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Coronavirus - Part Two.

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Just had my Oxford Covid jab down at Sheffield Arena.


Amazing organisation. VERY impressed by how efficient and smoothly it went. In and out in minutes. Marshals everywhere telling you where to go right from the car park onwards so easy to navigate. Everyone very pleasant, helpful and upbeat.

I didn't have to wait the 15 minutes afterwards because I wasn't driving . 


Just have to wait now for the second jab in May. Thankyou to all the many people involved, you were great!

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3 hours ago, Anna B said:

Just had my Oxford Covid jab down at Sheffield Arena.


Amazing organisation. VERY impressed by how efficient and smoothly it went. In and out in minutes. Marshals everywhere telling you where to go right from the car park onwards so easy to navigate. Everyone very pleasant, helpful and upbeat.

I didn't have to wait the 15 minutes afterwards because I wasn't driving . 


Just have to wait now for the second jab in May. Thankyou to all the many people involved, you were great!

My bold.


Interesting.  That's not what I thought the 15 minute wait was for - I understood it was to monitor for any adverse reaction, because it's a new vaccine.

Everyone had to wait the 15 minutes at the hub I attended, and I would say most of them weren't driving immediately afterwards...

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19 minutes ago, Becky B said:

My bold.


Interesting.  That's not what I thought the 15 minute wait was for - I understood it was to monitor for any adverse reaction, because it's a new vaccine.

Everyone had to wait the 15 minutes at the hub I attended, and I would say most of them weren't driving immediately afterwards...

Exactly as I understood it too - and AFAIK the reason given officially, although I'm not aware of a mass adverse reaction being reported. I had to wait the 15 minutes after mine at Jordanthorpe, which was good, as I'd just missed a bus and had 20 minutes to wait for the next. 🙂

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1 hour ago, lindylou53 said:

I think the 15mins wait is only after Pfizer vaccine as it's a new type of vaccine. I had Oxford jab  and no wait.

I thought everyone had to wait for 15 minutes, and there were chairs laid out, some of which had people sitting on them, after their injection, so some are required to wait after Oxford jab. As I was asked if I was driving home I assumed that was the criteria they were using. I know when my Dad had his, everyone had to wait and it caused a terrific log jam. His injection procedure took well over an hour because of this. I assume they've reconsidered and found a way to speed it up.  

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Thirsty Relic,

Spot on in your observations. I shall be following in your footsteps.

As you say,


"All "passports", "certificates", "apps"etc will do is fuel the criminal element as fakes are already available for the certificates that are used abroad, as well documented in the press. ".


The Gov,Commercial interests ,Spivs and Crooks will all join hands

and lead the merry enterprise of  Cov-19 vaccination passports-and we will be expected to grin and bear it.

Edited by petemcewan
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Don't even think of becoming a Plumber without your vaccination certificate.

Pimlico Plumbers (South London firm ) intends to insist 

that its employees are vaccinated before they are sent out on a job.Presumably the client will be able to insist on seeing the certificate before letting them in.

And on we go into ,"No vaccination. No job".

Note: I'm not an anti-vaxer. But I'm anti compulsory


And where am I coming from on this issue ?

The answer is the following. I object to people being subjected to medical procedures without first having them consent. And if they don't consent ,subjecting them to discrimination.

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12 minutes ago, petemcewan said:


Don't even think of becoming a Plumber without your vaccination certificate.

Pimlico Plumbers (South London firm ) intends to insist 

that its employees are vaccinated before they are sent out on a job.Presumably the client will be able to insist on seeing the certificate before letting them in.

And on we go into ,"No vaccination. No job".

Note: I'm not an anti-vaxer. But I'm anti compulsory


Nearly correct ... PP plan for all new contracts/employment to require vaccination.

Existing employees will be encouraged but not obligated to get jabbed.

I think that I read somewhere that he doesn't have any refusers in his current team.

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