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John Lewis

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Unless I am misreading it, the council own the store,  Cole Brothers are merely tennents.


There was talk of a new much enlarged store  over by Wellington St during the  Sevenstones era, wonder if that is still an option.


Edited by butlers
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1 hour ago, chris101 said:

Still don't believe the council bailing them out. The council this morning announcing it has a £24m shortfall.

They are "bailing them out" so to speak because they are absolutely petrified of the might of John Lewis and the catastrophic effects that would happen if they lost them out of the city centre.


They are the prize jewel and realisticly all that they have left to keep their delusions of being a prime retail environment alive.  They are all the council has in the war against meadowhall.  


JL has always had a lot of influence over the council as shown by their sticking two fingers up over the fiasco that was the brand new shiny building in the new retail quarter.  As I have said on another thread earlier, they have well and truly stuck the boot into the council and have them over a barrel. 


...Look after us, let us do what we want or were gone.....   That is my bit of paraphrasing of what  I suspect is really happening during their negotiation meetings and the council know it.  


The council are about to move onto the next phase of their redevelopment which includes making sure they keep attractive to the shiny new hotel and legal companies moving into their shiny new offices.   The last thing that the council can risk right now is the disaster of losing JL and ending up with a massive decaying empty building in the middle of their prestigious and heavily invested development.  

Edited by ECCOnoob
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J Lewis is far too exspensive for the vast majority of Sheffielders, I dont think  it  will not survive  no matter what SCC and any type of revamp because Primark and other non extortionate shops will  prevail.  Could be wrong but lets wait and see. :roll:

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There's plenty of people with money in Sheffield to support John Lewis and other high end stores.

They have been on that site for 60 years and the revamp will have them set to do well for decades to come

We need a mix.



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John Lewis, like any other business and employer should be supported by SCC during a time of crisis.


If it is also the landlord of the property, it is right to review its tenant-landlord relationship in a positive way for both.

If only the Church of England with their 105,000-acre,  £2billion portfolio were as understanding and supportive of the people they preach to and who are affected by their greed.



Edited by Annie Bynnol
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10 minutes ago, butlers said:

There's plenty of people with money in Sheffield to support John Lewis and other high end stores.

They have been on that site for 60 years and the revamp will have them set to do well for decades to come

We need a mix.



True we do need a mix,  we do need high end stores, a City should be able to boast its variety in all aspects be it entertainment,sport and culture.  You say there are plenty of people to support the high end stores  I hope your right,  its nice when travelling and asked where you are from and reply Sheffield and then to get a responce like,  what a lovely city it has everything ,  instead of oh no not that dump,  so lets hope plenty can afford to shop there.  

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Must admit it's not a place I shop in ,out my budget.

If you look at the City region we have a a significant increase in gdp , despite the city never feeling like anything finished going right back to the late 80s..I think the core is in the best shape it's ever been, still more to do in these uncertain times.



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Sheffield was always strange in the layout of the " high street" as it ran more or less from lady's bridge to moorfoot..have to be a keen and fit shopper to cover that.

Of course that was pre big suburban supermarkets ,the massive increase in car ownership and Meadowhall.

Hope Atkinson's hangs on in there, the mood was a declining place but seems busier since it was smartened up .

From the last few days ,I get the feeling central government is going to be looking to give local government significant help.

We look like burning thru at least £300 billion before this is over but there's no real alternative and the borrowing rates are low

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14 minutes ago, butlers said:

Sheffield was always strange in the layout of the " high street" as it ran more or less from lady's bridge to moorfoot..have to be a keen and fit shopper to cover that.

Of course that was pre big suburban supermarkets ,the massive increase in car ownership and Meadowhall.

Hope Atkinson's hangs on in there, the mood was a declining place but seems busier since it was smartened up .

From the last few days ,I get the feeling central government is going to be looking to give local government significant help.

We look like burning thru at least £300 billion before this is over but there's no real alternative and the borrowing rates are low

I have always said Meadowhall(a city centre on its own) and crystal peaks plus the Asda's and Aldis all being on the outskirts have, over the years drawn people away from the city centre, it all ads up to J Lewis ect  struggling in the city. 

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