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Coronavirus - Part Two.

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7 hours ago, Carbuncle said:

What we really need is some kind of register in which people could record random events and coincidences that they have noticed. Then we could know how often people think of their grannies just before their phone rings and it's their granny. We could see how often Morrisons is out of sandwich spread and black olive tapenade at the same time, too.


Also has anybody else noticed how often Dec 2nd comes immediately after Dec 1st and how often your car starts making a funny noise before a service in which you receive a big bill. Also is the fridge light really off when you close the door.


So many questions.

The pathetic attempts at humour are back. oh dear oh dear.


I notice people having cardiac arrests has brought out the true colours of the self proclaimed "unselfish" people though, doesn't take long for the mask to slip.


Find me another incidence of two heart attacks in one evening and two in one game in less than 6 weeks in football grounds, I'll wait.

7 hours ago, Carbuncle said:

Do you remember how tops used to post links to "evidence" that he thought supported his view and how when you clicked through they turned out not to. Strange thing: I do too.


Important question: is this vaccine related?

Do you remember when I was accused of lying about a woman with adverse reaction to an AZ jab and how the same accusers quickly backtracked when I posted the Go Fund Me page.

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Bearing in mind all the parties that allegedly went on in Government/Whitehall last Christmas at the height of the Covid pandemic, do people on Sheffield Forum still support the introduction of compulsory Covid passports into events/places this year?

(If anyone wants to add a poll thingy on this I'd be grateful.)

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Dont see the harm, it doesnt actually exclude anyone, all the tinfoil brigade can go and get a free test and be allowed entry that way.


All I would worry about is would there be an "exit strategy" from them?

Edited by HeHasRisen
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I certainly do not support vaccine passports, which cannot be effective and are not needed anyway due to the UK's high vaccine take up anyway. No, they are purely designed to appeal to ignorance and irrational fear.


What is happening with all this Covid Cobblers is it is feeding on itself :


1 - Government deliberately stokes fear to ensure compliance (that is not a conspiracy theory it is an accepted fact)

2 - Much of the country becomes irrationally fearful and demands more and more restrictions even when they are plainly not needed (not in a rational world anyway).

3 - The government responds to the perceived support for more restrictions by applying more restrictions.

4 - The population thinks hey, if they keep introducing more restrictions there must be something to be frightened about

5 - And so it goes on.

And that is why we are in a MAD world.

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WHO say people shouldn't panic over this new variant, and vaccines can cope.   There is no need for Vaccine ID cards/Passports, as the current vaccines work!. Like others on this thread, I am also against them, but as they give business to Boris's cronies who will make millions from contracts related to them,  I think they will bring them in.   Hospitality will suffer, as many of us will refuse to have/use them, so footfall will go down.  Pubs etc will need to have people on the doors to check them (can't happen in many pubs running on 1 or 2 staff only at most non-busy times), so opening hours will change/more pubs close. 


Just heard on the news that it looks likely they will be introduced, possibly this afternoon, despite half the Cabinet being against them.  Prepare for another Cabinet reshuffle, as Boris rules the Tory Party, and the country! 


Me - I'm off for what could be my last pints in pubs for a while!

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36 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

I certainly do not support vaccine passports, which cannot be effective and are not needed anyway due to the UK's high vaccine take up anyway. No, they are purely designed to appeal to ignorance and irrational fear.


What is happening with all this Covid Cobblers is it is feeding on itself :


1 - Government deliberately stokes fear to ensure compliance (that is not a conspiracy theory it is an accepted fact)

2 - Much of the country becomes irrationally fearful and demands more and more restrictions even when they are plainly not needed (not in a rational world anyway).

3 - The government responds to the perceived support for more restrictions by applying more restrictions.

4 - The population thinks hey, if they keep introducing more restrictions there must be something to be frightened about

5 - And so it goes on.

And that is why we are in a MAD world.

I am completely with you on this, despite the fact that I have failed to see the logic in any of you posts I have been unfortunate enough to catch previously (Any CV19-related topics are not intentionally read as there is so much carp in them -IMO)

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