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Coronavirus - Part Two.

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1 minute ago, ECCOnoob said:

To replace them with who exactly???     That is one of the biggest problems.

It's a question that is quote off thread and well capable of a thread on its own.  For what it's worth, I can't see any national political party at the moment that is worthy of voting for. 

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6 hours ago, andyofborg said:

I'm not entirely sure it matters whether they do or not.  All he's done is confirmed what many people suspected. Once the initial excitement of the vaccine and ability to lick strangers again has worn off, people will start to think a little more about the overall government performance. 


If there are a few more mishaps then that will start to undermine whats left of the government's reputation.  There is also the downside to having a large majority and this is with a large pool of possible candidates there will be those who think they deserve promotion but dont get it and they will eventually start to agitate for a change at the top. Couple that with those who weren't particularly loyal to begin with, those who think they should be at the top and those angry over being demoted then you end up with the sort of internal party civil war which seems to come at the end  of every administration. 


All it needs then is an opposition party which looks like it can form a government and that's it at the next election. 


And that is your BIG problem.

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Johnson and Hancock need to be grilled or better still taken to court people have the right to know the truth too many have died or is that OK just sweep it under the carpet and move on nothing to see mentality going to prevail? Has for not knowing who to vote for well theirs quite a few parties to vote for not just one. 

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9 hours ago, Thirsty Relic said:

It's a question that is quote off thread and well capable of a thread on its own.  For what it's worth, I can't see any national political party at the moment that is worthy of voting for. 

I would agree with that in part.


What we have ain't perfect but neither are the alternatives.   There is certainly no proof that said alternatives would perform any better or even differently in the same circumstances.


That is why I get frustrated when some posters make these ridiculous generic statements such as "vote them all out" or let's "get rid of this Tory scum" as if its going to magically change the situation or as if there is some wonderful much superior alternative just waiting to take control.

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5 minutes ago, West 77 said:

You're dead right about Cummings.  He's just playing some kind of game.  Normal real men don't behave like he is doing. 



They are having an inquiry next year.  The biggest mistake Boris has made was giving the loser Cummings the benefit of the doubt over the Barnard Castle trip.  Boris is guilty of being too loyal to someone who helped the country leave the EU and helped the Tory party win an eighty seat majority in the 2019 General Election.

Yes let's have an inquiry now not next year that will be an whitewash to get the people in power off the hook. 130,000 have died that's someone's dad,mother, grandfather,grandmother and children yes let's have that inquiry so we can get too the bottom of this.

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Guest makapaka
9 minutes ago, GabrielC said:

Yes let's have an inquiry now not next year that will be an whitewash to get the people in power off the hook. 130,000 have died that's someone's dad,mother, grandfather,grandmother and children yes let's have that inquiry so we can get too the bottom of this.

Inquiry will be a complete waste of time and money. We already know what happened.

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27 minutes ago, West 77 said:

You're dead right about Cummings.  He's just playing some kind of game.  Normal real men don't behave like he is doing. 



They are having an inquiry next year.  The biggest mistake Boris has made was giving the loser Cummings the benefit of the doubt over the Barnard Castle trip.  Boris is guilty of being too loyal to someone who helped the country leave the EU and helped the Tory party win an eighty seat majority in the 2019 General Election.

Exactly Boris supported him when he needed it most and this is how he repays him.Regardless of anything else I would be  livid with him if I were Boris.


Says more about Cummings character than anything.

Edited by Fudbeer
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15 minutes ago, GabrielC said:

Johnson and Hancock need to be grilled or better still taken to court people have the right to know the truth too many have died or is that OK just sweep it under the carpet and move on nothing to see mentality going to prevail? Has for not knowing who to vote for well theirs quite a few parties to vote for not just one. 

Taken to court for what exactly?


Have you even got an inkling of what we are dealing with here. It is a global pandemic. It is completely under the control of an institutionalised national and even international systems.  Decision making and policies involving thousands and thousands of people enacted by thousands and thousands more people.  


We are talking about an outbreak which is constantly changing. We are talking about trying to control members of the lay public some of whom willingly follow rules to the latter and others exhausting vast amounts of effort to rebel against them. We are talking about vast amounts of conflicting information from different research, academic, theoretical and corporate authorities all battling to achieve supremacy that their are actions are the best. We are talking about vast amounts of media manipulation, biases, polarised opinions and conflicting publications.


Of course with hindsight mistakes will have been made. But they will be made by every other government in the world and by every other institution involved in this crisis.


Jesus Christ, if we take a good long hard look at ourselves as lay members of the public, with the benefit of hindsight, many of us will concede that our chosen actions may not have been the right ones.


This short of childish simplistic finger pointing of a single selected boogeyman completely detracts from the realities of the situation. Sometimes, the grown-ups need to realise that there is not always a single point of blame and often no blame at all. It's less about about finger pointing about who did what when and more about learning the lessons to stop it happening in the future.

8 minutes ago, West 77 said:

We are still in the pandemic and the elected Government are still managing the crisis. It makes no sense to have an inquiry until the pandemic is under full control.  Lessons are being learned everyday thanks to real experts and not social media users who have an agenda against the current elected Government and Prime Minister.  Personally, I think the United Nations should hold an inquiry and put China in the dock.  An inquiry by the United Nations where each honest country can reveal the lessons they have learned and mistakes they have made is the sensible way to go about things  in order to share knowledge rather than to hold a UK inquiry where whatever the outcome will be discredited by those solely wanting to engage in a witch hunt.


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We all knew, even the Refusniks on here, that the government didn't heed the medical advice early last March and again in September, causing many unnecessary deaths. It's just a pity that the despicable nature of the messenger, in this case, gives this incompetent administration the ideal excuse to squirm away from all responsibility. A public enquiry will, as usual, whitewash over the actual shortcomings so will be a complete waste of time and money. I, fortunately, did not lose loved ones to the  disease but any justice for the ones who did will not come any time soon. History shows when a country is 'led' by someone who is mentally unstable. surrounded by sycophants, the outcome is rarely good.

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57 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

Taken to court for what exactly?


Have you even got an inkling of what we are dealing with here. It is a global pandemic. It is completely under the control of an institutionalised national and even international systems.  Decision making and policies involving thousands and thousands of people enacted by thousands and thousands more people.  


We are talking about an outbreak which is constantly changing. We are talking about trying to control members of the lay public some of whom willingly follow rules to the latter and others exhausting vast amounts of effort to rebel against them. We are talking about vast amounts of conflicting information from different research, academic, theoretical and corporate authorities all battling to achieve supremacy that their are actions are the best. We are talking about vast amounts of media manipulation, biases, polarised opinions and conflicting publications.


Of course with hindsight mistakes will have been made. But they will be made by every other government in the world and by every other institution involved in this crisis.


Jesus Christ, if we take a good long hard look at ourselves as lay members of the public, with the benefit of hindsight, many of us will concede that our chosen actions may not have been the right ones.


This short of childish simplistic finger pointing of a single selected boogeyman completely detracts from the realities of the situation. Sometimes, the grown-ups need to realise that there is not always a single point of blame and often no blame at all. It's less about about finger pointing about who did what when and more about learning the lessons to stop it happening in the future.


Yeah, have you seen the hard hitting questions Hancock is getting today?


"I'd like to thank the health Secretary for visiting my constituency last week. He's doing a great job".


They aren't learning anything. We let the Indian variant in when it was completely in our power to keep it out. If you choose to ignore cummings - and why not - and still think there isn't blame to go around, have another think.

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