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Coronavirus - Part Two.

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4 hours ago, PRESLEY said:

Im neither in dispute or in need of AA,  I just can't get why closing one hour earlier to difference's is going to make, its neither here or there,  by the way Im a member of the RAC,  :hihi:

So being in the RAC exempts you from having to Rush home to wash yer dinner down with 4 cans of Special Brew !


4 hours ago, redruby said:

I suppose the idea is limiting late night drunken merriment and the subsequent  risks for spreading COVID. Whether it will actually make much difference is another matter though. Young people will organise their own house parties etc. 

Come on - 'limiting late night drinking'? the kids haven't twigged it really means starting an hour earlier.

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8 hours ago, Rockers rule said:

Has common sense abandoned us? 

Coronavirus doesn't care a monkeys (and that's putting it politely) if you don't like to be told what to do.

It doesn't care if you cant go to the pub, football matches, visit your relations or friends or don't like 

wearing masks or even how that blonde haired buffoon has handled the crisis.

In fact Coronavirus is quite happy if we all think F/ it and carry on as we used to. 

The news is, things we used to do are in the past.

The new future is how we cope with this changed environment because we all know or should realise by 

now, things are not going back to any sort of normality any time soon or at all even,


Harbourer of doom and gloom?

No just don't get the constant silly arguments over trivial things.


What do we do about it - I don't know but if restrictions are needed so be it. 

let common sense prevail because it sure is lacking at the moment. 


keep safe. 

be bigger than having to be told what to do.

Do it because you yourself have the common sense to protect yourself and others.  


Keep safe.


Enforce your own restrictions. 

I live in hope that you're wrong.

Even though in many respects I'm one of the lucky ones,

life at the moment sucks. 


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20 hours ago, Tomm06 said:



Another issue we're seeing now is we are all getting sick of each other because we seem to be unable to have a genuine discussion anymore that doesn't result in emotional bickering. This thread is over 100 pages of case and point. 

That seems to count for the civil liberties / conspiracy theorists too, its constant whinging, whining and emotional bickering

Talking of conspiracy theorists, looks like theres another demo on saturday, seems they are the new EDL out on a saturday for a jolly.


can anybody watch this and then tell me (in laymans terms) what the control is? how its being concocted worldwide, what the end game is, what he said 25 years ago?


seems im too thick to know or notice

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4 minutes ago, Anna B said:

I live in hope that you're wrong.

Even though in many respects I'm one of the lucky ones,

life at the moment sucks. 


So do I Anna.

Life doesn't suck its just different & once thats been accepted we can cope with what normality will be.

Me and her that should be obeyed have our mindsets adjusted to the present conditions which is good.

(i've even been found in't kitchen washing pots - but don't tell any one)


Keep safe.

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20 minutes ago, melthebell said:

That seems to count for the civil liberties / conspiracy theorists too, its constant whinging, whining and emotional bickering

Talking of conspiracy theorists, looks like theres another demo on saturday, seems they are the new EDL out on a saturday for a jolly.


can anybody watch this and then tell me (in laymans terms) what the control is? how its being concocted worldwide, what the end game is, what he said 25 years ago?


seems im too thick to know or notice

I do like a good conspiracy theory. I haven't watched that video but if it's about controlling the population this is nothing new. 


I believe the theory is based purely on fear. If the powers that be and the media keep the masses terrified they ultimately control them and so can get away with whatever they wish. I think in the long run it's pretty crack pot, however you can see the reasoning. How many times over the last 20 years has WW3 been in the news. ISIS or DPRK are a threat every year or two, it just cycles round. Russia are probably due at some point soon but we're busy with the virus. 


I've heard people say "if they can get us to wear masks. What next?" So I assume that's where the video is coming from

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17 minutes ago, Tomm06 said:

I do like a good conspiracy theory. I haven't watched that video but if it's about controlling the population this is nothing new. 


