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Coronavirus - Part Two.

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23 minutes ago, butlers said:

For what it's worth ,I am near a very busy taxi drop off point .

The drivers were noticably wearing masks very early,likely picking up from the overseas students who lead the way.


I get a lot of taxis and have done so throughout covid. Of course many drivers have the same enthusiasm for masking that much of the rest of the public does.


Equally, there are many drivers who are against compulsory masking, consider the lockdown measures to be excessive/counter-productive, are concerned about the erosion of civil liberties etc, etc.


According to said drivers, they've given rides to NHS staff who are against compulsory masks, who are horrified at what they have seen the lockdown do to NHS services, who nevertheless mask up as they will lose their jobs if they don't.


I have no doubt that from this point on, the vast majority of taxi drivers will be masked- just don't go along under the delusion that they agree all with masks- in many cases they mask soley because they will be fined or lose their jobs if they don't.

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3 minutes ago, onewheeldave said:

I don't know- you'd have to ask them. I have asked several about the masks, and they said they didn't want to wear them, and were doing so only because they would get fined or lose their job otherwise.

I am sure many of them are only driving with a licence or insuring their vehicles or properly servicing and maintaining their cabs to avoid getting a fine or lose their job..... doesn't mean they are doing it against their will does it.


Every single person in the working world has to follow rules and regulations set by those who pay their wage. It really isn't a difficult concept.


They are in a public facing role incontact with dozens of different people each and every day.  It is about controlling the spread taking steps to protect themselves and others.


If they object to it so much then they can go and find another job where they work alone and don't have to wear such protection.  

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4 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:



If they object to it so much then they can go and find another job where they work alone and don't have to wear such protection.  

Could we then say the same about you- if you don't like being around people who refuse to wear masks, you could perhaps go and find a country where you'd fit in better- perhaps China would be suitable? :)

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1 hour ago, onewheeldave said:

Could we then say the same about you- if you don't like being around people who refuse to wear masks, you could perhaps go and find a country where you'd fit in better- perhaps China would be suitable? :)

But it is the law to wear a mask in certain situations in the UK.


So, maybe it is a different group who should consider living elsewhere 😇

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Can someone tell tell me the consequences of just letting this virus rip through the population and allowing people take their chances,

All this faffing about the Govt is getting nowhere and destroying th economy and peoples lives.

Is it lockdown  then easing restrictions then lockdown ad nauseum?

Edited by davyboy
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3 hours ago, onewheeldave said:

Could we then say the same about you- if you don't like being around people who refuse to wear masks, you could perhaps go and find a country where you'd fit in better- perhaps China would be suitable? :)

We are obeying the law, wearing masks and fitting in quite nicely without complaint, thank you and so should you.

If you are not happy with that, you are the one who should leave.

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1 minute ago, davyboy said:

Can someone tell tell me the consequences of just letting this virus rip through the population and allowing people take their chances,

All this faffing about the Govt is getting nowhere and destroying th economy and peoples lives

many, many, many people will die or end up seriously disabled, the consequences as workers, consumers and everyone else  either die. fall ill, become unable to work, be unable to get treatment for other conditions because hospitals are full of covid sufferers or simply have to deal with the consequences of this in their loved ones will also destroy the economy. 


At the end of the day, you have to ask yoursef how much do you hate your loved ones


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4 minutes ago, davyboy said:

Can someone tell tell me the consequences of just letting this virus rip through the population and allowing people take their chances,

All this faffing about the Govt is getting nowhere and destroying th economy and peoples lives

The consequence would be death on a massive scale and people dying  away from their loved ones with no proper funerals.

There are about 70,000 families bereaved - try making that suggestion to them.

If you remember, we lost a lot of Doctors, nurses and ancillary hospital staff and don't want a repeat of that.


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33 minutes ago, davyboy said:

Can someone tell tell me the consequences of just letting this virus rip through the population and allowing people take their chances,

All this faffing about the Govt is getting nowhere and destroying th economy and peoples lives

According to the link posted below, covid has killed, in the UK, 0.06% of the population. Conclude from that what you will. 



Current daily death rate in the UK is 34 [for context 450 die of cancer/day in the UK].


As I suspect you are somewhat aware of, the deaths caused by the lockdown, through ruined lives, mass unemployment, suicides and lack of access to medical treatment are going to be considerable but currently there seems to be close to zero interest or acknowledgement of those deaths- I'll leave to you to decide whether you think they could grossly outweigh the damage of the actual virus.

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