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Coronavirus - Part Two.

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19 minutes ago, whiteowl said:

Looks like the England and Wales contact tracing app launches tomorrow




It has some interesting features, including (copying and pasting from above article) :


  • a venue check-in barcode scanner
  • a postcode-based risk-level checker
  • a symptoms-reporter tool
  • the means to order a coronavirus test and receive its results
  • a countdown timer to keep track of how long to stay in self-isolation
  • a guide to the latest advice on local restrictions, financial support and other related information


Reading the article, it sounds ok - if it works😂

Whiplash Mr BoShambles - in the end did we create our own world-beating app?


Not in the least - we use the one that is being offered by Google and Apple - like the rest of Europe (except they started months ago).


How many lives have been lost because of his lack of knowledge and unwillingness to admit he was wrong???


He is really a waste of space and should go for his mismanagement of the Covid-19 pandemic and the number of people that have died through his ineptitude.

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2 hours ago, Rockers rule said:

So do I Anna.

Life doesn't suck its just different & once thats been accepted we can cope with what normality will be.

Me and her that should be obeyed have our mindsets adjusted to the present conditions which is good.

(i've even been found in't kitchen washing pots - but don't tell any one)


Keep safe.

Sorry, but just because your life doesn't suck, doesn't mean others aren't struggling massively, both mentally and financially.


This new normal you seem so accepting of, with its huge unemployment issues in the entertainment, arts, sports and hospitality sectors, definitely sucks.


I'm just a user and lover of all the above. Imagine if your livelihood depended on it? Imagine thats what was supporting your family? Not so trivial, as you described it earlier.

Edited by Bargepole23
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41 minutes ago, whiteowl said:

Looks like the England and Wales contact tracing app launches tomorrow




It has some interesting features, including (copying and pasting from above article) :


  • a venue check-in barcode scanner
  • a postcode-based risk-level checker
  • a symptoms-reporter tool
  • the means to order a coronavirus test and receive its results
  • a countdown timer to keep track of how long to stay in self-isolation
  • a guide to the latest advice on local restrictions, financial support and other related information


Reading the article, it sounds ok - if it works😂

OK - only a quick scan of the article but I the section "how the algorithm calculates when to send an alert" confusing.


It states that encounters with the same person are added up over a day and an alert is sent if 900+ points scored if one of you later tests positive.


But what if you encounter a dozen different people  who later test positive at  under 2m for 5 minutes?


Edited by Longcol
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3 hours ago, Rockers rule said:

So being in the RAC exempts you from having to Rush home to wash yer dinner down with 4 cans of Special Brew !


Come on - 'limiting late night drinking'? the kids haven't twigged it really means starting an hour earlier.

Of course and I agree but presumably that is the rationale behind it.

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11 hours ago, Bargepole23 said:

Sorry, but just because your life doesn't suck, doesn't mean others aren't struggling massively, both mentally and financially.


This new normal you seem so accepting of, with its huge unemployment issues in the entertainment, arts, sports and hospitality sectors, definitely sucks.


I'm just a user and lover of all the above. Imagine if your livelihood depended on it? Imagine thats what was supporting your family? Not so trivial, as you described it earlier.

I didn't say my life didn't suck, I said life it self needn't suck even with this dreadful virus running rampant around the world.

Coriv doesn't care what you used to do before it showed its ugly head.

Its not bothered you used to like a drink, go to the football or for all those that have died from it catching it while at their place of work,

even if they previously enjoyed the company of their work mates and the job itself, It just doesn't care.

I certainly haven't said there is anything 'Trivial' about the present situation we are ALL in and if people can't get this in their heads and adjust accordingly we will see further cases and deaths.

The attitude of 'Because we used to do something' its still alright to do it now is not only flawed but a dangerous one.


Keep safe - adjust.   


Enforce your own restrictions.

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2 hours ago, Rockers rule said:

I didn't say my life didn't suck, I said life it self needn't suck even with this dreadful virus running rampant around the world.

Coriv doesn't care what you used to do before it showed its ugly head.

Its not bothered you used to like a drink, go to the football or for all those that have died from it catching it while at their place of work,

even if they previously enjoyed the company of their work mates and the job itself, It just doesn't care.

I certainly haven't said there is anything 'Trivial' about the present situation we are ALL in and if people can't get this in their heads and adjust accordingly we will see further cases and deaths.

The attitude of 'Because we used to do something' its still alright to do it now is not only flawed but a dangerous one.


Keep safe - adjust.   


Enforce your own restrictions.

Well said - my own thoughts entirely.

Far too much whinging and moaning instead of doing whatever is sensible to live with it until such time as science provides an answer.

They say we came close to a nuclear war last year so it makes me wonder how the whingers would cope with that.

A lot of the human race have had it so easy in recent years that they have gone soft.

My respect is for past generations who showed us how to behave in times of hardship.

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Moving on. It looks like some vaccines  will be in a multi-dose format.

The person being vaccinated needs to be sure that both doses come from the same manufacturer. If the first comes from Moderna, then the second  must also come from Moderna, and not from Pfizer or Astra-Zeneca.

That way the doses can augment each other and not get into conflict--or worse, be inactive.

Something to keep in mind -when that day arrives.



Has the post inquiring about the London,"Covid is Fake " demo been taken down?

Edited by petemcewan
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1 hour ago, petemcewan said:

Moving on. It looks like some vaccines  will be in a multi-dose format.

The person being vaccinated needs to be sure that both doses come from the same manufacturer. If the first comes from Moderna, then the second  must also come from Moderna, and not from Pfizer or Astra-Zeneca.

That way the doses can augment each other and not get into conflict--or worse, be inactive.

Something to keep in mind -when that day arrives.



Has the post inquiring about the London,"Covid is Fake " demo been taken down?

you mean mine? its still here,

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1 hour ago, petemcewan said:

Moving on. It looks like some vaccines  will be in a multi-dose format.

The person being vaccinated needs to be sure that both doses come from the same manufacturer. If the first comes from Moderna, then the second  must also come from Moderna, and not from Pfizer or Astra-Zeneca.

That way the doses can augment each other and not get into conflict--or worse, be inactive.

Something to keep in mind -when that day arrives.



Has the post inquiring about the London,"Covid is Fake " demo been taken down?

It's not a "Covid is Fake " demo- it's a demo against erosion of civil liberties and the harm done by the lockdown.


If you have confidence in your point of view, misrepresenting the beliefs of the opposition makes it look like you can't back up your views with reason.



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