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Coronavirus - Part Two.

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6 minutes ago, Annie Bynnol said:

At what point does in a pandemic does a Conspiracy Theorist accept that it is so deadly that they change their minds?

Is it how many deaths of gainfully employed people per second, or some other arbitrary measure defined by Conspiracy Theorists?

At what point do Conspiracy Theorists recognise that their actions are harmful?

We already have  Conspiracy Theorists nationally, and Daddy on here, wandering corridors and wards of a hospital searching for 'nothing' to support their Conspiracy Theory


FYI. Ebola was not introduced into the thread by me and I was commenting on what you wrote:"If for example, there was a re-occurance of spanish flu [or, indeed, widespread ebola]."

My bold. 

And what I saw lines up with my views and not the mainstream narative. 

I realise you might not like this fact but it is what it is. 


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2 hours ago, onewheeldave said:

No personal opinion on that one, having not looked into it. But again, I can see why some would be concerned, given that at the start of the 'pandemic' elderly were 'bumped off' by official government policy that led to many elderly with the infection being discharged from hospitals back to care homes housing highly vulnerable elderly people, thus guaranteeing many, many deaths [along with the various other scandals concerning care homes and other institutions housing the most vulnerable in society- the track record is far from good]


So care homes that exposed the government policy  regarding discharges are going to turn round and bump off the elderly on the behest of HMG for "reasons"?


Or perhaps Conspiracy Theorists have never heard of palliative care and find the use of morphine sinister.



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35 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

My bold. 

And what I saw lines up with my views and not the mainstream narative. 

I realise you might not like this fact but it is what it is. 


I declined your you invitation in post#7833 on July 30th  to "Go for a trip to Rotherham General and see for yourself. "

I did not think that it was a good idea because:

There are sick and frightened people there.

There are busy people there.

There are transmissible  diseases there. I might have a transmissible disease.

I would not know where or what to look for when I am trying to find nothing.


However having appointments(3) at the NGH renal and nephrology and MSK at the RHH, I had an opportunity to take note of the normal written instructions and the Covid specific instructions on signage and written instructions.


Like you I found no Covid patients dead or alive. It is not advertised-how strange.

Neither could I find Boots the Chemist at the RHH or the kidney place at NGH and they were hiding them in plain sight.


They were also very insistent that we took necessary steps to prevent transmission of infectious diseases as well as restrictions on movement due to Covid.

I decided it would be the responsible thing to do to follow these instructions






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1 hour ago, Annie Bynnol said:

At what point does in a pandemic does a Conspiracy Theorist accept that it is so deadly that they change their minds?

Is it how many deaths of gainfully employed people per second, or some other arbitrary measure defined by Conspiracy Theorists?

At what point do Conspiracy Theorists recognise that their actions are harmful?

We already have  Conspiracy Theorists nationally, and Daddy on here, wandering corridors and wards of a hospital searching for 'nothing' to support their Conspiracy Theory. 


FYI. Ebola was not introduced into the thread by me and I was commenting on what you wrote:"If for example, there was a re-occurance of spanish flu [or, indeed, widespread ebola]."

There are people have negative effects from the vaccine, how would you feel if a relative of yours was made seriously ill or died from the vaccine then found that the negative effects from it had been largely kept under wraps, access to both sides of the story should be made available so people can then make their owns minds up, that's how democracy works, the current situation is dogmatism.

5 hours ago, onewheeldave said:

Given that you consider Top to be a conspiracy theorist, and, if you actually listened to one of his key points, that he, and the circles he moves in, have had very little experience of any negatives from covid themselves, and, thus very much doubt the offical narrative that we are in a serious pandemic; then it is questionable whether there would be any such, as you put it, 'conspiracy theorists', as, due to the large numbers of very obvious painful deaths from ebola happening all around them, they would come to a very different conclusion about the severity of the ebola pandemic, than they are doing about the covid 'pandemic'.

Good post OWD, this has been exactly my point, I meet loads of people from different backgrounds and employment every week and in 18 months I've yet to meet one that's got a really bad experience of covid, it just doesn't add up, yet according to some I've made all this up and the easily manipulated statistics are a truer pointer, I don't know whether to laugh or cry sometimes.

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9 minutes ago, top4718 said:

There are people have negative effects from the vaccine, how would you feel if a relative of yours was made seriously ill or died from the vaccine then found that the negative effects from it had been largely kept under wraps, access to both sides of the story should be made available so people can then make their owns minds up, that's how democracy works, the current situation is dogmatism.


I am not the one putting lives at risk by promoting fear of vaccination.

I am not the one putting lives at risk by pedalling  misinformation, disinformation and lies about Covid.

I am not the one putting lives at risk by undermining the work of our hospitals. 

I am not the one putting lives at risk by lengthening the pandemic.


There are lots of things that  Conspiracy Theorists say which are 'odd'. 

To claim that everybody on the planet except the Conspiracy Theorists are involved in "...dogmatism." and therefore have 

the tendency to lay down principles as undeniably true, without consideration of evidence or the opinions of others. Google Dictionary

is the most bizarre.



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5 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

Terrible innit, making plans to save peoples lives................................................


Shame they didn't do it in Feb / March 2020.

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1 minute ago, Annie Bynnol said:

I am not the one putting lives at risk by promoting fear of vaccination.

I am not the one putting lives at risk by pedalling  misinformation, disinformation and lies about Covid.

I am not the one putting lives at risk by undermining the work of our hospitals. 

I am not the one putting lives at risk by lengthening the pandemic.


There are lots of things that  Conspiracy Theorists say which are 'odd'. 

To claim that everybody on the planet except the Conspiracy Theorists are involved in "...dogmatism." and therefore have 

the tendency to lay down principles as undeniably true, without consideration of evidence or the opinions of others. Google Dictionary

is the most bizarre.



The first four points you make are all essentially what the Government and the MSM want you to believe, two of the most distrusted entities ever, politicians want money, power and fame, they don't give a **** about your health.

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5 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

Agreed, the Government planning ahead was not a strong point of the reaction to the outbreak of Covid and to see a range of responses being planned is very welcome.

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1 minute ago, Longcol said:

Terrible innit, making plans to save peoples lives................................................


Shame they didn't do it in Feb / March 2020.

Sweden had no lockdowns and currently have no covid deaths, lockdowns certainly do not save lives.


I hope you come across a late stage cancer sufferer who may have have had their lives saved without lockdown and people with mental health issues who's cognitive therapy requires social interaction, for people who claim to be morally superior the covid cult and incredibly selfish.

1 minute ago, Annie Bynnol said:

Agreed, the Government planning ahead was not a strong point of the reaction to the outbreak of Covid and to see a range of responses being planned is very welcome.

Absolute nonsense, another selfish individual.

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