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Sheff Council - Shalesmoor Road Layout

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4 minutes ago, Planner1 said:

I read all of them thanks.


Walking and cycling won’t suit everyone, but if you look at the stats quoted for the commuting distance that the majority drive, it is abundantly clear that for many people, walking or cycling is actually a viable option and if a goodly proportion of them were persuaded to do so, there would be far fewer traffic problems all round.

The environmental concerns are real, the pollution caused by cars is real as are the road casualties. What is being sought is a better environment for everyone that is far less car dominated.


The evidence over the years shows that drivers will not be just “encouraged” to take up other modes. They have to be forced to do so by difficulty or price ie demand management. 

You might not like it, but it’s national and local policy, so you will certainly be seeing more of it.

How can you force people if no viable alternatives are in place?

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11 minutes ago, Brooker11 said:

I hate the current system of attempting to deter cars whilst not even attempting to provide a viable alternative, public transport is mostly overpriced and unreliable, cycling will only suit a very small minority who work in a fixed location.

The measures that are being put in are about helping walking and cycling. People can carry quite significant loads on cycles with all sorts of panniers and bags available. There are cargo bikes for shifting more bulky and heavy stuff. 

If you actually compare public transport prices in other places,  Sheffield’s come out as being quite reasonable. 

1 minute ago, Brooker11 said:

How can you force people if no viable alternatives are in place?

The vast majority can walk or cycle on some journeys, the measures under discussion are making it easier and safer.


There is a public transport network as well and there are taxis, private hire, community transport, car clubs, all of which are viable alternatives to the car. Electric scooters for local journeys are something the government are keen to try out here. They work well in other places.

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2 minutes ago, Planner1 said:

The measures that are being put in are about helping walking and cycling. People can carry quite significant loads on cycles with all sorts of panniers and bags available. There are cargo bikes for shifting more bulky and heavy stuff. 

If you actually compare public transport prices in other places,  Sheffield’s come out as being quite reasonable. 

Cycling is only viable to people in good health, with showers available at their place of work, who have to carry very few items and work from one fixed location, it wouldn't be an option for a single person in my place of work.


The prices might be reasonable but its unreliable.

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7 minutes ago, Planner1 said:

The measures that are being put in are about helping walking and cycling. People can carry quite significant loads on cycles with all sorts of panniers and bags available. There are cargo bikes for shifting more bulky and heavy stuff. 

If you actually compare public transport prices in other places,  Sheffield’s come out as being quite reasonable. 

Well, as I requested before let's see examples of it from the said leaders. 


When are we going to be seeing SCC carers on bikes bringing all their nursing supplies, paperwork and stock with them in their panniers.   I'm assuming just round the corner there is the order for all the contractors and workmen to be carrying all their tools in there specially adapted bags so they can cycle to their various job sites.......right? 

Edited by ECCOnoob
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1 minute ago, Brooker11 said:

Cycling is only viable to people in good health, with showers available at their place of work, who have to carry very few items and work from one fixed location, it wouldn't be an option for a single person in my place of work.


The prices might be reasonable but its unreliable.

Not true. Many people wouldn’t need to change or get a shower after a short cycle journey. Electric bikes make it even less effort. In any case, lots of employers do provide showers, changing rooms and secure storage for bikes and gear. They can get grants to help with the costs.

Thousands of people have used the public transport network every day and manage just fine. Sure there are the odd niggles, but there are on the roads too. To contend it isn’t a viable option is not credible. 

3 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

Well, as I requested before let's see examples of it from the said leaders. 


When are we going to be seeing SCC carers on bikes bringing all their nursing supplies, paperwork and stock with them in their panniers.   I'm assuming just round the corner there is the order for all the contractors and workmen to be carrying all their tools in there specially adapted bags so they can cycle to their various job sites.......right? 

The transport policy team do generally practice what they preach. Many council officers use public transport, walk or cycle when they need to travel. Those modes aren’t suitable for some trips, but they are for a lot. If you want leadership from the top, John Mothersole, the old chief exec used to walk to work.

Your request might well be directed to councillors who could show leadership by giving up their free parking spaces.

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8 minutes ago, Planner1 said:

Not true. Many people wouldn’t need to change or get a shower after a short cycle journey. Electric bikes make it even less effort. In any case, lots of employers do provide showers, changing rooms and secure storage for bikes and gear. They can get grants to help with the costs.


Showers are shut at workplaces due to covid currently.

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9 minutes ago, Planner1 said:

Not true. Many people wouldn’t need to change or get a shower after a short cycle journey. Electric bikes make it even less effort. In any case, lots of employers do provide showers, changing rooms and secure storage for bikes and gear. They can get grants to help with the costs.

Thousands of people have used the public transport network every day and manage just fine. Sure there are the odd niggles, but there are on the roads too. To contend it isn’t a viable option is not credible. 

The transport policy team do generally practice what they preach. Many council officers use public transport, walk or cycle when they need to travel. Those modes aren’t suitable for some trips, but they are for a lot. If you want leadership from the top, John Mothersole, the old chief exec used to walk to work.

Your request might well be directed to councillors who could show leadership by giving up their free parking spaces.

Very few people work close to home so its more likely to be a longer journey, I wouldn't like to think I was sitting in clothes that I'd worn from a cycle journey all day and I'm sure the rest of the office wouldn't appreciate it either, very few organisations have showers or the room to fit one, with required services and drainage its not even feasible for some funds or not.

6 minutes ago, nightrider said:

Showers are shut at workplaces due to covid currently.

Good point and very true.

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15 minutes ago, RollingJ said:

I bet this doesn't get a straight answer -  but here goes: @Planner1Do You Cycle or Walk to your pace of work, and if not, why not?

Like many people I work from home at the moment and that will continue, probably indefinitely.


I have walked and cycled to work when I worked within a reasonable travel distance. Mostly I’d drive and park about a mile out and walk the rest of the way. More lately I have used a combination of driving, train and walking as my employer is in another city.

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