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Coronavirus - Part Two.

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In light of the case of the prem.baby that died after the mum got covid.


Pregnant women urged to get Covid jab as Chris Whitty underlines 'stark facts'

The Chief Medical Officer said 98% of pregnant women severely ill or in intensive care were not vaccinated and "there have been deaths"


Pregnant women have been urged to get a Covid jab as Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitty revealed his "major concern" as winter nears.


The top medic told a Downing Street press conference on Monday that over 98% of pregnant women severely ill or in ICUs had not been vaccinated.


The CMO said 

“I would like to pull out in particular the issue of women who are pregnant or intending to get pregnant. And I would just like to give you some fairly stark facts about this because this is a major concern," he said.


“Based on academic data from February 1 to September 30 … 1,714 pregnant women were admitted to hospital with Covid. Of those, 1,681, which is to say 98%, had not been vaccinated

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7 minutes ago, butlers said:

In light of the case of the prem.baby that died after the mum got covid.


Pregnant women urged to get Covid jab as Chris Whitty underlines 'stark facts'

The Chief Medical Officer said 98% of pregnant women severely ill or in intensive care were not vaccinated and "there have been deaths"


Pregnant women have been urged to get a Covid jab as Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitty revealed his "major concern" as winter nears.


The top medic told a Downing Street press conference on Monday that over 98% of pregnant women severely ill or in ICUs had not been vaccinated.


The CMO said 

“I would like to pull out in particular the issue of women who are pregnant or intending to get pregnant. And I would just like to give you some fairly stark facts about this because this is a major concern," he said.


“Based on academic data from February 1 to September 30 … 1,714 pregnant women were admitted to hospital with Covid. Of those, 1,681, which is to say 98%, had not been vaccinated

Absolutely disgusting propaganda. 

Not content with damaging adults and teenagers now they want to play Russian roulette with the unborn. 

This is vile and must stop. 

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1 hour ago, FIRETHORN1 said:



I rushed to accept the vax as soon as it was offered because I thought our government were telling us the truth when they said it would protect me as an individual and protect all of us collectively. I now believe,  from what I've heard and seen since, that this vaccine is more likely to hurt and damage me than to protect me


And as I have said before that is the best way to decide ,based on whether the vaccine is preferable to the possible complications from the virus.

The data regarding hospitalisation and deaths strongly support the vaccine.

Sorry to hear of your afflictions whether coincidental or not.






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8 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

Absolutely disgusting propaganda....


8 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

This is vile and must stop. 



Please do.

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11000 posts in, and people are still going around in circles using carefully chosen and manipulated stats to backup their argument.


1. You can't rely on any statistics, whatever the source. If you disagree with this, it's an incredibly naive position to take - you have absolutely no idea how they are compiled and manipulated. Internal stats probably led to people being shuffled around the system, so the bad stats didn't appear on their books.

2. You can't compare stats between countries or regions, even if carefully collated and accurate, the circumstances and basis on which they are defined is different. Obvious example is died with, died from, died within x days of a test. Different countries test different amounts of people, if you don't get tested, you don't appear on a stat.

3. Headlines and press releases with percentages are there to get you to click, to follow a defined narrative, it's the oldest sales trick in the book.

4. The use of the word 'experts' in such headlines should be treated with contempt, the word is meaningless.

5. Any "expert" who about turns in their view, is clearly not an expert that can be trusted. The obvious examples of this is the masks/airborne narrative, or the vaccinated don't transmit the virus narrative. The people you have trusted to lead you through this and inform you have been found wanting.

6. If you hear an official spokesman with a narrative to sell say in this period this happened to x people with these characteristics, the first thing to question is, why were those dates chosen, and not another set of dates, why was this characteristic chosen. It's all spin, you're being played by an authority figure.

7. The use of the phrase "conspiracy theorists" to malign someone who questions the narrative is tiresome. Would anyone here have predicted 9 months ago that 60000 staff would be let go from care homes, or that the unvaccinated wouldn't be allowed to leave their house or to sing or stand up in an indoor space, but the vaccinated would.

8. Don't forget to wash your hands whilst singing happy birthday, and everything will be alright.

Edited by fools
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2 hours ago, FIRETHORN1 said:



Thanks for the info Carbuncle, but I'm not convinced by the stats.  If it's true that the 3rd wave - which happened after millions of people had already been jabbed - had more cases than the 2nd wave, then surely this indicates that the jab is less effective at slowing down the spreading than we were led to believe? Also, the death rate probably slowed down because those most likely to die from Covid are the old and those with underlying poor health - and most of these died off in the first wave. A lot of pro-vaxxers use the argument that deaths and serious illnesses caused by the vax itself are "rare", but I don't think they are quite as rare as some people believe - I think we are just not being told about them by the government  or by mainstream media.


I rushed to accept the vax as soon as it was offered because I thought our government were telling us the truth when they said it would protect me as an individual and protect all of us collectively. I now believe,  from what I've heard and seen since, that this vaccine is more likely to hurt and damage me than to protect me


Regarding the above quotes in bold,


Still millions unvaccinated / partly vaccinated in from July 21 onwards. Hospitalisations and deaths however have decreased significantly


Deaths were higher in the second wave than the first.


If they aren't reported then how can they be counted unless they result in hospitalisation?


Where do you get this info from?

Edited by Longcol
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