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Coronavirus - Part Two.

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I think we are being premature here - the Government has NOT announced that face coverings are to be mandatory in shops from the 24th.  Some newspapers and media outlets are reporting that their sources say that that is the case.  That is very different.  Governments through the ages have fed rumours to the press, then waited to gauge reaction before deciding what to do. 

I will wait for the Government to announce any measures before acting.

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As opposed to being premature, we are actually late (as usual) which explains why our death rates are so catastrophic compared with  most others.

The countries which have had the most success against Covid are the ones where everyone wears masks without needing to be begged or threatened.

I have enough intelligence to be wearing them already whenever I leave my home and don't need our dozy government to educate me.

It may not protect me but it's helping to protect others and is certainly doing no harm to anyone else.

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2 hours ago, Baron99 said:

You seem to want the virus to persist until it's eventual outcome, whereby its killed a large percentage of the population & the rest have caught it & have some prospect of gaining immunity?   

No, I'm just aware that the negatives of the measures far outweigh the positives i.e. very serious threat to civil liberties which could well facilitate a rise in global totalitarianism, now it's clear just how complient much of the public are, along with the inevitable deaths caused by a trashed economy, the effects on mental illness etc, etc.


Just seeing a bigger picture.


59 minutes ago, Lex Luthor said:



Also, cancer patients have not been denied treatment due to the lockdown, rather due to the prevalence of the virus itself.  That's why any improvement in service we have seen in recent weeks will, tragically, soon be erased, as the numbers are rising again.

Many people have not had treatment during the lockdown. The lockdown which ironically was meant to stop the NHS being overwhelmed; the NHS has come nowhere close to being overwhelmed [see youtube for lots of videos of nurses and medical staff posting their mass dance routines they used to alleviate the boredom]. Sadly it is likely to be overwhelmed over the net year due to the huge backlogs of patients who couldn't be treated due to the lockdown.




Very sad to see a total lack of public awareness, media attention & govt attention on the ACTUAL causes of coronavirus.


Modern animal agricultural systems are almost always the root cause of viruses crossing the species barrier and becoming pandemic- we've not seen much about that in the news have we? [other than the wet markets of course, which is not what I'm talking about here].


And the main cause of people dying from what is, for most, a minor illness, is extreme ill-health i.e.  type II diabetes, obesity, heart disease, rife in our cultures and the majority of which is caused by modern bad diet and lifestyle. 


So, lots of pressure to force people to wear a mask, but no mention of sorting out diet/lifestyle, losing weight, stopping smoking etc.


Someone smoking is doing far more to boost their chance of getting the virus [and hence, in your eyes, putting everyone at risk] than someone not wearing a mask- how come they are not being targetted?


Another main factor in increasing susceptability is air pollution- I see we've missed another huge opportunity having seen what the absence of cars did to air quality- now the roads are very much headed back to 'normal'.


But Hey- forget about all that- it's only facts and science; let's focus on forcing everyone to wear masks :)

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1 hour ago, El Cid said:

So you think that we should have copied other countries and done this months ago?

We took delivery of our first government-supplied FFP2 masks months ago, I'm sure I posted about it in the first Coronavirus thread at the time. 5 each, for the 3 of us, in our postbox on Monday morning, after the government had first announced it the Friday before.


We then took delivery of the next batch of government-supplied FFP2 masks when deconfinement first started, around 25 May. 50 each, had to go over to the local distribution point, with the personal vouchers posted 2-3 days before.


In parallel, all 3 of us have been tested twice already (throat swab). Individual voucher/invitation by post, use dedicated online appointment website (book your own, with the individual code in the invitation letter), receive appointment confirmation with QR code by email, turn up at the selected drive-test-thru on the date and time with the email, scan the QR code + get sampled, individual test result by SMS within 48 hours.


And for all that, and people's assiduous wearing of masks, social distancing and serial testing...we're looking at cases increading again, due to 30-somethings mass-partying without masks or social distancing. 1 wedding the other week yielded in excess of 30 new cases.

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9 minutes ago, onewheeldave said:

No, I'm just aware that the negatives of the measures far outweigh the positives i.e. very serious threat to civil liberties which could well facilitate a rise in global totalitarianism, now it's clear just how complient much of the public are, along with the inevitable deaths caused by a trashed economy, the effects on mental illness etc, etc.


Just seeing a bigger picture.

A serious threat to civil liberties? 


If Martin Niemöller was around, I don't think he'd be knocking out a bit of prose on the subject?


"First they asked Baron99 to wear a face covering.  I said nothing..." 

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I don't get it? 


Look across all the related Coronavirus /  COVID-19 threads on here, & generally the same posters who were decrying our Govt., for not taking decisive, while at the same time praising foreign Govts for their authoritarian actions by introducing severe lockdowns, making the wearing of face coverings mandatory at all times when people were out & about; are now getting themselves into hissy-fits, screaming about their civil rights & liberties being infringed because they are asked to ware a face covering when popping into a shop. 


Here's an idea.  If you don't fancy complying, ask a responsible grown up to pick your groceries up instead. 

Edited by Baron99
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1 hour ago, Thirsty Relic said:

I think we are being premature here - the Government has NOT announced that face coverings are to be mandatory in shops from the 24th.  Some newspapers and media outlets are reporting that their sources say that that is the case.  That is very different.  Governments through the ages have fed rumours to the press, then waited to gauge reaction before deciding what to do. 

I will wait for the Government to announce any measures before acting.



Watching the 1pm BBC news, member of the Police Federation says it will be difficult to enforce the rule & fine people £100 so they are asking retailers just to put up signs telling customers that if they don't have a face covering, they won't be served. 

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Wearing of mask is common sense , should have been compuslary from the start,  a lot of lives would have been saved,  I said this months ago, it is a case of protecting each other, alot will argue with the decision , I dont argue when safety in mind is on the agenda.:roll:

9 minutes ago, Baron99 said:



Watching the 1pm BBC news, member of the Police Federation says it will be difficult to enforce the rule & fine people £100 so they are asking retailers just to put up signs telling customers that if they don't have a face covering, they won't be served. 

Saw it and fully agree. 

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4 hours ago, iansheff said:

Well I did my shop this morning not that many people wearing masks though, took me a little longer than usual as I had to keep stopping and taking my glasses off,  they kept steaming because I was wearing a mask.

I wear glasses and to solve the steam problem I make sure my glasses rest on my mask not slightly under it. My husband wears glasses and hearing aids. He cannot use the mask as it pulls his hearing aids off. He solved that problem by wearing a buff (neck band).

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