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Coronavirus - Part Two.

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Guest makapaka
4 minutes ago, tinfoilhat said:

It's on the up - as far as positive cases are concerned, you can't deny that.  I'm not sure we need to lock down though. I hope we don't.  Most sensible people are double jabbed and if you aren't, and you get it and die, erm, tough.

Yeah it is on the up.

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19 minutes ago, Carbuncle said:

Do they not go at least back to Jenner's time? I imagine there were those who scoffed, called it an experimental cocktail and pointed to the lack of long term testing and felt that because 70% survived infection with smallpox that vaccination was really only for the gullible.

Yes objection and arguments began even earlier than Jenner.

However in the late Victorian times the Anti vaccination movement was a initially centred around ideas of social justice, mass healthcare, emerging  philosophies, fringe sciences and religions. Alfred Russel Wallace typifies this movement.

Wallace was a famous and eminent scientist(who published his independent discovery of the theory of evolution at the same time as with that of Darwin), he was a poor man and had to work for a living unlike many of his contemporary scientists. He embraced the idea that modern science and technology would rid the British working class of disease and poverty. But he did not think that mainstream  science and technology would be a good servant as it was essentially part of the 'establishment'.


Vaccination was less effective amongst the working class leading some to believe that it was a tool to be used in controlling the population or that what they were getting was an inferior product. Mass healthcare through socialism and  moral training through phrenology, spiritualism etc were promoted as alternatives. The science was not well known and poorly explained leaving the population to find easier explanations provided by the fraudsters, quacks, dodgy media, political extremists etc. who jumped on the bandwagon and soon brought the movement into disrepute. 


Wallace was an honest man but died too early(1913) to really get to grips with immunology and viruses.




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2 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

It isn't serious. Its a well orchestrated global lie but don't worry. 

The UK will have its very own lockdown again soon. 

Ooooooh I bet you can't wait for that 😁

Your hero Donald Trump said vaccines work and that he saved millions of lives by getting USA to develop vaccines (not Lemsip).




Or is he part of the orchestrated global lie?


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7 hours ago, RJRB said:

I’m not sure what point you are making regarding Germany.Their infection rates are up compared to their own historical figures.Still lower than the U.K. and to keep it that way they campaign to get more people vaccinated.

Happy to discuss further and eject the elephant from the room. https://www.standard.co.uk/news/world/germany-covid-cases-record-lockdown-vaccinations-robert-koch-institute-b965365.html

The R-rate in Germany is currently higher than in the UK despite all the preventative measures that people on here claim are the be all and end all in place in Germany and not here.

7 hours ago, melthebell said:

Don't think this story's been brought up yet?



I seriously hope that by posting this link you're not advocating such actions.

1 hour ago, tinfoilhat said:

It's on the up - as far as positive cases are concerned, you can't deny that.  I'm not sure we need to lock down though. I hope we don't.  Most sensible people are double jabbed and if you aren't, and you get it and die, erm, tough.

Totally unsurprising post from the brainwashed, incredible. 🙄

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4 minutes ago, top4718 said:

The R-rate in Germany is currently higher than in the UK despite all the preventative measures that people on here claim are the be all and end all in place in Germany and not here.


Isn't the R Rate based on infections collated by government agencies? The ones you accuse of lying (if the stats don't favour your argument).

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10 minutes ago, top4718 said:

The R-rate in Germany is currently higher than in the UK despite all the preventative measures that people on here claim are the be all and end all in place in Germany and not here.

I seriously hope that by posting this link you're not advocating such actions.

Totally unsurprising post from the brainwashed, incredible. 🙄

I think that most people on here see the possible benefits from the various options available including mask wearing ,social distancing,disinfectant etc.all of which may contribute to controlling the spread of the virus.

As regards R rates and infections per /100000 of population around Europe ,these have fluctuated greatly and the league tables over the last 18 months show this to be true.

However the over riding belief for most is that the figures in all countries would be worse without the counter measures.

None of us want to see a return to regular lockdowns and that is why the take up of the vaccine is to be welcomed and further encouraged.

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