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John Lewis

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john lewis stated today they fully expect 70% of there business to be online in the next 3 years,so why should working folk subsidise a store that most don't visit,most cannot afford to visit,let them close and even meadowhall has realised that shops are not the way forward ,stating more leasure is the way forward.

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2 hours ago, PRESLEY said:

J Lewis is far too exspensive for the vast majority of Sheffielders, I dont think  it  will not survive  no matter what SCC and any type of revamp because Primark and other non extortionate shops will  prevail.  Could be wrong but lets wait and see. :roll:



How do you think Primark keep prices where they are? People are dying prematurely in Bangladesh to provide cheap clobber to the British masses via Primark.


I'm not sure those poor souls would agree with your comment about Primark being a "non extortionate" shop.

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Re posts #1, 11, and 15:

These posts seem garbled. Let's unpick them.

So far as concerns the John Lewis shop ['Coles', of course!]:

1. Who owns the freehold?

2. Who owns the leasehold?

3. What is SCC's current ownership status, if any?

4. What else are they now seeking to buy?

5. Is that a consenting transaction or forcible- and to whose advantage?

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7 minutes ago, Bargepole23 said:



How do you think Primark keep prices where they are? People are dying prematurely in Bangladesh to provide cheap clobber to the British masses via Primark.

As stated on another thread Primark dont do any advertising at all so keep price down that way. On the other hand JL stores do advertise and they also sell plenty of expensive designer good also made by cheap labour in Bangladesh. Because of this employment the Bangladesh unemployment rate has gone down and the wages have risen so maybe look at it from their standpoint, no work at all = starvation.


The problem with JL is that it is an old fashioned department store which is now an outdated concept and that's why most of the good ones of the past have folded and no longer in existence. 

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5 hours ago, apelike said:

As stated on another thread Primark dont do any advertising at all so keep price down that way. On the other hand JL stores do advertise and they also sell plenty of expensive designer good also made by cheap labour in Bangladesh. Because of this employment the Bangladesh unemployment rate has gone down and the wages have risen so maybe look at it from their standpoint, no work at all = starvation.


The problem with JL is that it is an old fashioned department store which is now an outdated concept and that's why most of the good ones of the past have folded and no longer in existence. 

I disagree. JL has a style that is contemporary with a good old fashioned service ethic. That’s why it’s outlasted it’s competitors. It’s the building that’s dilapidated.

By the way, isn’t that the brand logo “ Never knowingly undersold”.

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10 hours ago, PRESLEY said:

J Lewis is far too exspensive for the vast majority of Sheffielders, I dont think  it  will not survive  no matter what SCC and any type of revamp because Primark and other non extortionate shops will  prevail.  Could be wrong but lets wait and see. :roll:

Wow, talk about sweeping statements

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7 hours ago, apelike said:

As stated on another thread Primark dont do any advertising at all so keep price down that way. On the other hand JL stores do advertise and they also sell plenty of expensive designer good also made by cheap labour in Bangladesh. Because of this employment the Bangladesh unemployment rate has gone down and the wages have risen so maybe look at it from their standpoint, no work at all = starvation.


The problem with JL is that it is an old fashioned department store which is now an outdated concept and that's why most of the good ones of the past have folded and no longer in existence. 

Indeed Primark is unique in that it is not online(low margins and bulk policy means it can't afford the levels of returns) and its advertising budget is spent on social media. It has a much smaller number of lines and store locations are very much chosen inline with their target customers in mind. 

As the cost of smarter and  bigger stores here, and expansion in America is paid for by profits over here(they are rarely successful) they will be an interesting company to watch.


John Lewis (unlike Waitrose) is not regarded as expensive  by its target but it is struggling. The investment in smaller town locations has not succeeded. The new Birmingham store is on top of the station and also exits into an area  not  dissimilar to Castle Market. A beautiful shop but the rent must  be astronomical. 

Will the ageing buildings and withering footfalls of  the "malls", the expansion of city centre living etc, lead to a come back?

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11 hours ago, PRESLEY said:

J Lewis is far too exspensive for the vast majority of Sheffielders, I dont think  it  will not survive  no matter what SCC and any type of revamp because Primark and other non extortionate shops will  prevail.  Could be wrong but lets wait and see. :roll:

What rubbish would you go to curry's get a tv  no guarantee or jl 5 year guarantee  

John Lewis should build one like leeds

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