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Coronavirus - Part Two.

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10 minutes ago, onewheeldave said:

According to the link posted below, covid has killed, in the UK, 0.06% of the population. Conclude from that what you will. 



Current daily death rate in the UK is 34 [for context 450 die of cancer/day in the UK].


As I suspect you are somewhat aware of, the deaths caused by the lockdown, through ruined lives, mass unemployment, suicides and lack of access to medical treatment are going to be considerable but currently there seems to be close to zero interest or acknowledgement of those deaths- I'll leave to you to decide whether you think they could grossly outweigh the damage of the actual virus.

I conclude that covid has killed 0.06% of the population.

I am not aware of the figures of deaths caused by the lockdown - perhaps you can provide the facts?


Are you aware of the potential deaths caused by Brexit and there seems to be "close to zero interest or acknowledgement of those deaths"


But on the otherhand, we can reduce the impact of covid by wearing masks, adhering to social distancing and being responsible.

And if we do that, then we can also avoid mass unemployment, suicides and enable access to medical treatment.


It is only due to non-adherence to the rules that lockdown has had to happen.


Wear a mask, don't become a statistic...


And don't believe the naysayers who rally against the impact of the virus.



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For what it's worth, think male suicides are running at a 30year high.Only saw the headline ,not read the detail.


I would imagine ,the higher up know that an increase is likely it's a hugely stressfully time .

Equally if we let it rip with the inevitable  excess deaths that would also lead to an increase in suicide,would not dare to say to what degree.


The 0.06 is a bit moot.

Last I saw only 8 percent had confirmed exposure to virus.

From same page 423, 000 cases,

 42,000 deaths.

Story today from NY that one of the mutations (L) ,is much more transmissible but thankfully not more virulant

Edited by butlers
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3 hours ago, onewheeldave said:

According to the link posted below, covid has killed, in the UK, 0.06% of the population. Conclude from that what you will. 



Current daily death rate in the UK is 34 [for context 450 die of cancer/day in the UK].


As I suspect you are somewhat aware of, the deaths caused by the lockdown, through ruined lives, mass unemployment, suicides and lack of access to medical treatment are going to be considerable but currently there seems to be close to zero interest or acknowledgement of those deaths- I'll leave to you to decide whether you think they could grossly outweigh the damage of the actual virus.

And there were 1,431 covid related deaths on 8 April before the effects of lockdown kicked in.


https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/bulletins/deathsinvolvingcovid19uk/deathsoccurringbetween1marchand30april2020        (section 6)

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3 hours ago, onewheeldave said:



Current daily death rate in the UK is 34 [for context 450 die of cancer/day in the UK].



and why is it only 34?

because we had a lockdown march to july?

people wearing masks?


social distancing?


what would deaths be like without all those?

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1 minute ago, melthebell said:

and why is it only 34?

because we had a lockdown march to july?

people wearing masks?


social distancing?


what would deaths be like without all those?

AFAIK Boris ordered lockdown when he was shown a paper that estimated without a lockdown the UK was facing 500,000 deaths. Up to then he still believed in "herd immunity".

2 minutes ago, onewheeldave said:


Something more than 1,431 is much more likely.




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What's really strange at minute us the low level of infection in Africa

The WHO just put some figures out in last hour ,say death toll might hit 2 million before a vaccine is ready .


Being following this lady since the start.

Her take on herd immunity


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3 hours ago, Litotes said:

I conclude that covid has killed 0.06% of the population.

I am not aware of the figures of deaths caused by the lockdown - perhaps you can provide the facts?


Are you aware of the potential deaths caused by Brexit and there seems to be "close to zero interest or acknowledgement of those deaths"


But on the otherhand, we can reduce the impact of covid by wearing masks, adhering to social distancing and being responsible.

And if we do that, then we can also avoid mass unemployment, suicides and enable access to medical treatment.


It is only due to non-adherence to the rules that lockdown has had to happen.


Wear a mask, don't become a statistic...


And don't believe the naysayers who rally against the impact of the virus.



A thousand likes for this ^^

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