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Coronavirus - Part Two.

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Something for you to get your teeth into.  Looks like the jurys out on masks.


"47 studies confirm ineffectiveness of masks for COVID and 32 more confirm their negative health effects"


An extract from some of the studies.

“Exercise with facemask; Are we handling a devil’s sword?” – A physiological hypothesis

No evidence to suggest that wearing a mask during exercise offers any benefit from the droplet transfer from the virus.
“Exercising with facemasks may reduce available Oxygen and increase air trapping preventing substantial carbon dioxide exchange. The hypercapnic hypoxia may potentially increase acidic environment,cardiac overload, anaerobic metabolism and renal overload, which may substantially aggravate the underlying pathology of established chronic diseases”

Airborne coronavirus particle (<0.125 micron) will pass directly through a N95 face mask.

SIZE OF THE CORONAVIRUS: Size can vary but all are smaller than 0.3 micron .
“Human coronaviruses measure between 0.1 and 0.2 microns, which is one to two times below the cutoff” This “cut off” is referring to the size an N95 mask can trap. Most of us, are not using MEDICAL or regular N95s.


1. Preliminary report on surgical mask induced deoxygenation during major surgery
Face mask side effects include lowered oxygen levels.
This study proved that surgeons that wore a mask in surgery for an hour + had significant reductions in blood oxygen saturation.
This is relevant because most of us are being made to wear face masks at work for the whole shift, long journeys on public transport, and when we are in a public places doing shopping etc. and this requires a degree of exertion that is not taken into account.
“Considering our findings, pulse rates of the surgeon’s increase and SpO2 decrease after the first hour.”
Decreasing oxygen and increasing carbon dioxide in the bloodstream stimulates a compensatory response in the respiratory centers of the brain. These changes in blood gases result in increases in both frequency and depth of breaths. This exposes another risk – if your mask traps some virus you are breathing more hence increasing viral load and exposure.


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3 minutes ago, Axel said:

Airborne coronavirus particle (<0.125 micron) will pass directly through a N95 face mask.

SIZE OF THE CORONAVIRUS: Size can vary but all are smaller than 0.3 micron .
“Human coronaviruses measure between 0.1 and 0.2 microns, which is one to two times below the cutoff” This “cut off” is referring to the size an N95 mask can trap. Most of us, are not using MEDICAL or regular N95s.

Junk alert: greenmedinfo is about 'the science of natural healing'.

6 minutes ago, Axel said:

“Exercise with facemask; Are we handling a devil’s sword?” – A physiological hypothesis

No evidence to suggest that wearing a mask during exercise offers any benefit from the droplet transfer from the virus.
“Exercising with facemasks may reduce available Oxygen and increase air trapping preventing substantial carbon dioxide exchange. The hypercapnic hypoxia may potentially increase acidic environment,cardiac overload, anaerobic metabolism and renal overload, which may substantially aggravate the underlying pathology of established chronic diseases”

The article linked to is a comment piece not a piece of research.

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8 minutes ago, Axel said:
1. Preliminary report on surgical mask induced deoxygenation during major surgery
Face mask side effects include lowered oxygen levels.
This study proved that surgeons that wore a mask in surgery for an hour + had significant reductions in blood oxygen saturation.
This is relevant because most of us are being made to wear face masks at work for the whole shift, long journeys on public transport, and when we are in a public places doing shopping etc. and this requires a degree of exertion that is not taken into account.
“Considering our findings, pulse rates of the surgeon’s increase and SpO2 decrease after the first hour.”
Decreasing oxygen and increasing carbon dioxide in the bloodstream stimulates a compensatory response in the respiratory centers of the brain. These changes in blood gases result in increases in both frequency and depth of breaths. This exposes another risk – if your mask traps some virus you are breathing more hence increasing viral load and exposure.


Ok, dokey, I won't perform major surgery while wearing my surgical mask. I'm not supposed to anyway being as I'm not a surgeon but from now on it will be strictly minor surgery for me during the pandemic.

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12 minutes ago, butlers said:

The study was from 2008.

Did surgeons stop using masks in the intervening  years ?


Of course not but do they operate on a patient with just a bit of cloth round their face like most of those out and about wear or do they use genuine approved surgical face masks that can actually filter out coronavirus and other particles. Notice haw many seen to go round with the perspex "welder" style masks that are probably even worse than a piece of cloth. Would you be happy if a surgen treating you wore one of those.

Edited by Dromedary
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19 minutes ago, Dromedary said:

Of course not but do they operate on a patient with just a bit of cloth round their face like most of those out and about wear or do they use genuine approved surgical face masks that can actually filter out coronavirus and other particles. Notice haw many seen to go round with the perspex "welder" style masks that are probably even worse than a piece of cloth. Would you be happy if a surgen treating you wore one of those.

Rather be treated by a surgeon myself....................

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1 hour ago, butlers said:

The DANMASK study and the big study in Bangladesh both showed less transmission with wide scale mask use as part of mitigation measures

The countries that have managed the disease best like Japan and S Korea and Singapore have very near ubiquitous mask use

I can't speak for Japan but SK and Singapore are strict in every way not just with mask use, cases have still risen sharply in both places. When your quoting these studies you have to realise that some are based on FFP3 (or similar) masks not the paper things that most people use so its totally flawed data, its like doing s study to say that welding gloves stop you burning your hands then issuing welders with knitted ones.

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6 hours ago, makapaka said:

Covid made people proper weird - everyone thinks their an expert - weirdoes.

I've said from the start of this thread that there's so much false info and manipulated statistics from both sides that you have to do your own "risk assessment", I don't consider the virus to be serious enough for me personally to be concerned by it and the vaccine isn't effective enough for me to want it. The mask rules implemented today are totally illogical so I won't be following them.

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