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Coronavirus - Part Two.

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1 hour ago, tinfoilhat said:

Bodies piled up isn't an aim it's a byproduct. If you don't want to lockdown and you'd rather have areana concerts, unfettered flights from across the globe, Cheltenham festival etc etc then the result is many more deaths. That was pretty much confirmed in March 2020. Hes kinda proved it since then, giving flights from india a good week longer than he should have done, letting indians go who knows where, carrying god knows what.


He won't do another lockdown - Too many of the lunatic fringe won't let him anyway.  

Presumably that "lunatic fringe" you describe includes many of the people on the opposition bench, who let's not forget, we're  screaming about the lockdown damage to those alone, vulnerable and lonely, the untold damage  to our school children missing their education, the vast amount of jobs at risk by keeping businesses closed, the catastrophic impact on the economy, the irrecoverable damage to those poor downtrodden salt of the earth workers in the travel and hospitality industries...... on and on and on it went.  


Does that "lunatic fringe" you describe include all the warring factions of scientists, doctors and academics all throwing out their polarised opinions ranging from complete isolated lockdown for all forever to some declaring all these draconian restrictions have done more harm than good and should be repealed immediately.


That's before we even get onto the pressures of continually shifting public opinion which again is completely polarised with absolutely no sense of common goal or neutral ground.  Huge swathes of the population nailing their colours to the mask with a unmovable position that they are right and everyone else is wrong.  


Quite frankly whether he said the statement or not is completely irrelevant.   Everyone has clearly made up their own judgement ( or more likely whatever their preferred choice of newspaper tells them to think) and that's it. Whatever truth actually would come out will be pointless because no one will ever move  from their opinion now regardless of any facts.  


Even if he did say it, without any clear context as to why and in absence of the specific circumstances, it is meaningless. All the time the mudslinging continues it is just another petty distraction from the real issues going on.


Personally, my suspicion is that this is manufactured outrage. Something he said taken out of context, distorted by chinese whispers, blown out of all proportion to get it in the papers and mangled even further by dubious newspaper editors to find the attention-grabbing advertising selling headline.  All very conveniently timed to persuade opinion ready for local elections


If these cowardly "sources" are telling the truth why the hell didn't they put their neck on the line and say something at the time not weeks, months or years later.


Edited by ECCOnoob
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33 minutes ago, tinfoilhat said:

If the vaccination programme has failed, that will be it his door. Him and Patel are all over a few people floating across on dinghies but far more cavalier when it comes to thousands arriving by plane. If we need to go into lockdown again - and god forbid we don't- our European partners won't be keen on letting us in.


Don't get me wrong, I'm keenly aware how lockdowns damage the economy, but if we rush opening up (which I don't think we are - yet) and are slap dash with who we let in, that June date of opening up will creep further away.



We may still meet the June figure you mention, but watch out for the strings attached. 


They have been having trails of vaccine certificates for months, encouraged by firms rushing to get contracts to profit from supplying them (and gathering our personal information to sell-on of course) and we can expect to have to produce evidence of vaccination status/negative Covid tests wherever we go for years as a result.


Of course, no Covid ID card, no entry to places you want to go, so more pressure to get vaccinate and registered by whoever gets Government contracts to do this.


So what happens to those who refuse to play ball?    They go underground, like they did in prohibition America. 


As we've been vaccinated, let's slowly open up businesses and get on with life without restrictions.  If I've got to show evidence of testing and Covid ID to go out, that's not life, so I'll stay in and fester like I've been doing for the last year. 


We've all lost a year of "normal" life - let's slowly try and get back to normal!


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55 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

Presumably that "lunatic fringe" you describe includes many of the people on the opposition bench, who let's not forget, we're  screaming about the lockdown damage to those alone, vulnerable and lonely, the untold damage  to our school children missing their education, the vast amount of jobs at risk by keeping businesses closed, the catastrophic impact on the economy, the irrecoverable damage to those poor downtrodden salt of the earth workers in the travel and hospitality industries...... on and on and on it went.  


Does that "lunatic fringe" you describe include all the warring factions of scientists, doctors and academics all throwing out their polarised opinions ranging from complete isolated lockdown for all forever to some declaring all these draconian restrictions have done more harm than good and should be repealed immediately.


That's before we even get onto the pressures of continually shifting public opinion which again is completely polarised with absolutely no sense of common goal or neutral ground.  Huge swathes of the population nailing their colours to the mask with a unmovable position that they are right and everyone else is wrong.  


Quite frankly whether he said the statement or not is completely irrelevant.   Everyone has clearly made up their own judgement ( or more likely whatever their preferred choice of newspaper tells them to think) and that's it. Whatever truth actually would come out will be pointless because no one will ever move  from their opinion now regardless of any facts.  


Even if he did say it, without any clear context as to why and in absence of the specific circumstances, it is meaningless. All the time the mudslinging continues it is just another petty distraction from the real issues going on.


Personally, my suspicion is that this is manufactured outrage. Something he said taken out of context, distorted by chinese whispers, blown out of all proportion to get it in the papers and mangled even further by dubious newspaper editors to find the attention-grabbing advertising selling headline.  All very conveniently timed to persuade opinion ready for local elections


If these cowardly "sources" are telling the truth why the hell didn't they put their neck on the line and say something at the time not weeks, months or years later.


