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Coronavirus - Part Two.

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48 minutes ago, West 77 said:

It's a law. You're posting false information.  The police are responsible for enforcing it.  However decent people will comply and not cause problems for the shops and the people running public transport.

What kind of cobblers is that ?

"Decent people" comply with the law even if they can see it is wrong ?

On that basis I seem to remember there were a lot of decent people complying back in Germany in the 30s and 40s.

NO. If something is obviously draconian ignore it, there will be hardly any, if any, prosecutions for not wearing a mask, though you can be sure any there are will be publicised by our useless media. Every time there is a government Covid briefing I am SICK of nearly all the media asking "why aren't we having more restrictions, I feel like throwing stuff at the TV or radio.


BUT, you do not have to risk getting any hassle anyway, much less getting prosecuted, just say you are exempt, they must accept it and cannot ask you anything else, end of story.

Edited by Chekhov
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14 hours ago, hackey lad said:

Such a kind and caring person 

1 hour ago, Kidorry said:

That sums you up. Me .Me. Me. Sod anyone else.

This is one of the things that really annoys me with all this Covid Cobblers, people who are not as negatively affected by all this ludicrous nonsense (and if it was arguably nonsense before vaccines it certainly is now) telling other people they should happily accept it all or they are "selfish". I tend to find middle class people, often working from home, or retired people on index linked pensions are the ones to be most in favour of this madness, and working people *, esp working class people who have worked pretty much normally right through this who, ironically, are the ones sick to death of this suppression lunacy.

No, these hypocrites should look in the mirror, it is they who are selfish telling other people to ruin their lives.


* And those whose kids got no proper education for the best part of a year (and even now it's all weird for their kids), or young people whose social life has been ruined, or people who have been stopped from doing stuff that is very important to them.  Swimming in my case, stopped from doing it for about 10 months. For others it is people who love travelling and have been stopped from doing it, or it made so much hassle they just lose any enthusiasm for it.


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6 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

Well, just been shopping and I'm very happy to say hardly a mask in sight. Just lots of people going about their lives. 

What a fantastic start to the day. 

I got the feeling compliance would be low, glad to hear that it is.

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51 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

What kind of cobblers is that ?

"Decent people" comply with the law even if they can see it is wrong ?

On that basis I seem to remember there were a lot of decent people complying back in Germany in the 30s and 40s.

NO. If something is obviously draconian ignore it, there will be hardly any, if any, prosecutions for not wearing a mask, though you can be sure any there are will be publicised by our useless media. Every time there is a government Covid briefing I am SICK of nearly all the media asking "why aren't we having more restrictions, I feel like throwing stuff at the TV or radio.


BUT, you do not have to risk getting any hassle anyway, much less getting prosecuted, just say you are exempt, they must accept it and cannot ask you anything else, end of story.

Proper little anarchist aren’t you 

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1 hour ago, Chekhov said:

5 July 21, apparently, up to 70% of Britons wanted masks kept mandatory on Public transport :



21 Sept 21 :

 Only 20% of rail passengers are still wearing masks at train stations in England now that it is no longer compulsory, according to Network Rail.



Like most of these ludicrous Covid suppression measures (which at best only make  a difference on the margin) it's  case of people want others to stick to the rules. 

People should ignore this Covid Cobblers because this will NEVER end until people say ENOUGH.


I think you should define what you mean by a conspiracy theorist.

Somebody who believes in a conspiracy, but can't prove it, so it's a theory of.


Come on that's an easy definition, the answers in the name

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2 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

Little man on a forum says the rules have zero logic , world renowned scientists say different 

If your stupid enough to think wearing a mask in a shop where you can easily social distance but not in a pub, a concert or a sporting event isn't illogical I actually feel sorry for you. Do the government need to tell you to get out of bed in the morning?

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On 26/11/2021 at 14:41, Chekhov said:

Not sure what you mean TBH, but I'll tell you what is absolutely ridiculous, apparently all the kids in my lad's year group (8 years old) at school have been told they have to take  a PCT test whether or not they have any symptoms. This is disproportionate nonsense and I am sick to death of it, I wonder whether Gregg "over reaction" Fell has anything to do with it ? 

Let's just look at the facts :

1 - Kids are at no risk from Covid, in  fact it could even be arguable it would be beneficial for them to catch Covid whilst they were young, like Chicken Pox.

2 - Most of their parents even if unvaccinated would be in little danger from Covid because nearly all would be under 50 and the great majority under 40, BUT they have almost certainly all been vaccinated (or at least offered the vaccine) anyway ! And therefore are at very small risk of even hospitalisation much less death.

3 - Taking a child for a PCT test is a time wasting PITA and not pleasant for the child either.


What is is going on ?

Who is driving all this bull**** ?

When is the world going to wake up from this utter UTTER madness ?

I have had it confirmed this is Gregg Fell. The same guy who kept all the kids playgrounds shut last summer far longer than any other council. I don't know how much that bloke is getting paid, but however little is it is too much. Anyone can just be over careful, it needs someone to take a balanced proportionate view of life. SACK HIM !

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