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Coronavirus - Part Two.

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2 hours ago, Carbuncle said:

How would you cope with misinformation? (I take it for granted that you'll recall I feel you are a covid misinformationalist.)

You should be ashamed of yourself and I would like you to back that up with examples, and if you do not I shall continue asking you to do so every day until this Covid Cobblers nightmare is over.


Edited by Chekhov
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31 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

All the predictions from the Tinfoil brigade over the last 2 years have all come true


You seem happy to keep bending over and taking it just so you can point and sneer at the silent majority who question the government stealing freedom and power from us.


I really dont understand people like you.... you should be outraged

Ok, thanks.

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3 hours ago, Carbuncle said:

I think we need to start taking a tougher line with the faux freedom fighters. Their misplaced petulance is costing us lives and slowing the return to normality.

Evidence for that please.


That is counter intuitive (and just plain wrong), how can trying to get back to normal be slowing a return to normality ?
Even scientists in favour of trying to suppress society (in order to try and suppress Covid) admit that suppression just kicks the can down the road. Getting back to normality can only be achieved by population immunity, and, as such, if anything, suppression means it will take longer for that to happen.

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Just now, melthebell said:

everything that youve uttered on this forum  over the past couple of weeks should suffice

Give me a specific example and I will link to the evidence that I am correct. If you will not do that you should withdraw that remark, if you have any honour that is.

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4 hours ago, Carbuncle said:

The infodemic is real ... just look at what has happened in the US where Trump spread his poison.


How would you cope with misinformation? (I take it for granted that you'll recall I feel you are a covid misinformationalist.)


And what about people who flounce around hospitals unmasked?


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Reading this thread its apparent there are a few trolls just commenting for attention, probably a product of lockdowns.


Vaccine passports haven't worked wherever they've been introduced or trialed, a complete waste of time but a shoo in to a digital ID which is after all the real reason for them.


The compliant will be eating their words in a few short years.

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There are questions on here that I feel need clarification.


Do people object to the vaccine? Or the fact that the vaccine's being forced on them?

Is it about health? Trust? Or power?

Is there an area for compromise of some sort anywhere?


IMO Just like Brexit wasn't just about leaving the EU, but an expression of deep discontent in society with the government and our rulers; the polerisation of opinion over Covid is yet another expression of the lack of real  democracy and accountability in our society. The government is no longer seen as benign and  working in our own best interests by many people, but corrupt and capable of just about anything to seize power from the people.


In other words are we allowing ourselves to be lead gently by the hand, but innevitably towards Fascism?

Is there a bloody revolution in our future?

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