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Coronavirus - Part Two.

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1 minute ago, hackey lad said:

So you have found the cure . Put everyone on SSP , easy as that . Well  done 

SSP cures many ailments, far better than furlough.


Has anyone actually been seriously ill or hospitalised with the new variant as if not it seems a huge overreaction.

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3 minutes ago, top4718 said:

You have to remember though that scientists  rely heavily on grants and funding, they can be seen to be finding whatever the person who pays the bills wants them to find, be careful who you put your faith in.

I don’t disagree with this but we all have to make our own judgements.

Personally I would not equate the scientific research laboratories with the pharmaceutical industry eager to cash in on cures.


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1 minute ago, top4718 said:

You have to remember though that scientists  rely heavily on grants and funding, they can be seen to be finding whatever the person who pays the bills wants them to find, be careful who you put your faith in.

Most of the tens of thousands of scientists around the world that are working on Covid related matters are working with teams that involve their supervisors, technicians, statisticians, local, regional, national, international collaboration, open databases, open to peer reviews.

The assumption that all the Universities, Hospitals, Governments, commercial pharma, Research foundations, Private donators, Charities etc are all working together to pay tens of thousands of researchers around the world is pure Conspiracy Theory.

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2 minutes ago, RJRB said:

I don’t disagree with this but we all have to make our own judgements.

Personally I would not equate the scientific research laboratories with the pharmaceutical industry eager to cash in on cures.


There's no money in cures only "treatment". 

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4 minutes ago, top4718 said:

SSP cures many ailments, far better than furlough.


Has anyone actually been seriously ill or hospitalised with the new variant as if not it seems a huge overreaction.

since the person who discovered the variant is a doctor and refers to patients.....i think they were in hospital with it, ALTHOUGH the doctor apparently said they could be treated at home with it. we need time to see if that is indeed correct with everybody who catches it

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39 minutes ago, RJRB said:

I don’t disagree with this but we all have to make our own judgements.

Personally I would not equate the scientific research laboratories with the pharmaceutical industry eager to cash in on cures.


I agree with this, it's drove me nuts trying to follow the money behind the headlines and where the funding comes from.  Reminds me of the Rand Paul , Fauci videos on youtube where Fauci denies funding GOF research designed to soop up bat viruses to infect humans.  I simply don't trust the powers that be anymore.

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56 minutes ago, Annie Bynnol said:

Most of the tens of thousands of scientists around the world that are working on Covid related matters are working with teams that involve their supervisors, technicians, statisticians, local, regional, national, international collaboration, open databases, open to peer reviews.

The assumption that all the Universities, Hospitals, Governments, commercial pharma, Research foundations, Private donators, Charities etc are all working together to pay tens of thousands of researchers around the world is pure Conspiracy Theory.

An assumtion that no-one on this thread has made.


59 minutes ago, RJRB said:

I don’t disagree with this but we all have to make our own judgements.

Personally I would not equate the scientific research laboratories with the pharmaceutical industry eager to cash in on cures.


There are many other corrupting influences in the research industry. 

For a brief introduction, look here-



1 hour ago, Carbuncle said:

I meant genuine in the sense of honest/ not manipulated so I would count deaths with covid as genuine assuming the deaths with covid is as claimed.


So under my definition of genuine would you say the statistics are genuine?

Very confusing!

You seem to be saying that you count deaths with covid as being deaths from covid?

Deaths with covid are not deaths from covid and so will lead to incorrect statistics, and, I would say that they are therefore manipulated [whether deliberately or, by mistake].


Edited by onewheeldave
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1 hour ago, The_DADDY said:

There's no money in cures only "treatment". 

Ain't that the truth.

The Pharmaceutical companies must be rubbing their hands with glee

I agree with RJRB, that scientific research laboritories are not the same animal as Pharma companies.

Do I trust them not to cash in on Covid? Course not..

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