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Coronavirus - Part Two.

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Isn't fate cruel?!

A 90 year old lady is the first person in the world to receive the Pfizer jab this morning, other than those who took place in the clinical trials.

This was perhaps her only claim to fame in all those years.

History in the making.

Good luck and good health to her....

Fame? Fortune? Chat show guesting? Her typical Christmas recipes? What's the secret to long life?

You read them all.....


Along comes recipient number 2.

William Shakespeare.

And he's from Warwickshire, to boot....


As I said, fate can be unfair at times!




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On 07/12/2020 at 00:58, catmiss said:

I’m basically selfish so want the vaccine ASAP to protect me and, after 9 months of house arrest, give me the confidence to rejoin society. Vaccination is a matter of personal choice but I would hope enough similarly ‘selfish’ people would want to return to their normality/try and pick up the pieces of their economic demise to make the anti vaccine cohort irrelevant. A poll quoted on Jeremy Vine last week said 5% of over 60s and 30% of under 25s would refuse the vaccine. Unsurprisingly it seems those most at risk will engage with the vaccination programme whilst those at less risk, probably more socially active and capable of asymptotic spreading are less likely to. Thankfully the younger members of my family are pro vaccine otherwise I might have had to revise the will in favour of the cats home

Your not selfish,  you are protecting your self and others around you, I admire your attitude and wish and hope a hell of a lot more people think on the same lines as you.  :thumbsup:

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8 minutes ago, melthebell said:

This meme sums the anti vaccine thing up to a tee, yes there's inherent danger's, that's medicine for you


Online people are on one side or the other. Around 60 years the drug thalidomide caused birth defects in thousands of children in the UK. There was a massive cover-up.

The younger generation might no be aware of what drugs can do. They can save your life, but they can also do harm.

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2 minutes ago, El Cid said:

Online people are on one side or the other. Around 60 years the drug thalidomide caused birth defects in thousands of children in the UK. There was a massive cover-up.

The younger generation might no be aware of what drugs can do. They can save your life, but they can also do harm.

As i said, theres inherent dangers, comes with the territory, with medicine you are going against nature, in most cases they are for the benefit of mankind, and for the good. sadly they do have a negative effect on a small amounts of people, thats the same with everything, people are allergic to peanuts etc...im not, should we ban peanuts? stop me eating them because some people can die from them? thats what the meme is about.

What ive seen online, anti vaxxers take small things they think, or see about it and magnify it to create a massive problem so they have a weapon to beat it with. from the ridiculous "Bill gates wants to impregnate us with microchips" to the very simple, the latest seems to be about pregnant women should not take it. (if you read the instructions on most if not ALL medicines it also says that, they say please consult your dr before taking if you are pregnant)

They take very small, simple problems to suit their mindset on the issue

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1 minute ago, melthebell said:

As i said, theres inherent dangers, comes with the territory, with medicine you are going against nature, in most cases they are for the benefit of mankind, and for the good. sadly they do have a negative effect on a small amounts of people, thats the same with everything, people are allergic to peanuts etc...im not, should we ban peanuts? stop me eating them because some people can die from them? thats what the meme is about.

What ive seen online, anti vaxxers take small things they think, or see about it and magnify it to create a massive problem so they have a weapon to beat it with. from the ridiculous "Bill gates wants to impregnate us with microchips" to the very simple, the latest seems to be about pregnant women should not take it. (if you read the instructions on most if not ALL medicines it also says that, they say please consult your dr before taking if you are pregnant)

They take very small, simple problems to suit their mindset on the issue

Good point, mel.👍

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14 hours ago, onewheeldave said:

An interesting interview with Neil Oliver on TalkRadio which addresses some issues I'd not thought about i.e. now it has been established that governments can lock down the economy and travel to the extent that it has over covid,


Except that's not quite correct, the lockdown only worked because people decided it was a good thing and in general better than the alternative. While it's possible for the government to enforce it's will, the reality is that they can only do it if a relatively small number disobey.

14 hours ago, onewheeldave said:


How is this going to affect the willingness of people to consider, for example, setting up a business. Having seen so many businesses destroyed by the lockdown, what is, even in normal times, a huge risk, is made much worse by the fact that now, in addition to all the standard concerns, we have the possibility of future lockdowns [mainly discussed in the second 1/2 of the video]



People will always start businesses even, especially, in recessions. Some will thrive, some wont thats the way of things. 

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52 minutes ago, andyofborg said:

Except that's not quite correct, the lockdown only worked because people decided it was a good thing and in general better than the alternative. While it's possible for the government to enforce it's will, the reality is that they can only do it if a relatively small number disobey.

People will always start businesses even, especially, in recessions. Some will thrive, some wont thats the way of things. 

Its amazing the businesses that are doing well. Amazon you expect but Games Workshop??? Some businesses can pivot, most cant. It's hard, but as you point out, not impossible for start ups and established businesses to thrive.

2 hours ago, melthebell said:

This meme sums the anti vaccine thing up to a tee, yes there's inherent danger's, that's medicine for you



Saw the same one but with hypothermia.

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15 hours ago, onewheeldave said:

now it has been established that governments can lock down the economy and travel to the extent that it has over covid, and the infrastructure and industry that has arisen to enforce that level of lockdown, at any point in the future, it could do the exact same thing, either in response to a further virus, or now, pretty much anything that it declares to be a national emergency.

Such as?

Edited by Arnold_Lane
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a link to a tweeted video of the latest with Ylenia Angeli, who was in the news recently for trying to take her own mother out of a care home, and was arrested in the process. 


The video is disturbing and shows the typical bureaucratic response from such organisations these days,  to some genuine concerns about the Mother's health.


Here is a partial transcript of what is said in the video, in case, as I suspect may happen, the care home manage to get Twitter to censor it.


the carer told Ylenia 'She's smiling', after expressing her worry about her mothers pale and sunken appearance. 


'Can I tell you for the record', said Ylenia, 'Her colour is very poor, she's quite blue around the lips and her breathing is quite fast and to me that is a cause for concern.' 


'Like I say we've not had any concerns', replied the carer. 


'I know but you never do have concerns for her', Ylenia argued back, 'With respect you don't, I understand you're doing your best, but I can see my mother is not well just by looking at her through the window.' 


'All I can suggest is you ring up on Monday morning', the carer replied to which a desperate Ylenia said: 'That's two whole days away!'


'Like I say i'm not the manager', the carer responded. 


Ylenia tried to reply, but the carer spoke over her as she continued to give her concerns, before promptly wheeling her mother away and shutting the blinds in her face as he begs: 'Hang on a minute don't take her away, don't take her away, don't take her away you b*****'. 


at the end she seems to be requesting that they get a doctor to check her mother, at which point the staff persist in talking over the top of her and then start taking the mother away.


Ylenia had been told she couldn't visit in person as they 'had no tests', so she paid privately to have a test which came back negative, at which the care home said they were now 'waiting for the vaccine'.



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