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Coronavirus - Part Two.

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2 hours ago, melthebell said:


Another one that needs to read up on history, governments and the realities of life.

We have never been free, to do as we please Willy Nilly, freedom Is an illusion

Which is relevant how?

I am very aware of the fact that we do not have 100% freedom. 

All the more reason not to give up the freedoms we do have!!

If you think freedom in the UK is 'an illusion' then have a look at China, North Korea, Germany under the Nazis; you will see that we currently have considerably more freedom than those.

Sadly, with the attitude of the ultra-compliers and pro suppressionists, it is looking like we in the UK currently have considerably more freedom than we will in the near future!

When people like you can state with all seriousness-

"Life is about giving up rights"

it looks like we're in real trouble :(


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On 26/11/2021 at 14:41, Chekhov said:

Not sure what you mean TBH, but I'll tell you what is absolutely ridiculous, apparently all the kids in my lad's year group (8 years old) at school have been told they have to take  a PCT test whether or not they have any symptoms. This is disproportionate nonsense and I am sick to death of it, I wonder whether Gregg "over reaction" Fell has anything to do with it ? 

Let's just look at the facts :

1 - Kids are at no risk from Covid, in  fact it could even be arguable it would be beneficial for them to catch Covid whilst they were young, like Chicken Pox.

2 - Most of their parents even if unvaccinated would be in little danger from Covid because nearly all would be under 50 and the great majority under 40, BUT they have almost certainly all been vaccinated (or at least offered the vaccine) anyway ! And therefore are at very small risk of even hospitalisation much less death.

3 - Taking a child for a PCT test is a time wasting PITA and not pleasant for the child either.


What is is going on ?

Who is driving all this bull**** ?

When is the world going to wake up from this utter UTTER madness ?

Now this is interesting.....

One of the other parents was doing the requested PCT test but her child was so upset about it she just sent of the "undone" test. She just got a positive result back !

This backs up another story I heard earlier in the year where someone booked a test (at a test site) online. When they got there they clicked present but got so bored waiting they just left before doing the test. They also got a positive result ! !

This is implying that if the test doesn't give a definite negative the system defaults to positive.

In some ways it should not matter (all that really matters is hospitalisations and deaths, not infections, it does not matter how many people under 30 get Covid), but it does because it shows how the system works.  It's over cautious "can't be too careful" BS. 

It's "Look as all these infections which a few weeks down the line will result in X% deaths, so we have to clamp down".....

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36 minutes ago, onewheeldave said:

Which is relevant how?

I am very aware of the fact that we do not have 100% freedom. 

All the more reason not to give up the freedoms we do have!!

If you think freedom in the UK is 'an illusion' then have a look at China, North Korea, Germany under the Nazis; you will see that we currently have considerably more freedom than those.

Sadly, with the attitude of the ultra-compliers and pro suppressionists, it is looking like we in the UK currently have considerably more freedom than we will in the near future!

When people like you can state with all seriousness-

"Life is about giving up rights"

it looks like we're in real trouble :(


What on Earth are  "...ultra-compliers and pro suppressionists,..."?


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2 hours ago, Annie Bynnol said:

>>"Buy an exemption lanyard if you don't want any hassle. Bear in mind that if wearing a mask causes you distress then you qualify for an exemption and do not have to wear one. That is the law."<<


Why don't you suggest that people print out Blue Badges?

If you have principles stick to them and don't hide behind other peoples disabilities-a cowards way out.

People that use a "sunflower" lanyard to pretend that they have a need or disability which gives them exemption are behaving disgracefully.

The "Sunflower" lanyard has a primary purpose of indicating to others that the wearer may need support or extra consideration.  

I have seen it at work are paying at a till, paying a fare, asking for a destination, passport control(where you do need to take your mask off).

Only last week a EMR platform worker and Northern guard very professionally confirmed with a wearer that the train they were waiting for took them to a destination they wanted.


If someone hates wearing a mask so much they are prepared to wear a lanyard not to then, almost by definition, they qualify for one. "Disability" is not just physical.

I am not one to back down from an argument, pretty much ever, but when I'm in a rush to go into the supermarket or whatever I have not got the time or inclination to get into a debate with the employee on the door. That said, in my experience, those tasked with checking if people have masks on are more than happy to see people in lanyards because it gets them off the hook, they don't even need to ask them. You also have to remember that many of those doing the asking may not be in favour of mask wearing either, they're just doing what they're told.


I do agree that real refuseniks do not wear lanyards, they just argue the point. From about early June last year I took a mid course, I would not wear a lanyard but had it in my pocket ready to brandish it if asked, but, interestingly, I was never asked.