I believe the theory is based purely on fear. If the powers that be and the media keep the masses terrified they ultimately control them and so can get away with whatever they wish. I think in the long run it's pretty crack pot, however you can see the reasoning. How many times over the last 20 years has WW3 been in the news. ISIS or DPRK are a threat every year or two, it just cycles round. Russia are probably due at some point soon but we're busy with the virus. 


I've heard people say "if they can get us to wear masks. What next?" So I assume that's where the video is coming from

yeah suppose, makes sense, still complete bobbar though, it never popped up when we were forced to pay for plastic bags, picking up dog poo, wearing seatbelts or helmets on motorbikes though Oo

damn elites controlling us making us pick up our own dogs poo

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20 hours ago, Pettytom said:

Sheffield Wednesday owe me for part of last year’s season tickets and probably all of this season. A sum of well over £1000, so I fully get the sport thing. I miss it, but there are bigger things at stake.


Pubs are fine though. I’m happy to see the end of the scrum at the bar. Good pubs will make it through this.


I still don’t see the issue with wearing a mask and keeping apart. It’s easy, it works and it will hasten our route back to normality.

The question wasn't "what applies to you?" Which is exactly what I was talking about. You only seem fussed about what impacts you. 


The ramifications of closing down the hospitality sector are massive, especially a second time as they were attempting to recoup some of their losses. This is same in all businesses, the furlough scheme is the only thing that has kept a lot of business open. 'Good pubs' again only apply to you, and I'm pretty certain you're talking about good old fashioned locals. Who will be the first to go, they're already on the way out, the owners lose, the staff lose, the public lose. The pubs that will survive are your big corporate ones, but that won't be without heavy job losses - that applies throughout the sector.


Putting a mask on is all well and good, but you know the arguments against them and you can not control 100% of the population. 

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19 minutes ago, Tomm06 said:

The question wasn't "what applies to you?" Which is exactly what I was talking about. You only seem fussed about what impacts you. 


The ramifications of closing down the hospitality sector are massive, especially a second time as they were attempting to recoup some of their losses. This is same in all businesses, the furlough scheme is the only thing that has kept a lot of business open. 'Good pubs' again only apply to you, and I'm pretty certain you're talking about good old fashioned locals. Who will be the first to go, they're already on the way out, the owners lose, the staff lose, the public lose. The pubs that will survive are your big corporate ones, but that won't be without heavy job losses - that applies throughout the sector.


Putting a mask on is all well and good, but you know the arguments against them and you can not control 100% of the population. 

I’m not really focussed on me, if I was I’d not be wearing a mask when I go out, for a start. The anti-maskers are the narcissists, the self-obsessed and the cause of many of the problems we now quite clearly have.


Feel free to over-analyse my posts if you wish. Feel free to ascribe attitudes and opinions to me that are incorrect.


However, get your face cover on, keep your distance, encourage all of your so called mates to do the same. Then we might have pubs, football and live performances at the end of all of this.

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1 hour ago, melthebell said:



can anybody watch this and then tell me (in laymans terms) what the control is? how its being concocted worldwide, what the end game is, what he said 25 years ago?


seems im too thick to know or notice

Good old David Icke. Fascists Lizards are after your freedom - take care.

Don't worry about Coriv its not real its a fictious world wide plot to rob you of your freedom.

Rocker - fick as old engine oil.

14 minutes ago, Tomm06 said:



The ramifications of closing down the hospitality sector are massive, especially a second time as they were attempting to recoup some of their losses. 

Shame those of the 40,000 + who have died can't recoup their loss.


Keep safe

let your own common sense rule.

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Looks like the England and Wales contact tracing app launches tomorrow




It has some interesting features, including (copying and pasting from above article) :


  • a venue check-in barcode scanner
  • a postcode-based risk-level checker
  • a symptoms-reporter tool
  • the means to order a coronavirus test and receive its results
  • a countdown timer to keep track of how long to stay in self-isolation
  • a guide to the latest advice on local restrictions, financial support and other related information


Reading the article, it sounds ok - if it works😂

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