a red light just like car drivers.


Almost every time I go out on the roads I see poor driver behaviour, which is often downright dangerous in my view. It is in my experience very rare to see a cyclist do something that I see as downright dangerous.

I wonder why there appears to be a highly disproportionate amount of anger / ire directed at cyclists?

Come spend a day with me. You'll soon change your mind....

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Sheffield not mentioned, but clearly this is a wider problem:



I'm not sure politicising this is helpful. Just seems to be a general trend of councils rushing to spend the cash that government are throwing at then without considering the issues properly first.

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Guest busdriver1

When a council deliberately sabotages a ring road, a road they built to remove traffic from a congested and polluted city centre in favour of non existent cyclists who may come or may not come we see that council as what it is. Incompetent, misguided, delusional or just pig ignorant. Take your choice. Cycling has its place like any other form of transport.


Historically roads in general grew rather than got planned. They grew through use of tracks developing into roads  and in that case were where they were needed to be and were functional. Then came councils, they decide that they knew better despite evidence to the contrary and decide to fiddle with OUR roads. 


 Yes, they are OUR roads, we own them and trust the council to manage them. 


We have a situation now where I am sure businesses are being damaged by the inability to get goods to and from their premises in a timely manner because the council want to have a crusade, we have people experiencing difficulty getting to and from their places of work or the shops and all because a council know what we want. 

There are a great amount of people who for one reason or another can not cycle and are unable to use public transport, ( we are constantly being told to avid it) they now have no option in many cases than to sit in the man made congestion that is causing a severe pollution hot spot just where the council want people to cycle  because of inadequacy by our dear council. 

If we vote them out what will happen? I will tell you now. Nothing, because the same incompetents that are advising these counsellors will be advising the next ones and their jobs are as safe as any in any industry but without the accountability that goes with jobs in the real world.

The local government system is broken and has been for many years. 

This is just one more piece of evidence that local government needs a root and branch overhaul and the sooner the better.

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