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Coronavirus - Part Two.

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My neighbour is in his middle fifties and has had two jabs of the Coronavirus vaccine. Does he have to wait 6 months since his last jab before he can have the booster. ? Does he have to wait for a letter from his GP or the NHS giving him a phone number to ring or an online number ? Any advice would be helpful.

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My neighbour is in his middle fifties and has had two jabs of the Coronavirus vaccine. Does he have to wait 6 months since his last jab before he can have the booster. ? Does he have to wait for a letter from his GP or the NHS giving him a phone number to ring or an online number ? Any advice would be helpful.

17 minutes ago, West 77 said:

He has to wait 6 months before he can receive the booster jab.  He can book a booster jab before the 6 months have ended.  The easiest way to book an appointment is online. You can do this on his behalf if you know his date of birth and postcode.

Thank you, that is very helpful.

17 minutes ago, West 77 said:
17 minutes ago, West 77 said:



Edited by pattricia
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8 hours ago, RJRB said:

There is very little negative vaccine news compared with the very encouraging results achieved in the last year.

Another question for you.

With the great benefit of hindsight Over the last couple of years,what would your preference have been.

I can only assume that it would have been 100% let it rip.That is total reliance on herd immunity in the fullness of time.

Correct me if I’m wrong.

Sweden had pretty much the right idea, protect the vulnerable and rely on herd immunity to do the rest, our natural immunity is better than the vaccine will ever be.

7 hours ago, whiteowl said:

Changing the subject away from conspiracy theories for a minute....


I found a strange thing with my covid passport (for want of a better term)  the other day.  It said "No Covid records found" where previously it has shown both of my vaccines.

It took some digging on the Internet to find out why as it's not massively publicised. Once you get a positive PCR test, like I did last Thursday, apparently it "revokes" the passport for 14 days after the test. It doesn't tell you it's doing that though, it just says no records found.


The only way I found out was through a story about someone due to fly 11 days after a positive test, was ok to do so through the isolation rules but couldn't due to the revocation lasting 14 days.




So, if you are due to fly out in that 10-14 day windows after a PCR test, remember to print off your vaccine passport before submitting the test as a paper copy is valid for 30 days.

Look how easy it would be to be controlled once this is fully in place.

4 hours ago, pattricia said:

My neighbour is in his middle fifties and has had two jabs of the Coronavirus vaccine. Does he have to wait 6 months since his last jab before he can have the booster. ? Does he have to wait for a letter from his GP or the NHS giving him a phone number to ring or an online number ? Any advice would be helpful.

Tell him if he's in reasonable health with no pre-existing conditions he doesn't really need it.

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5 minutes ago, top4718 said:

Sweden had pretty much the right idea, protect the vulnerable and rely on herd immunity to do the rest, our natural immunity is better than the vaccine will ever be.

I think that they ,like us will rely on both.

After a slowish start they are over the 70% mark now.

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23 minutes ago, top4718 said:

Sweden had pretty much the right idea, protect the vulnerable and rely on herd immunity to do the rest, our natural immunity is better than the vaccine will ever be.


A  death rate per head of population over 3 times that of Scandanavian neighbours would tend to indicate a failure as far as that policy  goes.

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Latest stats England v Scotland v Wales 22 Nov 21
England : No mask mandate since July, no vaccine passport
Scotland : Mask mandate still in force from last year, vaccine passport since 1st Oct (enforced since 18th Oct)
Wales : Mask mandate still in force from last year, vaccine passport since 11th Oct
Death rate (from any cause within 28 days of a positive Covid test) per million popn (22 Nov 21)
England : 15.8
Scotland : 25.5
Wales : 30.7
Patients in hospital with a positive Covid test per million popn (22 Nov 21)
England : 114
Scotland : 136
Wales : 167
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Jens Spahn, German Health Secretary, yesterday:


“By winter’s end, everyone will be vaccinated, recovered or dead”


Un-Germanly undiplomatic, in its brutal frankness. But clearly necessary to get the message through.

It is high time indeed, that people in charge everywhere stopped skirting around the issues and dropped the kid gloves.

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1 hour ago, L00b said:

Jens Spahn, German Health Secretary, yesterday:

“By winter’s end, everyone will be vaccinated, recovered or dead”

Un-Germanly undiplomatic, in its brutal frankness. But clearly necessary to get the message through.

It is high time indeed, that people in charge everywhere stopped skirting around the issues and dropped the kid gloves.

Technically he is incorrect, up to 10% of people are not susceptible to Covid :

But around one-in-10 had signs of being exposed, but never had symptoms, never tested positive and never developed Covid-fighting antibodies in their blood.


Of the rest the death rates will be low so long as most of those over 50 (even more so if over 60) are vaccinated :



Healthy people under 60 are at relatively little risk from Covid. In England, deaths in that group total 953 - in 20 months :


In 20 months on average about 850,000 people would normally die :


Edited by Chekhov
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21 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

Of the rest the death rates will be low so long as most of those over 50 (even more so if over 60) are vaccinated :



Unfortunately, the numbers on this are very flaky (according to the UK HSA) so the graph above is unreliable. The problem is that in order to calculate deaths per 100 000 figures you need to know how many people have been vaccinated/ unvaccinated. The figure for the number of people vaccinated can be known with reasonable accuracy, the figure for the number of people who are not vaccinated is not known with any certainty. If you want a link, ask and I will dig one out.

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