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Coronavirus - Part Two.

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14 minutes ago, Arnold_Lane said:

Godwin’s Klaxon.


No point in further discussion.

Was bound to come.

Was hoping as a very significant amount of big increase of positive  tests were sub18 ,that it would just mean a little bit more herd immunity was gained at little cost.

But the hospitalisations are climbing ,small in absolute terms but big percentage wise.

Goodness knows where it will be in a couple if weeks.

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9 minutes ago, melthebell said:

and IF deaths continue to rise? do we just ignore it? how many deaths before we agree its back on the rise? 100? 200? 3000? 4000? tbf to the government (who i hate with a passion) the ONLY thing they did right was to protect peoples jobs and livelihoods best they could.



That's a good question.


a) the answer can only be meaningful in comparison to an estimate of the deaths likely to result from the mental health/unemployment/lack of medical care access caused by the lockdown measures. Currenly there seems to be zero interest in those deaths, and, on this thread, zero interest in even acknowledging that they are happeing and will ramp up considerably in the future


b) in the absence of the above estimate of lockdown caused deaths, I think it is useful to compare covid deaths to others e.g. currently covid deaths are 37/day- in the UK, deaths from cancer average 450/day


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1 minute ago, onewheeldave said:

That's a good question.


a) the answer can only be meaningful in comparison to an estimate of the deaths likely to result from the mental health/unemployment/lack of medical care access caused by the lockdown measures. Currenly there seems to be zero interest in those deaths, and, on this thread, zero interest in even acknowledging that they are happeing and will ramp up considerably in the future


b) in the absence of the above estimate of lockdown caused deaths, I think it is useful to compare covid deaths to others e.g. currently covid deaths are 37/day- in the UK, deaths from cancer average 450/day


But, if the hospitals are full of Covid patients, they won’t be able to treat the cancer patients. 

Which is a very unpleasant double whammy 

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21 minutes ago, melthebell said:


I do agree that dentists and drs surgeries etc SHOULDNT be stopping people accessing surgeries when they need, they are a close contact job and so should take the risk to stay open and functioning. at the end of the day im working (its in close customer proximity, and also catch the bus to get there which again is in close customer proximity), if i can do it then so can they.


But they are. It's killing people. And for some reason, while the authorites and media are pushing the covid infection rate rises and other terror producing stats, there is very little about the people dying from lack of access to medical care, and very little about how the coming mass unemployment will lead to abject misery, suicides and many thousands of deaths.



2 minutes ago, Pettytom said:

But, if the hospitals are full of Covid patients, they won’t be able to treat the cancer patients. 

Which is a very unpleasant double whammy 

UK hospitals, even at the peak of covid were far from full of patients- yet they were closed to thousands of cancer patients and other sufferers; dental surgeries STILL ARE!


[nurses at the time were so bored they were posting youtube videos of mass dance routines in the empty wards- while cancer patients got no treatment!]

Edited by onewheeldave
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3 minutes ago, onewheeldave said:

That's a good question.


a) the answer can only be meaningful in comparison to an estimate of the deaths likely to result from the mental health/unemployment/lack of medical care access caused by the lockdown measures. Currenly there seems to be zero interest in those deaths, and, on this thread, zero interest in even acknowledging that they are happeing and will ramp up considerably in the future


b) in the absence of the above estimate of lockdown caused deaths, I think it is useful to compare covid deaths to others e.g. currently covid deaths are 37/day- in the UK, deaths from cancer average 450/day


For starters we are about three quarters through the year and there have been over 40k Covid deaths.  





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30 minutes ago, onewheeldave said:

You need to get a grip on reality- stop misrepresenting what people are actually saying.


The majority of those who are anti-lockdown hysteria do not believe there is a global conspiracy to make people lose their jobs, get less medical help, kill people off- they simply know that there is a hysterical over-reaction to a virus which is leading to people losing their jobs, not getting essential medical help and will cause many unecessary deaths.

Any you know this how? You are misrepreseting the majority of people.

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1 minute ago, Arnold_Lane said:

For starters we are about three quarters through the year and there have been over 40k Covid deaths.  





You can go on and on about the covid deaths, in the absence of getting some idea of the deaths that will result from the lockdown hysteria, it's fairly meaningless.


The vast majority of those 40,000 were in the main extremely ill and would likely have died in the very near future anyway.

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4 minutes ago, onewheeldave said:

You can go on and on about the covid deaths, in the absence of getting some idea of the deaths that will result from the lockdown hysteria, it's fairly meaningless.


The vast majority of those 40,000 were in the main extremely ill and would likely have died in the very near future anyway.

Sadly, the same can be said for many cancer patients.


What figures do you have for toothache deaths?

Edited by Arnold_Lane
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2 minutes ago, Litotes said:

Any you know this how? You are misrepreseting the majority of people.

No I'm not. I've spent much of the lockdown actually listening to the views of those who are critical of some aspects of the lockdowns, as well as listening to the views of some who are out and out conspiracy theorists- I can easily distinguish between the 2, and the former group is much larger than the latter. 


Due to the way that many of the lockdown supporters view reality, they tend to both focus only on the extreme conspiracy theorists, and, consistently misrepresent anyone who criticises any aspect of the lockdown as 'conspiracy theorist'; but, the reality is that there are a lot of very sane, grounded people out there, who know that there are big problems with these lockdowns.

2 minutes ago, Arnold_Lane said:

Sadly, the same can be said for many cancer patients.

Not really, many cancers have excellent prognoses if the patient receives treatment.

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3 minutes ago, onewheeldave said:

No I'm not. I've spent much of the lockdown actually listening to the views of those who are critical of some aspects of the lockdowns, as well as listening to the views of some who are out and out conspiracy theorists- I can easily distinguish between the 2, and the former group is much larger than the latter. 


Due to the way that many of the lockdown supporters view reality, they tend to both focus only on the extreme conspiracy theorists, and, consistently misrepresent anyone who criticises any aspect of the lockdown as 'conspiracy theorist'; but, the reality is that there are a lot of very sane, grounded people out there, who know that there are big problems with these lockdowns.

Not really, many cancers have excellent prognoses if the patient receives treatment.

And yet 450 per day still die of cancer according to your figures.  What fraction of those had access to treatment?


Number of people who’ve died of toothache so far this year whilst you are at it.

Edited by Arnold_Lane
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