I was thinking the CRG. But do tell me they aren't chock full of nut jobs. Youll be telling me next that lot wearing yellow stars round London have a point next. 


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9 hours ago, ECCOnoob said:

Presumably that "lunatic fringe" you describe includes many of the people on the opposition bench, who let's not forget, we're  screaming about the lockdown damage to those alone, vulnerable and lonely, the untold damage  to our school children missing their education, the vast amount of jobs at risk by keeping businesses closed, the catastrophic impact on the economy, the irrecoverable damage to those poor downtrodden salt of the earth workers in the travel and hospitality industries...... on and on and on it went.  


Does that "lunatic fringe" you describe include all the warring factions of scientists, doctors and academics all throwing out their polarised opinions ranging from complete isolated lockdown for all forever to some declaring all these draconian restrictions have done more harm than good and should be repealed immediately.


That's before we even get onto the pressures of continually shifting public opinion which again is completely polarised with absolutely no sense of common goal or neutral ground.  Huge swathes of the population nailing their colours to the mask with a unmovable position that they are right and everyone else is wrong.  


Quite frankly whether he said the statement or not is completely irrelevant.   Everyone has clearly made up their own judgement ( or more likely whatever their preferred choice of newspaper tells them to think) and that's it. Whatever truth actually would come out will be pointless because no one will ever move  from their opinion now regardless of any facts.  


Even if he did say it, without any clear context as to why and in absence of the specific circumstances, it is meaningless. All the time the mudslinging continues it is just another petty distraction from the real issues going on.


Personally, my suspicion is that this is manufactured outrage. Something he said taken out of context, distorted by chinese whispers, blown out of all proportion to get it in the papers and mangled even further by dubious newspaper editors to find the attention-grabbing advertising selling headline.  All very conveniently timed to persuade opinion ready for local elections


If these cowardly "sources" are telling the truth why the hell didn't they put their neck on the line and say something at the time not weeks, months or years later.


I'm shocked that you've leapt to his defence. Shocked, I say!

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Guest makapaka
11 hours ago, ECCOnoob said:

Presumably that "lunatic fringe" you describe includes many of the people on the opposition bench, who let's not forget, we're  screaming about the lockdown damage to those alone, vulnerable and lonely, the untold damage  to our school children missing their education, the vast amount of jobs at risk by keeping businesses closed, the catastrophic impact on the economy, the irrecoverable damage to those poor downtrodden salt of the earth workers in the travel and hospitality industries...... on and on and on it went.  


Does that "lunatic fringe" you describe include all the warring factions of scientists, doctors and academics all throwing out their polarised opinions ranging from complete isolated lockdown for all forever to some declaring all these draconian restrictions have done more harm than good and should be repealed immediately.


That's before we even get onto the pressures of continually shifting public opinion which again is completely polarised with absolutely no sense of common goal or neutral ground.  Huge swathes of the population nailing their colours to the mask with a unmovable position that they are right and everyone else is wrong.  


Quite frankly whether he said the statement or not is completely irrelevant.   Everyone has clearly made up their own judgement ( or more likely whatever their preferred choice of newspaper tells them to think) and that's it. Whatever truth actually would come out will be pointless because no one will ever move  from their opinion now regardless of any facts.  


Even if he did say it, without any clear context as to why and in absence of the specific circumstances, it is meaningless. All the time the mudslinging continues it is just another petty distraction from the real issues going on.


Personally, my suspicion is that this is manufactured outrage. Something he said taken out of context, distorted by chinese whispers, blown out of all proportion to get it in the papers and mangled even further by dubious newspaper editors to find the attention-grabbing advertising selling headline.  All very conveniently timed to persuade opinion ready for local elections


If these cowardly "sources" are telling the truth why the hell didn't they put their neck on the line and say something at the time not weeks, months or years later.


Great post.

12 hours ago, tinfoilhat said:

Bodies piled up isn't an aim it's a byproduct. If you don't want to lockdown and you'd rather have areana concerts, unfettered flights from across the globe, Cheltenham festival etc etc then the result is many more deaths. That was pretty much confirmed in March 2020. Hes kinda proved it since then, giving flights from india a good week longer than he should have done, letting indians go who knows where, carrying god knows what.


He won't do another lockdown - Too many of the lunatic fringe won't let him anyway.  

I was talking about his  supposed quote.

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35 minutes ago, tinfoilhat said:

He could say it live on This Morning and I don't think most of his voters would give a ****.

There's rather more 'detail' on this slowly unravelling 'revelation' in the  'Conservative Party' topic - if you care to pruse it.

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12 minutes ago, RollingJ said:

There's rather more 'detail' on this slowly unravelling 'revelation' in the  'Conservative Party' topic - if you care to pruse it.

Thank you, I shall.


In other news I've just booked my second jab (It's a couple of weeks earlier than I thought it would be).

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Did another lateral flow test this morning at home. Still negative :)


I know they are not 100% accurate and if I did ever get a positive one or show symptoms, I would immediately arrange for a PCR test to confirm. However, I guess the point of them is to try and catch asymptomatic people who would otherwise be spreading the illness without knowing.


Whilst not perfect, they take 5 minutes to do, are free and help combat the spread of the virus. As Tesco would say, every little helps.

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