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Coronavirus - Part Two.

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1 hour ago, top4718 said:

It's not a law, do you really think the police are going to waste time hanging around shops.

Posting falsehoods Again

44 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

Well, just been shopping and I'm very happy to say hardly a mask in sight. Just lots of people going about their lives. 

What a fantastic start to the day. 

Hardly a mask in sight , really?

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5 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

Posting falsehoods Again

Hardly a mask in sight , really?

Which bit is false?


I've not been in a shop today but I've seen a few people who have say mask use in low, common sense prevailing hopefully.

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11 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

I tend to find middle class people, often working from home, or retired people on index linked pensions are the ones to be most in favour of this madness, and working people *, esp working class people who have worked pretty much normally right through this who, ironically, are the ones sick to death of this suppression lunacy.

No, these hypocrites should look in the mirror, it is they who are selfish telling other people to ruin their lives.


I am glad you said that, that attitude explains a lot.

The 'labelling' and 'blaming' is ancient, ludicrous and inaccurate.

Politicizing the pandemic has caused an immense levels of harm in several countries, bringing it here smacks of opportunism. 


When you say "...working class people who have worked pretty much normally right through this..." I assume you selectively forgot that unemployment rose from below 4% to 7.75% in 2021, with the biggest job losses in:

Retail, leisure and hospitality.

Raw materials

Travel and transport


Personal services


Associating working and former working people with the rise of the Nazis is shameful.


Using the "working class" is wrong.














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26 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

Little man on a forum says the rules have zero logic , world renowned scientists say different 

Some world renowned scientists I think is what you meant to say.

But you are forgetting two salient facts ;


1 - These "world renowned scientists" have been wrong more than they have been right. Do you remember Prof Pantsdown (Neil Ferguson) ?

He said we "could have up to 200,000 infections per week this summer" (the peak figure, 7 day moving average, was 47,000)

Last year he also said the UK could have up to 500,000 Covid deaths (no where in the whole world has had  a death rate anywhere near that, even Peru where the figures are "odd").


2 - "Scientists", and public health dictators like Gregg Fell, are ONLY interested in getting Covid cases down, regardless of the social and economic cost. They have no sense of proportionality, they are not interested, and, it could be said, they should not be because that is not their sphere. The BIG problem is we then get weak willed spineless politicians saying "we follow the science", and that is why we are where we are : Madlands.

Edited by Chekhov
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4 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

Some world renowned scientists I think is what you meant to say.

But you are forgetting two salient facts ;


1 - These "world renowned scientists" have been wrong more than they have been right. Do you remember Prof Pantsdown (Neil Ferguson) ?

He said we could have up to 200,000 infections per week this summer".

Last year he also said the UK could have up to 500,000 Covid deaths.


2 - "Scientists", and public health dictators like Gregg Fell, are ONLY interested in getting Covid cases down, regardless of the social and economic cost. They have no sense of proportionality, they are not interested, and, it could be said, they should not be because that is not their sphere. The BIG problem is we then get weak willed spineless politicians saying "we follow the science", and that is why we are where we are : Madlands.

No, when you mention world renowned scientists, you're talking about the celebrity ones, not the thousands behind the scenes we don't often hear from, just doing their amazing feats of science


As for your last bit, I think in our case especially, our government haven't been following the science, that's been our problem

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33 minutes ago, melthebell said:

Somebody who believes in a conspiracy, but can't prove it, so it's a theory of.


Come on that's an easy definition, the answers in the name

Right well certain people on here are incorrect calling people conspiracy theorists on that definition.

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1 minute ago, Chekhov said:

Right well certain people on here are incorrect calling people conspiracy theorists on that definition.

Nope cos covid skepticism definitely believed to be a conspiracy, and it can't be proven, it's only a theory

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2 hours ago, Annie Bynnol said:

I am glad you said that, that attitude explains a lot.

The 'labelling' and 'blaming' is ancient, ludicrous and inaccurate.

Politicizing the pandemic has caused an immense levels of harm in several countries, bringing it here smacks of opportunism. 


When you say "...working class people who have worked pretty much normally right through this..." I assume you selectively forgot that unemployment rose from below 4% to 7.75% in 2021, with the biggest job losses in:

Retail, leisure and hospitality.

Raw materials

Travel and transport


Personal services


Associating working and former working people with the rise of the Nazis is shameful.

Using the "working class" is wrong.

You are right to point out that those who have suffered most through this Covid nightmare (and I mean the suppression measures not the virus) are the working classes.

Which raises an interesting question about the Left v Right polarisation of attitudes to Covid suppression. I actually think this is such  a big question it could probably do with its own thread but I'll leave that to the moderators.

I'll start it off with this :


Interesting essay on how the Left's attitude to Covid suppression with a very good analysis of the Left's support of COVID measures, and in particular reasons as to why they seem to support interventions that [negatively] affect the working class most,

The Left's Covid failure - UnHerd


Extracts :

As writers who have always positioned ourselves on the Left, we are disturbed at this turn of events. Is there really no progressive criticism to be made about the quarantining of healthy individuals, when the latest research suggests there is a vanishingly small difference in terms of transmission between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated? The Left’s response to Covid now appears as part of a broader crisis in Left-wing politics and thought — one which has been going on for three decades at least. So it’s important to identify the process through which this has taken shape.


In sum, decades of political polarisation instantly politicised a public health issue, without allowing any discussion as to what a coherent Left response would be. At the same time, the Left’s position distanced it from any kind of working-class base, since low-income workers were the most severely affected by the socio-economic impacts of continued lockdown policies, and were also those most likely to be out working while the laptop class benefitted from Zoom. These same political fault lines emerged during the vaccine roll-out, and now during the Covid passports phase. Resistance associates with the Right, while those on the mainstream Left are generally supportive of both measures. Opposition is demonised as a confused mixture of anti-science irrationalism and individualistic libertarianism.

Edited by Chekhov
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Guest makapaka
25 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

I have had it confirmed this is Gregg Fell. The same guy who kept all the kids playgrounds shut last summer far longer than any other council. I don't know how much that bloke is getting paid, but however little is it is too much. Anyone can just be over careful, it needs someone to take a balanced proportionate view of life. SACK HIM !

I did say the other day (and before the omicron stuff) my daughters school was maskless all the school year to date, then they vaccinated the kids, and then 2 weeks later brought in masks again.


couldnt make it up.

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