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Coronavirus - Part Two.

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2 hours ago, melthebell said:

depends how you define no, the Dr (whos an unbiased) expert in Jims video link says one nurse who discovered it, says its mild, but then somebody else in soweto has said its affecting the young and unvacinated more, and hes more worried about that aspect

I understand that aspect. Trouble is given the population being high the vaccine uptake and also the death rate is still very low and something the scientists are still trying to understand as to why that is. They think that it maybe because the population is relatively young and also outdoors more. If it is much milder and affecting the young more what will happen now is that because this new strain is still covid and more young are getting it despite it being much less harmful the case figures will be used to panic governments as we have already seen. We are getting into a never ending spiral of introducing draconian laws on a whim.


It may actually be beneficial for poore unvaxxed populations to get this ASAP.

Edited by Dromedary
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3 minutes ago, Dromedary said:

I understand that aspect. Trouble is given the population being high the vaccine uptake and also the death rate is still very low and something the scientists are still trying to understand as to why that is. They think that it maybe because the population is relatively young and also outdoors more. If it is much milder and affecting the young more what will happen now is that because this new strain is still covid and more young are getting it despite it being much less harmful the case figures will be used to panic governments as we have already seen. We are getting into a never ending spiral of introducing draconian laws on a whim.

Hang on ... we know very little about the new variant. Some anecdotes from one medic does not really cut it. We can't say it's serious or mild.

What we know is it has spread in Southern Africa and that it has a lot of mutations including in areas targeted by the vaccine.


Frankly, I do not buy the idea that the mask changes are to do with the new variant. I think it is being used as an excuse. The travel restrictions do make sense in terms of the new variant.

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16 minutes ago, Padders said:

I’m still wondering how me going the pub before the match, sitting next to someone during the game and going the pub after - then putting on a mask to call in Sainsbury’s on way home is really going to help - and it won’t. So the masks will just extend to other areas - and when that doesn’t “work” it will be social distancing - and when that doesn’t “work” it will be closing things etc.

not sure this picture  link will work, but hopefully these guys will around for a long time to come, these must be mates of Top they seem to have gone back to the norm and seem happy about it and who can say they are wrong.







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1 minute ago, The_DADDY said:

I'm happy to accept I may have gone overboard at times. As a result I post much less about the dangers 👍

I've nothing but admiration on your tenacity pops,

The abuse you have suffered is beyond believe, yet you continue making your case, and I might add you don't resort to insults.

Incidentally I'm unjabbed ....

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3 minutes ago, Padders said:
16 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

I'm happy to accept I may have gone overboard at times. As a result I post much less about the dangers 👍

I've nothing but admiration on your tenacity pops,

The abuse you have suffered is beyond believe, yet you continue making your case, and I might add you don't resort to insults.

Incidentally I'm unjabbed ....

Irony ... I haven't seen that in your posts before. And in such great quantities too. Well played, sir.

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Hmmm... :huh:

I wonder how many people are anti-mask just because it's a Tory Government telling them it's a good idea?


Some people just don't like being told what to do by anyone, even if it may be in their best interests, and like naughty schoolkids will immediately do the opposite just because they can.


Maybe a better approach would be if Boris banned all masks and told everyone to go around hugging strangers? :roll:

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21 minutes ago, Carbuncle said:

Hang on ... we know very little about the new variant. Some anecdotes from one medic does not really cut it. We can't say it's serious or mild.

What we know is it has spread in Southern Africa and that it has a lot of mutations including in areas targeted by the vaccine.


Frankly, I do not buy the idea that the mask changes are to do with the new variant. I think it is being used as an excuse. The travel restrictions do make sense in terms of the new variant.

"We can't say it's serious or mild."


No we cant but the doctors and nurses dealing with this can ans so far have been convenienty ignored but it is early days still. This is how some media have scare reported it


Omicron Variant: Dangerous new Covid strain is officially named - Wales Online






Compared to this


Blessing in disguise: Omicron variant may be 'very positive' news for the world if new Covid mutation kills off more lethal Delta coronavirus



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23 minutes ago, Padders said:

I've nothing but admiration on your tenacity pops,

The abuse you have suffered is beyond believe, yet you continue making your case, and I might add you don't resort to insults.

Incidentally I'm unjabbed ....

That's really nice of you to say Padders. 

I do try to keep it civil, sadly I've not always been successful though but I do try and I agree I've suffered my fair share of abuse but I look at it like this. If I encouraged just 1 person to look beyond the mainstream narrative and find both sides of the argument then I've been successful. If I have to take some stick for not siding with the pro mask Pro jab people then so be it. 

Im big and ugly enough to take it 😜


By the way. Respect to you for your choice 🙏

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31 minutes ago, Mr Bloke said:

Hmmm... :huh:

I wonder how many people are anti-mask just because it's a Tory Government telling them it's a good idea?


Some people just don't like being told what to do by anyone, even if it may be in their best interests, and like naughty schoolkids will immediately do the opposite just because they can.


Maybe a better approach would be if Boris banned all masks and told everyone to go around hugging strangers? :roll:

I don't need a nanny state to tell me what I need to do to protect myself.

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