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Coronavirus - Part Two.

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8 hours ago, top4718 said:

Not true, the vaccine alters your natural immunity, no one has any idea how your natural immunity will cope in the future when faced with other viruses. I'm glad I've kept mine in the state that's got the human race through thousands of years.


Many new sources tonight are reporting that 9300 more people than usual have died from non-covid illnesses in the last four months, very worrying for you experimental vax lovers, don't know how you sleep at night.

 Not true. 


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3 minutes ago, Delayed said:

 Not true. 


You mean you want to convince yourself it’s not true, the reality is very different.


I remember posting on here to the Covid obsessed that making it the only priority and ignoring other health issues was a very dangerous road to go down, nearly 10,000 excess non Covid deaths in four months sort of proves my point, the usual suspects attacked me like a pack of rabid dogs at the time. I’m sure you’ll wake up one day.

6 hours ago, makapaka said:

Tops are you and the Sheffield bricklayer related - it’s uncanny.

I couldn’t keep up with posting as two people, it’s exhausting enough as one 😂

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26 minutes ago, top4718 said:

You mean you want to convince yourself it’s not true, the reality is very different.


I remember posting on here to the Covid obsessed that making it the only priority and ignoring other health issues was a very dangerous road to go down, nearly 10,000 excess non Covid deaths in four months sort of proves my point, the usual suspects attacked me like a pack of rabid dogs at the time. I’m sure you’ll wake up one day.

I couldn’t keep up with posting as two people, it’s exhausting enough as one 😂

It's not true until I see evidence, otherwise it's just a claim

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21 minutes ago, Delayed said:

It's not true until I see evidence, otherwise it's just a claim

I'm not really concerned what you thinks true, the news is out there if you look for it, keep your head buried in the sand and do what Boris tells you if you don't.


Seen stories also about the vast increase in numbers of children with respiratory illnesses (this was also reported in NZ and Ireland) lockdowns and wearing those useless masks were cited as being contributory, remember when your mother used to tell you to go out and get some fresh air, she was right.


One light at the end of the tunnel is that even some vaxxed people (many who got the jab for reasons other than any concern for their health) are seeing this latest booster (or 3rd jab or whatever they are labelling it) as a bridge too far, get ready for the scare tactics/threats to be ramped up in the coming weeks.

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1 hour ago, top4718 said:

I'm not really concerned what you thinks true, the news is out there if you look for it, keep your head buried in the sand and do what Boris tells you if you don't.


Seen stories also about the vast increase in numbers of children with respiratory illnesses (this was also reported in NZ and Ireland) lockdowns and wearing those useless masks were cited as being contributory, remember when your mother used to tell you to go out and get some fresh air, she was right.



Hang on a minute.


Are you suggesting that useless masks actually trap pathogens that people breathe out? At last, you've started to see the light.


Careful though, they'll be drumming you out of the Enlightened Covid Sceptics Society if you dare to suggest such a thing.


While I'm here. Did you consider that putting kids back into poorly ventilated classrooms might be the cause of respiratory illness?

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Your mother used to tell you to get fresh air so you were not breathing in germs etc, masks prevent proper exhalation and your breathing in stale air, extract systems have regular air changes for that very reason.


Like the sudden increase in heart attacks its very odd that the perceived lack of school ventilation suddenly coincides with lockdowns and masks when the ventilation issues won't have changed from what it was pre-covid.


The deflection from the truth never ends.  

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7 minutes ago, top4718 said:



The deflection from the truth never ends.  

You can say that again.


Still. It's  nice to see you finally accepting that masks work.

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People who think fresh air is the same as microscopic virus particles deserve special contempt.


I realised a long time ago on this thread that the people who've been duped into having this vaccine containing god knows what and therefore have to keep believing the whole Covid narrative, know deep down they've been had, but they'll never admit it despite ever mounting evidence that our whole approach to the thing has been a nonsense 

Edited by top4718
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11 hours ago, top4718 said:

Many new sources tonight are reporting that 9300 more people than usual have died from non-covid illnesses in the last four months, very worrying for you experimental vax lovers, don't know how you sleep at night.

So I've tracked down the source of the 9300 people statistic. What was actually said was "Official figures for Albania recorded 2,200 COVID deaths but 9,300 excess deaths." ( https://www.euronews.com/next/2021/08/05/the-real-covid-death-toll-which-country-in-europe-has-the-highest-excess-mortality-rate ) . Not quite what you claimed but then accuracy was never your strong point. You're welcome.

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