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Coronavirus - Part Two.

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1 hour ago, Delayed said:

Yours and Tops posts are starting to anger me. You both won't be convinced by verifiable sources and data. 


So the only way for you to be convinced is for life to convince you.  So if/when you are admitted to hospital because of your stubbornness to get jabbed, please try and convince the nurse/doctors trying to help you that all you need is a lemsip and be on your way. Maybe you could keep trying to convince them of it if/when you or a family member are hooked up to a ventilator. 

Anger is not the emotion I am feeling 

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9 minutes ago, petemcewan said:

A question for any Virologists contributing to this Thread. 


Can what is known about antiretroviral medications;

help in the discovery of  pharmaceutical for the  pre-symptoms treatment of Covid 19 ?

 If you can destroy the: Protease of a virus, stop it  getting into cells and making its Genome -you've got it  beat.

I am not a virologist but I can read wikipedia ...


One of the wiki pages for HIV/ AIDS ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Management_of_HIV/AIDS#Entry_inhibitors ) lists five classes of drugs: (1) entry inhibitors, (2,3) two classes of reverse transcriptase inhibitors, (4) intergrase inhibitors and (5) protease inhibitors. The mechanisms of (1), (2), (3) and (4) suggest they would have no value in treating covid. Entry inhibitors target a receptor on the cell surface, CCR5, which is different from the receptor, ACE2,  which SARS-CoV-2 uses to gain entry. SARS-CoV-2 is not a retrovirus and so it does not make use of either a reverse transcriptase or integrase meaning that (2), (3) and (4) should be no help. That leaves (5) protease inhibitors as the only class of HIV drugs worth checking. According to wikipedia ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protease ) there are rather a large number of proteases, indeed there are actually six classes each of which has an active site which cuts proteins only after a single specific amino acid. This suggests to me that one should guess the HIV protease inhibitors will not inhibit a SARS-CoV-2 protease and therefore that they will be useless against SARS-CoV-2.


By the way, a protease inhibitor does not necessarily destroy protease molecules rather it blocks their action which ordinarily would be to cut precursor viral protein at appropriate points along its length. The Pfizer drug works intracellularly so it does not stop the virus entering cells rather it stops one stage of the manufacture of viral proteins within the cell.


Hope this helps and good luck with your reading.

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6 hours ago, top4718 said:

This, no more words needed. 🤣

Do you trust the one that blatantly lied on national TV?

I compared it to loss of freedoms and that is exactly what's happening and will continue to do so until its too late with the likes of you being complicit.

As far as impacting the life to a greater extent for non vaccinated people then I think that is a fact of life.

The choice remains yours.



As far as trusting the medical experts yes to a great extent I do and always have done.They know more than me about their specialist subject.

I didn’t hear the Amanda Pritchard quote before the furore ensued,but had I done then I would have fact checked it because it sounded wrong.

I fact check a lot as far as possible on political matters in particular and I am happy to dismiss some utterances accordingly.

I didn’t bother fact checking Trumps assertions that bright light or disinfectant was the way forward.Some things are  too daft for words.

You seem to think that her comments are evidence of some great world plot created by some higher power and to achieve......I know not what.





Edited by RJRB
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2 hours ago, RJRB said:

As far as impacting the life to a greater extent for non vaccinated people then I think that is a fact of life.

The choice remains yours.



As far as trusting the medical experts yes to a great extent I do and always have done.They know more than me about their specialist subject.

I didn’t hear the Amanda Pritchard quote before the furore ensued,but had I done then I would have fact checked it because it sounded wrong.

I fact check a lot as far as possible on political matters in particular and I am happy to dismiss some utterances accordingly.

I didn’t bother fact checking Trumps assertions that bright light or disinfectant was the way forward.Some things are  too daft for words.

You seem to think that her comments are evidence of some great world plot created by some higher power and to achieve......I know not what.





You are so unbelievably naive its laughable, when billions of pounds are at stake its quite east to make sure "fact checkers" toe the line.

4 hours ago, melthebell said:

of course they wont, the trouble with conspiracy theorists is its an obsession, all consuming, extremism if you like, they have been groomed (just like right wing extremists and islamic extremists) it doesnt matter what you say its all wrong.

They will just say thats MSM, they are in with the conspiracy, the fact checkers are in on it, everybody is in on it if it doesnt agree with what they believe, it is a dangerous way of thinking, a dangerous way of living.

Its similar to the Qanon stuff in America, its complete and utter nonsense but people have become that obsessed with it, its become dangerous, just look at the capitol hill riot. people have set fire to 5G masts here also.

Its ok believing  in alternative things BUT there becomes a point where it becomes an all consuming obsession and turns dangerous.


trouble is they then turn it on everybody else and say we are obsessed, we are dangerous, we are a cult, just like both tops and daddy have, when sites remove lies......its censorship


we cant win, no matter what evidence, facts, reality we say...its wrong, its part of the conspiracy

Hahaha the irony in this is incredible, your ilk deny absolutely everything with every fibre of your being that makes you appear wrong, I was even accused of making up a story of a poor woman who's life has been ruined forever by the AZ vaccine until I posted a Just Giving link to a collection for her, the only dangerous obsession is from people who are sleepwalking into a very bleak future, you being one of them.

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4 hours ago, Delayed said:

Yours and Tops posts are starting to anger me. You both won't be convinced by verifiable sources and data. 


So the only way for you to be convinced is for life to convince you.  So if/when you are admitted to hospital because of your stubbornness to get jabbed, please try and convince the nurse/doctors trying to help you that all you need is a lemsip and be on your way. Maybe you could keep trying to convince them of it if/when you or a family member are hooked up to a ventilator. 

Are you still believing this garbage, fit, average weight people under 80 with no pre-existing conditions have very, very little to fear, I have absolutely zero chance of your doom and gloom prophecy happening, you really have been led down the garden path with all this.

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16 minutes ago, top4718 said:

You are so unbelievably naive its laughable, when billions of pounds are at stake its quite east to make sure "fact checkers" toe the line.

Hahaha the irony in this is incredible, your ilk deny absolutely everything with every fibre of your being that makes you appear wrong, I was even accused of making up a story of a poor woman who's life has been ruined forever by the AZ vaccine until I posted a Just Giving link to a collection for her, the only dangerous obsession is from people who are sleepwalking into a very bleak future, you being one of them.

So you believe that a poor woman has had her life ruined by the AZ vaccine,but stupidly insist that no one without pre existing conditions under the age of 80 has died from the disease.

Now that’s what I call stupid and naive .

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19 minutes ago, top4718 said:

Are you still believing this garbage, fit, average weight people under 80 with no pre-existing conditions have very, very little to fear, I have absolutely zero chance of your doom and gloom prophecy happening, you really have been led down the garden path with all this.

Baby dies of CV


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