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Coronavirus - Part Two.

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"Groups of up to 50 teenagers, and men and women in their early 20s gathered. Security guards removed some men who were drinking under the pier but no attempts were made to close the beaches or to to ask people to leave." 




Edited by Baron99
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Does Boris know what he is doing? Last week he brought quarantine in for people arriving from Spain in just a few hours, yesterday he announces people are going to have to wear masks in Churches and cinemas from the 8th August. Why is it another week when people already have to wear masks when in most enclosed places, surely it should have been within a few hours rather than waiting another 9 days.

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28 minutes ago, iansheff said:

Does Boris know what he is doing? Last week he brought quarantine in for people arriving from Spain in just a few hours, yesterday he announces people are going to have to wear masks in Churches and cinemas from the 8th August. Why is it another week when people already have to wear masks when in most enclosed places, surely it should have been within a few hours rather than waiting another 9 days.

Seemingly when he does implement a rapid and decisive rule change everybody goes mad, slagging him off for making rushed decisions and disrupting people without warning and not giving people sufficient time to prepare......


Now people are complaining that he is bringing in rule changes too slow and not hard enough and not enforcing enough....


Damned if they do.  Damned if they don't


I don't think the question is "does he know what he's doing?"  The question really is do we know what we want and are we prepared to accept it when we get it.....?


Edited by ECCOnoob
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30 minutes ago, iansheff said:

Does Boris know what he is doing? Last week he brought quarantine in for people arriving from Spain in just a few hours, yesterday he announces people are going to have to wear masks in Churches and cinemas from the 8th August. Why is it another week when people already have to wear masks when in most enclosed places, surely it should have been within a few hours rather than waiting another 9 days.

Give some credit.  No matter what time the Govt introduces new measures, which they CLEARLY said they would do at one of the briefings, given any spikes, (the easing of the mass lockdown was conditional), there's always going to be some for who it is too immediately & inconvenient, (bless em'). 


My God, it was only a few months ago when people were complaining that restrictions weren't being imposed fast enough. 

Edited by Baron99
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4 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

  The question really is do we know what we want and are we prepared to accept it when we get it.....?


I think you'll find what most people want is a Government that isn't as spectacularly incompetent the present shower, who quite clearly haven't got a clue. The whole handling of the pandemic has been shambolic from the outset, led by a Prime Minister thrice sacked for lying, still lying and with a lifelong history of refusing to accept responsibility for anything.

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19 minutes ago, Halibut said:

I think you'll find what most people want is a Government that isn't as spectacularly incompetent the present shower, who quite clearly haven't got a clue. The whole handling of the pandemic has been shambolic from the outset, led by a Prime Minister thrice sacked for lying, still lying and with a lifelong history of refusing to accept responsibility for anything.

oh give over ! this is an unprecedented situation which to be fair without hindsight nobody could have got better, we have a small rise new infections and a that we know due to more testing, just admit it its PM you hate not his methods, hes stuck in the middle no matter what he does he wont please everyone? the poor guy has had it worse than most even contracting it himself and still leading the country. top man Boris.

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45 minutes ago, Halibut said:

I think you'll find what most people want is a Government that isn't as spectacularly incompetent the present shower, who quite clearly haven't got a clue. The whole handling of the pandemic has been shambolic from the outset, led by a Prime Minister thrice sacked for lying, still lying and with a lifelong history of refusing to accept responsibility for anything.

Well that 'present shower' won the election with a massive majority so.....


Anyway the point is that your robust declaring of  'shambolic' and 'incompetent' is up for  debate.


What exactly is the government supposed to do? 


They bring in hard and fast rules overnight because of a change of situation with the virus -  everybody slags them off for rushed implementation.....     


They forewarn about a rule change which will be happening over the next couple of weeks and everybody's slags  them off for not doing things quick or strong enough.....


They start to slowly reopen businesses to try to get people back into work and get the economy moving and everybody slags them off for not caring about people's health and only caring about profits.....     


They announce they are going to delay the opening of certain sectors as it is not fully safe and everyone slags them off for risking people's livelihoods and restricting people from freely going about their business.......


They spend public money trying to prop up or keep certain sectors of industry going and the everyone slags them off whinging about it could fund  the NHS or how care workers could have a pay rise...... 


Businesses collapse and premises shut down and everyone slags them off  for not doing enough to save industry or protect jobs......


They bring in a national lock down and everybody slags them off saying it was far too late and was not robust enough or it's all far too excessive and over-the-top and unnecessary.....


They pro-actively react to an R  increase bringing in a localised lock down on the affected area and everybody slags them off for disrupting lives and not giving any sufficient warning....


Do we see a pattern here. 


Is it really government incompetence or is it 'people' not knowing what they want, not prepared to adapt, not prepared to take responsibility for themselves and seeking some target to pass on the blame.   


The reality is there is far more to this than just some lazy stock response blaming the tories. 

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1 hour ago, Halibut said:

I think you'll find what most people want is a Government that isn't as spectacularly incompetent the present shower, who quite clearly haven't got a clue. The whole handling of the pandemic has been shambolic from the outset, led by a Prime Minister thrice sacked for lying, still lying and with a lifelong history of refusing to accept responsibility for anything.

Oh save us Jeremy Corbyn! You're our only hope

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45 minutes ago, casualbystander said:

oh give over ! this is an unprecedented situation which to be fair without hindsight nobody could have got better, we have a small rise new infections and a that we know due to more testing, just admit it its PM you hate not his methods, hes stuck in the middle no matter what he does he wont please everyone? the poor guy has had it worse than most even contracting it himself and still leading the country. top man Boris.

Except the many places that did spectacularly better.

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1 hour ago, Baron99 said:

My God, it was only a few months ago when people were complaining that restrictions weren't being imposed fast enough. 

But surely the Government have a plan beforehand, that can be released to the media with the details?

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