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Coronavirus - Part Two.

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It's all becoming clear now.

Get Trump out of office at all costs

Biden closed the pipeline in America straight after the election, making 10s thousands unemployed

Afghanistan? It was small beer, just get out and get ready.


Alex Jones has been right about a few insane things in the past that have now become fact

Harvesting baby organs

Forced vaccines

International pedo ring

They're coming for our guns! Rittenhouse effect.

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12 hours ago, Delayed said:

NHS haven't insisted upon anyone not getting the jab.


Supermarket and construction staff were wearing masks throughout the pandemic. 


And no I don't believe the government necessarily cares about Delayeds health but Im pretty sure they want to remain in power for as long as possible, so it's probably not in their best interests to kill off the population.

They didn't handle the pandemic well but to imply its intentional...that's some tinfoil hat wearing thinking right there.



I work in construction and I can state with 100% certainty that masks haven't been used at all, social distancing is non existent and cleanliness on a the majority of sites is basic to say the least, neither this industry or retail has seen any major staffing problems.

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2 minutes ago, top4718 said:

I work in construction and I can state with 100% certainty that masks haven't been used at all, social distancing is non existent and cleanliness on a the majority of sites is basic to say the least, neither this industry or retail has seen any major staffing problems.

Well I have a working memory and need food to keep alive and I remember (during the pandemic remember) everyone wearing masks in supermarkets.


It was about the same time when everyone was queueing outside like they were trying to get in a club.



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Here we go again .

The main supermarkets employed over 80,000 ( from memory ) extra staff to cope with staff shortages.


Customer facing staff  contacted covid on a rate multiples of back office staff.




Edited by butlers
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7 hours ago, RJRB said:

Seeing as most people have had their second and gone on to have a booster I am not sure why you think that.

The booster uptake is very low, hence the absolute garbage being spouted at the moment.


I know hardly anyone reads the Guardian (apart from aging pseudo intellectuals) but the piece it ran today about hospitals being full of the unvaccinated (they didn't even have the balls to put who wrote it) is probably the nadir of reporting during this whole con (and thats some boast) a total and utter propaganda piece that has no basis in anything, when you see how much of a benefactor the Gates Foundation is to this rag it does at least make some sense, no wonder some peoples views are what they are when they fill their heads with this dross.


Another thing I touched on earlier in this thread was the fact that mental health would go through the roof due to the Covid obsession - 2000 kids a day are being referred to mental health services, unprecedented amounts.


Also interesting that London has one of the lowest vaccine uptakes in the UK but currently the lowest cases, wonder what "the science" think to that.


Sweden i are also now showing the lowest rise in cases in Scandinavia, proves once again that exercise, healthy eating, fresh air and natural immunity are far better than being injected with garbage that Pfizer don't want you to know the full details of for 55 years, alarming!!






9 minutes ago, butlers said:

Here we go again .

The main supermarkets employed over 80,000 ( from memory ) extra staff to cope with staff shortages.


Customer facing staff  contacted covid on a rate multiples of back office staff.




They didn't, totally and utterly false. They employed more staff to cope with the excess demand and more reliance on home deliveries, if staff were absent it was mostly due to the ridiculous imposed isolation periods not the fact they were ill themselves. If these staff had seen serious illness and death on such a huge basis they wouldn't have dropped masks at the first opportunity, I know people who took supermarket jobs and reported zero excess illness absence.



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10 minutes ago, Delayed said:

Well I have a working memory and need food to keep alive and I remember (during the pandemic remember) everyone wearing masks in supermarkets.


It was about the same time when everyone was queueing outside like they were trying to get in a club.



The first 3 months of the pandemic was before masks were mandatory, they were not worn by anyone, so these staff were facing thousands of people a day with no masks and suffered no excess rates of illness.

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