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Coronavirus - Part Two.

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3 minutes ago, sibon said:



I do see a move towards freeing up those who are socially responsible. There is nothing new in that. If you do stuff that helps society, then you get on. Seems simple enough.

Nothing new in that- if you live in China, that is. For those of us who live in the UK, it is actually pretty new.

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9 minutes ago, onewheeldave said:

And looks like the doors are being opened to the possibility of lockdowns for flu.


'While No10 is confident that the vaccine rollout will prevent Covid hospitalisations rising to the levels that led to previous lockdowns, there remains concern that the NHS could be put under intense pressure from issues such as a large resurgence in patients suffering serious flu symptoms. '

I think this is just  to start people worrying about the flu.  Don't forget that they have for years being pressing the elderly (and anyone else who they could convince) to have annual flu jabs.  They also do not like the fact that, outside the elderly, there has been little take-up.  I've refused on a number of occasions, as I've seen the effects on those who have had it.  You are in effect injected with the flu virus, and suffer for a fortnight or so with flu symptoms.  At least, my mates (aged around 35 at the time) suffered like that.


Anyway, Hancock said months ago that the "booster" jabs would probably be a combination of Covid jabs and flu vaccine.  I've got the link somewhere if people are interested.  Just think, if people are worried about the flu, perhaps they'll have the combined Covid/flu jab.... this year... then next....


What about people who want one of the jabs but not the other one (or can't have one of them for medical reasons)?  Perhaps they've not thought of that one!



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Just now, Annie Bynnol said:

Looks as if the Conspiracy Theorists Therapy Group is in session.

Must make them very happy congratulating each other on the successful conversion of so many people.

Unfortunately the government and MSM have more resources, you only have to read the comments on here to see project fear has worked.


I've asked numerous people on here what their direct experiences of serious illness and death with covid and not one has answered, their whole ideology is based on what they are being told, that in itself is truly frightening.

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4 minutes ago, top4718 said:

They haven't destroyed their economy, their children's education, businesses, hospitality etc etc etc. 


You really need to get off this one track thinking that covid is the be all and end all od illnesses, aren't there something like 12m patients in this country that have missed procedures due to your beloved lockdowns, the fall out from this will be far worse than covid.

Well, according to the Swedish government;




"the Swedish economy is expected to be in deep recession in both 2020 and 2021."


Were have I said I love lockdowns? 


12 million patients have missed procedures - and I hope that the NHS can do as much as it can for them - so lets keep covid to a minimum so the hospitals don't have to cope with additional unneccesary patients. Whether the fall out will be "far worse" we don't know - but the NHS has to react to immediate need given the limited resources at its disposal. Whether or not we like it, health care is rationed.


Have a read about "clinical priority" - published well before anyone had heard of covid.



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As to Sweden  both the King ,the PM and the chief medical officer have all said they should have had tighter regulation.

They ended up with near 10 fold the deaths of Nordic neighbours but only saving a couple of percent gdp

Edited by butlers
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1 minute ago, Longcol said:

Well, according to the Swedish government;




"the Swedish economy is expected to be in deep recession in both 2020 and 2021."


Were have I said I love lockdowns? 


12 million patients have missed procedures - and I hope that the NHS can do as much as it can for them - so lets keep covid to a minimum so the hospitals don't have to cope with additional unneccesary patients. Whether the fall out will be "far worse" we don't know - but the NHS has to react to immediate need given the limited resources at its disposal. Whether or not we like it, health care is rationed.


Have a read about "clinical priority" - published well before anyone had heard of covid.



That article is from 9 months ago when things were very uncertain.


Do you really think that an NHS that can't cope with normal winter illnesses can cope with 12m extra patients, your having a laugh mate.

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Guest sibon
4 minutes ago, top4718 said:

When did the vax become a legal requirement?

Do you get a 10k fine for not getting vaxxed?


Give us a source for this wild claim.

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Just now, butlers said:

As to Sweden the King ,the PM and the chief medical officer have all said they should have had tighter regulation.

They ended up with near 10 fold the deaths of Nordic neighbours but only saving a couple of percent gdp

No what they did is protect the vulnerable, let the young build up immunity and keep their country open for business, the perfect way to handle the situation.


You make up quotes to suit your narrative so can't be trusted.

1 minute ago, sibon said:

Do you get a 10k fine for not getting vaxxed?


Give us a source for this wild claim.

I didn't say that at all but your probably a legal expert as well Walter so I'd better watch what I say.

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