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Coronavirus - Part Two.

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On 10/11/2021 at 12:50, Carbuncle said:



Surely some mistake, a link has crept into your post. I thought after the dog-coyote fiasco you had made a conscious choice to avoid posting links.

Thought you wouldn't very selective memory.


Most conspiracy theorists alleged the following - the virus/project fear was a lead in to an enforced vaccine, the vaccine would then lead to a digital ID, the digital ID would lead to a social credit system and digital currency, for lunatics they're not doing too badly. 🤣

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15 minutes ago, top4718 said:

Most conspiracy theorists alleged the following - the virus/project fear was a lead in to an enforced vaccine, the vaccine would then lead to a digital ID, the digital ID would lead to a social credit system and digital currency, for lunatics they're not doing too badly. 🤣

I'm not agreeing totally with this, but lets take this bit by bit:


"the virus/project fear was a lead in to an enforced vaccine"


Vaccination is currently being forced on care workers and the NHS, despite staff shortages in these areas.  Who knows which sectors will be the next to be forced to have vaccinations?


"the vaccine would then lead to a digital ID"


We are told that we need vaccination proof for certain events (eg concerts, nightclubs at present in England - more areas elsewhere).  This proof can be paper based, or electronic, via apps that allow access to your Covid medical status electronically.  Currently, you need proof of being double-jabbed, but we can see boosters look as if they are needed every 6 months.  Will paper based systems suffice for third, forth jabs ands so on?  Surely, the next step we are moving towards is some form of updatable electronic method, linked to ID?  The problem is that there are already plenty of "fake" Covid certiciates around already, and when National ID cards were last mooted, and indeed voluntary biometric cards created, fakes of those were produced to show how easy those were to produce.  All it will take is a story in the MSM about fake Covid passes, and somebody saying they could produce safe electronic passes, and the bandwagon rolls again.... more people make cash out of them... more fakes  .. "better" versions  and so on.



Social credits?  Digital currency?   I can't understand those links

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39 minutes ago, top4718 said:

On a day when we remember the people who have fallen to protect our freedom its quite sad to reflect on a thread where so many people are happy to relinquish them.

How sad that you introduce the real tragedy of wars and confuse it with the imaginary world of Conspiracy Theories.


The vaccines that existed saved millions of lives during the War.

The vaccines that were yet to exist would have saved many millions more.


How sad that those who opposed vaccination then used the same arguments as now.

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1 hour ago, top4718 said:

On a day when we remember the people who have fallen to protect our freedom its quite sad to reflect on a thread where so many people are happy to relinquish them.


I am glad to say that most individuals trust the health experts and comply with campaigns for vaccination.

Take up rates are invariably accepted by a healthy majority.

For most that is a matter of free choice .

I am pretty sure that you will have had some vaccines before you had a choice I.e. it was a decision of your parents.

All adults still have the option,but as things stand a refusal may impact on their social and working life.Just like numerous cause and effects that we encounter.

There is nothing new when comparing the Covid vaccine with previous medical advances 

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1 hour ago, RJRB said:


I am glad to say that most individuals trust the health experts and comply with campaigns for vaccination.

Take up rates are invariably accepted by a healthy majority.

For most that is a matter of free choice .

I am pretty sure that you will have had some vaccines before you had a choice I.e. it was a decision of your parents.

All adults still have the option,but as things stand a refusal may impact on their social and working life.Just like numerous cause and effects that we encounter.

There is nothing new when comparing the Covid vaccine with previous medical advances 

This, no more words needed. 🤣

1 hour ago, RJRB said:


I am glad to say that most individuals trust the health experts and comply with campaigns for vaccination.

Take up rates are invariably accepted by a healthy majority.

For most that is a matter of free choice .

I am pretty sure that you will have had some vaccines before you had a choice I.e. it was a decision of your parents.

All adults still have the option,but as things stand a refusal may impact on their social and working life.Just like numerous cause and effects that we encounter.

There is nothing new when comparing the Covid vaccine with previous medical advances 

Do you trust the one that blatantly lied on national TV?

2 hours ago, Annie Bynnol said:


How sad that you introduce the real tragedy of wars and confuse it with the imaginary world of Conspiracy Theories.


The vaccines that existed saved millions of lives during the War.

The vaccines that were yet to exist would have saved many millions more.


How sad that those who opposed vaccination then used the same arguments as now.

I compared it to loss of freedoms and that is exactly what's happening and will continue to do so until its too late with the likes of you being complicit.

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4 hours ago, top4718 said:

On a day when we remember the people who have fallen to protect our freedom its quite sad to reflect on a thread where so many people are happy to relinquish them.

yup you have the freedom to be selfish and have no respect for others because of them, well done

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14 minutes ago, melthebell said:

yup you have the freedom to be selfish and have no respect for others because of them, well done

You and your ilk are the selfish ones. 

Cowardly too you just haven't connected the dots yet. 

When you do, if you do it will probably be too late. 


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1 hour ago, top4718 said:

This, no more words needed. 🤣

Do you trust the one that blatantly lied on national TV?

I compared it to loss of freedoms and that is exactly what's happening and will continue to do so until its too late with the likes of you being complicit.

Most people alive at that time had very few rights and they certainly were not going to be given any.


Encumbered by poverty, lack of education and unable to access health care what, the only 'freedoms' they were fighting for belonged to the 'privileged' who certainly didn't want to share them with the masses.

The vast majority of people were not even allowed to vote.


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