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Coronavirus - Part Two.

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12 hours ago, melthebell said:

how does that work specifically? since a lot of countries hate each other, and most struggle to agree on things like trade , how do they agree on the same "Global lie"

How does somebody get every country in the world to agree? tell them they wont get any pudding if they dont?


Its the same with the Ye Olde moon landings were faked conspiracy, it was the height of the cold war, the russians wouldve loved to have spilt the beans and tell the world america faked it...but they didnt.

Why has every country used the phrase "Build Back Better", why have most countries gone down the exact same vaccine followed by vaccine passport route, why have poor countries who the elite have no interest in fared better.


I think some people on here need to learn some lessons from history and have a look at occasions where Governments and media propaganda has been taken as read and believed by the populace, its not really a group you'd want to be associated with.

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32 minutes ago, top4718 said:

Our World In Data published them, I'm sure if the Germany want to lie they'd make the figures look better rather than worse 🙄

Would that be the 'Our World In Data' team at Oxford University paid for by Bill and Melinda Gates and the UK Government?

Would that be the 'Our World In Data' team that collects, validates and analyses data from Government, Pharmaceutical  companies, Medical and Research establishments sources around the world? 

Would that be the 'Our World In Data' team whose data is used extensively by fact checking MSM like the BBC and New York Times?

Would that be the 'Our World In Data' team whose data is used extensively by WHO and Governments worldwide?


I am so glad that you find 'Our World In Data' a reliable source and look forward to your enlightenment as you consider their findings.


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12 minutes ago, Annie Bynnol said:


Would that be the 'Our World In Data' team at Oxford University paid for by Bill and Melinda Gates and the UK Government?

Would that be the 'Our World In Data' team that collects, validates and analyses data from Government, Pharmaceutical  companies, Medical and Research establishments sources around the world? 

Would that be the 'Our World In Data' team whose data is used extensively by fact checking MSM like the BBC and New York Times?

Would that be the 'Our World In Data' team whose data is used extensively by WHO and Governments worldwide?


I am so glad that you find 'Our World In Data' a reliable source and look forward to your enlightenment as you consider their findings.


Every media outlet have reported an increase in cases in Germany, even real German people on Twitter, if you want to bury your head in the sand and pretend its not true because it proves you wrong feel free, I won't lose any sleep.


The fact that some goon has said "back in the real world" then linked the Guardian is about as peak irony as its possible to get.

Edited by top4718
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Thank heavens I work on my own where vaccinated asymptomatic super spreaders can't infect me. Out and about I avoid unmasked vaccinated asymptomatic super spreaders. And I ain't going to contract a nasty vaccine side effect both now and any future unknown ones, win win all-round. Thanks for the heads up. 

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Based on examination of your arguments @top4718, I have the following questions for you:


1. Why do weekends have two days all over the World?

2. Given the supposed success of the vaccine programme why are there so many extreme weather events?

3. Why do conspiraloons never want to talk about bus timetabling?

4. If conspiraloons are sometimes right then why are non-sequiturs not piling up in the streets?

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1 minute ago, Carbuncle said:

Based on examination of your arguments @top4718, I have the following questions for you:


1. Why do weekends have two days all over the World?

2. Given the supposed success of the vaccine programme why are there so many extreme weather events?

3. Why do conspiraloons never want to talk about bus timetabling?

4. If conspiraloons are sometimes right then why are non-sequiturs not piling up in the streets?

5. Why do the gullible think they're being edgy and amusing by posting humour free garbage like this to avoid the anything that doesn't fit their narrative?

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10 minutes ago, top4718 said:

Every media outlet have reported an increase in cases in Germany, even real German people on Twitter, if you want to bury your head in the sand and pretend its not true because it proves you wrong feel free, I won't lose any sleep.


The fact that some goon has said "back in the real world" then linked the Guardian is about as peak irony as its possible to get.

You should read the Guardian article. It is properly researched, by proper scientific journalists.


You might learn something.


Being rude doesn't enhance your argument any. I guess it makes you feel all tingly and warm though.

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26 minutes ago, top4718 said:

Why has every country used the phrase "Build Back Better", why have most countries gone down the exact same vaccine followed by vaccine passport route, why have poor countries who the elite have no interest in fared better.


The 'sinister' background of "Build Back Better" originated as a result of the relief and rebuild response to the 2006 Indian Ocean Tsunami in 2006.

The phrase was first used in 2015 at a UN disaster management conference when the PM of Japan used it when he said it is common sense to the Japanese people.

Also in 2015 the UN General Assembly adopted the conference report and ever since it has been in common use when natural disaster have damaged national/regional infrastructure. 

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4 minutes ago, top4718 said:
7 minutes ago, Carbuncle said:

Based on examination of your arguments @top4718, I have the following questions for you:


1. Why do weekends have two days all over the World?

2. Given the supposed success of the vaccine programme why are there so many extreme weather events?

3. Why do conspiraloons never want to talk about bus timetabling?

4. If conspiraloons are sometimes right then why are non-sequiturs not piling up in the streets?

5. Why do the gullible think they're being edgy and amusing by posting humour free garbage like this to avoid the anything that doesn't fit their narrative?

No answers then? Well that proves it then doesn't it.

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