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Coronavirus - Part Two.

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12 hours ago, Easy livin said:

The consequence is that a tiny percentage of already poorly people would have shorter lives.


That's it 

In total.



It’s not.


But simple maths seems to be beyond you, so I give up. 

9 hours ago, onewheeldave said:


That’s a really silly comment.


Without our current measures, Covid would be out of control. We could easily be seeing several hundred deaths per day again. Maybe more.


Stop agitating against reasonable measures. Wear a face covering. Keep your distance. Wash your hands. Don’t be an idiot.


Beat it together.

Edited by Pettytom
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As a starting point, I think it’s widely agreed amongst the morally alert in society. That there is a duty to be a minimally decent Samaritan, that is, one should go out of one’s way to help another if it entails little cost to oneself.

Wearing a face covering, and socially distancing are of little cost to oneself-it's not a great deal to ask. And by doing so we are helping one another get on with life.

Consequently ,we will beat it together.

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1 hour ago, melthebell said:

Your post said 34 so I used that, stop moving things once people pull you up on it, you was doing it before With longcol saying what he quoted wasn't right

You've misunderstood, I've moved nothing- the number dead in the UK with coronavirus was 34.

But you asked-

11 hours ago, melthebell said:

and why is it only 34?

because we had a lockdown march to july?

people wearing masks?


social distancing?


what would deaths be like without all those?


was my answer. 


Which will no doubt be seen as facetious, but, as far as I know, deaths could be in the thousands, or, may barely rise- no one knows what effect the lockdown had on covid deaths as the 'research' is so contaminated by vested interests, fearmongering, propaganda etc.


What I do know is

1. that the deaths caused by the economic effects of lockdowns will be extremely high

2. the majority of the public whose voices are being heard, and,  the majority of the media, and,  the authorities putting these lockdowns in place are not taking those deaths into account

3. if people do not wake up from this hysteria and stand up for their rights, we are at serious risk of an irreversible slide into global totalitarianism

Edited by onewheeldave
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12 minutes ago, onewheeldave said:

You've misunderstood, I've moved nothing- the number dead in the UK with coronavirus was 34.

But you asked-


was my answer. 


Which will no doubt be seen as facetious, but, as far as I know, deaths could be in the thousands, or, may barely rise- no one knows what effect the lockdown had on covid deaths as the 'research' is so contaminated by vested interests, fearmongering, propaganda etc.


What I do know is

1. that the deaths caused by the economic effects of lockdowns will be extremely high

2. the majority of the public whose voices are being heard, and,  the majority of the media, and,  the authorities putting these lockdowns in place are not taking those deaths into account

3. if people do not wake up from this hysteria and stand up for their rights, we are at serious risk of an irreversible slide into global totalitarianism

A story in the Mail today says 75,000 lockdown related deaths over the next 5 years.  Current Covid deaths are 42,000.  If you stuck to that you’d have more support and better discussion.


When you start carping on about a slide into global totalitarianism you lose support from the level headed. Wake up to that fact.

Edited by Arnold_Lane
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10 hours ago, Pettytom said:



Without our current measures, Covid would be out of control. We could easily be seeing several hundred deaths per day again. Maybe more.



And? Several hundred people, in normal times, die of cancer each day in the UK [450]- very likely going to be higher due to the numbers not getting treatment due to the lockdown.


Add in heart attacks, those dying from obesity/type 2 diabetes etc etc- nothing unusual about many hundreds dying per day.


Most deaths from obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes and the other chronic illnesses plaguing advanced western nations wouldn't exist if their diet/lifestyle didn't cause them- they are, in the main, preventable.


People ask 'why are covid deaths in the UK so high?'- IMO, almost certainly due to our very ill population; in the UK it is now 'normal' to be overweight, type 2 diabetic or pre diabetic, to have some degree of coronary heart disease.


If 1/10th of the resources currently being put into locking the population down were put into tackling that health issue, then not only would many hundreds/day [thousands?] of lives be saved in the long term, it would likely mean that the UK would be far less affected by covid and the other pandemic viruses that are going to be appearing with regularity in the future, some of which may make covid look like a mild cold [remember the Spanish flu?}

10 hours ago, Pettytom said:





Stop agitating against reasonable measures.

I'm not agitating- I'm stating my reasoned opinions. You can disagree with me, but you can't censor me.

10 hours ago, Pettytom said:



Stop agitating against reasonable measures. Wear a face covering. Keep your distance. Wash your hands. Don’t be an idiot.


Beat it together.

Stay safe. Don't be blindly complient. Stand up against bullying authority. Don't wear a mask unless you want to. Value freedom.


We are not 'in this together'.

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6 hours ago, petemcewan said:



As a starting point, I think it’s widely agreed amongst the morally alert in society. That there is a duty to be a minimally decent Samaritan, that is, one should go out of one’s way to help another if it entails little cost to oneself.

Wearing a face covering, and socially distancing are of little cost to oneself-it's not a great deal to ask. And by doing so we are helping one another get on with life.

Consequently ,we will beat it together.



We are not 'in this together'. Many of us are not on board with a lot of the lockdown measures; we are horrified at what is being done to the economy; at the absolute lack of acknowledgement that thousands are being harmed by losing their jobs, being refused access to essential medical care, dismayed at how much of the public have not only rolled over in the face of serious assault on their civil liberty, but, are actually crying out for more lockdown, more fines, more punishment of a scapegoated minority whose only crime is to think for themselves, make up their own minds, and, act accordingly.

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17 minutes ago, Arnold_Lane said:

A story in the Mail today says 75,000 lockdown deaths over the next 5 years.  Current Covid deaths are 42,000.  If you stuck to that you’d have support.







Which coincidentally is pretty much the current uk daily death rate from covid

Edited by onewheeldave
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