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Coronavirus - Part Two.

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Another negative of masks which I've not seen discussed anywhere, is that they greatly facilitate crimes like muggings and sexual abuse/rape.


In a society where video cameras are common and often not noticable, there is a disincentive to commit such crimes, where the opportunity may arise, due to fear of the potential attacker of their face having been recorded on a shop camera 100 yards down the road, which could enable police to connect that person with being in that area at the time of the assault. 


When mask wearing becomes the norm, I think it's inevitable that muggings and sexual assaults/rapes will rise .


[this point relates to general maks wearing, not the upcoming mask compulsivity in shops- however, making masks compulsory in shops is highly likely to increase the wearing of masks in all public scenarios, plus, having seen a front page report today on the govt considering making masks compulsory in offices as well, it's looking like making them compulsory in shops is the thin edge of a big wedge]

Edited by onewheeldave
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42 minutes ago, PRESLEY said:

The point Im making is, just conform,  if it limits the spread or not,  its not asking a lot, 15mins or 1 hr in duration in a shop,  not much time out of the day,  there are some real big babies knocking about these days, no wonder some people use the term nanny state, some of the big babies that moan about trivial matters like wearing a face covering for a short period time really need a nanny. :roll:

Totally agree - or if people are big babies STAY AT HOME.

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3 minutes ago, onewheeldave said:

Another negative of masks which I've not seen discussed anywhere, is that they greatly facilitate crimes like muggings and sexual abuse/rape.


In a society where video cameras are common and often not noticable, there is a disincentive to commit such crimes, where the opportunity may arise, due to fear of the potential attacker of their face having been recorded on a shop camera 100 yards down the road, which could enable police to connect that person with being in that area at the time of the assault. 


When mask wearing becomes the norm, I think it's inevitable that muggings and sexual assaults/rapes will rise .


[this point relates to general maks wearing, not the upcoming mask compulsivity in shops- however, making masks compulsory in shops is highly likely to increase the wearing of masks in all public scenarios, plus, having seen a front page report today on the govt considering making masks compulsory in offices as well, it's looking like making them compulsory in shops is the thin edge of a big wedge]

Wearing them in offices has already been rejected.


Your worry that wearing coverings will increase instances of rape is frankly absurd.

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20 minutes ago, onewheeldave said:


At least you're honest :)- doesn't matter if masks are useless, the important thing is that people conform. THAT is exactly why I oppose compulsory masks, because forcing conformity for no good reason other than conformities sake, is the root of totalitarianism.


The rest of your post is pure ad hominem attack, which is against forum rules.

There is loads of evidence that masks work as part of a wider strategy to control viral infection. You are misleading people by claiming otherwise.


So far, the only reason that you’ve given for not wearing a mask is that you don’t want to. That’s pretty poor in my opinion. We all have to take whatever steps we can to defeat this killer virus. You getting huffy because you don’t like to be told what to do isn’t very helpful.

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40 minutes ago, onewheeldave said:

No- they are the same. 


I'm autistic and in addition have very, very specific dietary requirments [very common in autistic people and more so in my case as I use diet to control serious physical issues]- no way a voluntary group could source the foods I need.


I agree, I've no problem with anyone choosing to wear a mask, I've got a big problem with forcing people to wear one.



Several examples there

I've noticed that most stores seem to have removed the distance markers/arrows. Consensus of experts seems to be that social distancing is more effective tham masks, so if compulsory masking leads to less social distancing, then it is counter-productive (makes things worse, not better]

At least you're honest :)- doesn't matter if masks are useless, the important thing is that people conform. THAT is exactly why I oppose compulsory masks, because forcing conformity for no good reason other than conformities sake, is the root of totalitarianism.


The rest of your post is pure ad hominem attack, which is against forum rules.

Attack and rule breaking ?  No,  Just stating facts,  anyhow  Im sure the Mods are more than  compedent and  don't need any help in the pointing out of Forum rules from you, thats why they do this job.  Also talking about Facts, get yours right, I didn't say mask were useless, I said if face coverings either do or don't limit the spread just conform.  Your the attacker here and the rule breaker by causing people to bicker.

Edited by PRESLEY
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30 minutes ago, Arnold_Lane said:

Wearing them in offices has already been rejected.


Your worry that wearing coverings will increase instances of rape is frankly absurd.

Yes, the government said there was no plans to have them in offices - which probably means they'll be required some time in August judging from their track record.

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42 minutes ago, onewheeldave said:

Another negative of masks which I've not seen discussed anywhere, is that they greatly facilitate crimes like muggings and sexual abuse/rape.


In a society where video cameras are common and often not noticable, there is a disincentive to commit such crimes, where the opportunity may arise, due to fear of the potential attacker of their face having been recorded on a shop camera 100 yards down the road, which could enable police to connect that person with being in that area at the time of the assault. 


When mask wearing becomes the norm, I think it's inevitable that muggings and sexual assaults/rapes will rise .


[this point relates to general maks wearing, not the upcoming mask compulsivity in shops- however, making masks compulsory in shops is highly likely to increase the wearing of masks in all public scenarios, plus, having seen a front page report today on the govt considering making masks compulsory in offices as well, it's looking like making them compulsory in shops is the thin edge of a big wedge]

any more "excuses" come on im sure you can think of something if you screw your face up really really tight and think really really hard

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40 minutes ago, whiteowl said:

Yes, the government said there was no plans to have them in offices - which probably means they'll be required some time in August judging from their track record.

Like that one.


Depends on the office. I guess quite a few will be less full with people still working from home.

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1 hour ago, Pettytom said:

There is loads of evidence that masks work as part of a wider strategy to control viral infection. You are misleading people by claiming otherwise.


So far, the only reason that you’ve given for not wearing a mask is that you don’t want to. That’s pretty poor in my opinion. We all have to take whatever steps we can to defeat this killer virus. You getting huffy because you don’t like to be told what to do isn’t very helpful.

To be fair Tom, disliking sudden changes to one’s routine (being forced to wear face coverings) and paranoia (first step to totalitarianism and it will increase rape and other violent crime) are classic signs of autism - which he says he has.

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