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4 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

Now this is interesting.....

One of the other parents was doing the requested PCT test but her child was so upset about it she just sent of the "undone" test. She just got a positive result back !

This backs up another story I heard earlier in the year where someone booked a test (at a test site) online. When they got there they clicked present but got so bored waiting they just left before doing the test. They also got a positive result ! !

This is implying that if the test doesn't give a definite negative the system defaults to positive.

In some ways it should not matter (all that really matters is hospitalisations and deaths, not infections, it does not matter how many people under 30 get Covid), but it does because it shows how the system works.  It's over cautious "can't be too careful" BS. 

It's "Look as all these infections which a few weeks down the line will result in X% deaths, so we have to clamp down".....


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1 hour ago, melthebell said:

I work in hospitality, it's just a job, when people have to wear a mask we have to enforce it, either we lose the job, or the place gets shut down for not complying with the rules, it's not about being a jobsworth. Lanyards help in identifying those that don't have to wear one so we don't hassle them unessessarly

Quite, which is why I said this :


Having said all of that, most of those asking if you have mask probably do not want to be doing so and may not even be in favour of it themselves, so the use off  the term "jobsworth" was probably inappropriate.


And this :


in my experience, those tasked with checking if people have masks on are more than happy to see people in lanyards because it gets them off the hook, they don't even need to ask them. You also have to remember that many of those doing the asking may not be in favour of mask wearing either, they're just doing what they're told.

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30 minutes ago, Carbuncle said:

It's what gullible conspirasheeple call normal people.

Who are the gullible people in the Covid suppression debate ? That's the question.....


Black death killed between 30 and 50% of the world population.

Spanish flu killed about 1% of the world population

Covid has killed about 0.2% of the UK population (average age of those dying from it [or with it] is about 83).

The pandemic is not over but as of the moment about 0.06% of the world's population have died of (or with.....) Covid.

Or, to put it a different way, if my maths is up to it,  the world's Covid death rate is about 16X lower than Spanish Flu, and they did not lockdown society or introduce travel restrictions or force everyone to wear masks for months on end for Spanish Flu.


To me, the gullible people are those supporting the changing of society to combat Covid, and for some indeterminate time, possibly years, maybe forever. I'm not even sure what they are trying to achieve anymore now that the death rate per infection for Covid in the country must be way better than 1 in 1000, and the great majority of those dying are those who chose not to get vaccinated. That is their choice and should be their choice (even in care homes and the NHS) but if they get the chop that's down to them. It's called personal responsibility and taking its inevitable consequences.

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9 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

If someone hates wearing a mask so much they are prepared to wear a lanyard not to then, almost by definition, they qualify for one. "Disability" is not just physical.


""Disability" is not just physical."

Please support the "Sunflower" campaign and stop advising other Conspiracy Theorists to  undermine the integrity of the initiative.


Please stop with hi-jacking 'Disability'.


The vast majority of "Sunflower" lanyard wearers have no interest in your Conspiracy Theories.

They do not deserve to be referred to as ultra-compliers or pro suppressionists or anything else.


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1 hour ago, Jim Hardie said:

That mask wearing caused a 53% reduction in infection.

Wearing FFP3 masks correctly might do so, but that's a whole different ball game from the masks people wear all the time in everyday life.

Basically masks, as worn in everyday life, might have  a marginal effect, but, compared with the effect of vaccines it is not even worth talking about, so, other than as a "confidence building measure" why bother ? But the point is that making everyone behave differently because of Covid is counter productive as a "confidence building measure", oit can never work long term, it will have the opposite effect.


10 minutes ago, Annie Bynnol said:

""Disability" is not just physical."

Please support the "Sunflower" campaign and stop advising other Conspiracy Theorists to  undermine the integrity of the initiative.

Please stop with hi-jacking 'Disability'.

The vast majority of "Sunflower" lanyard wearers have no interest in your Conspiracy Theories.

They do not deserve to be referred to as ultra-compliers or pro suppressionists or anything else.

Please stop misquoting me, I am not a conspiracy theorist, other than I think (know) that the government have tried to scare people as much as possible in order to ensure compliance with their Covid suppression strategy. The problem is that has rebounded because we have far too many people far more scared of Covid than they rationally should be.

It's quite simple, if over about 40 and/or in poor health, get vaccinated then forget about Covid because you will almost certainly die of something else. That's the bottom line and it's unarguable.


And legally it is perfectly clear, if wearing a mask causes anyone upset they do not have to wear one, and nobody can legally ask you what your reason is.

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