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Coronavirus - Part Two.

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5 hours ago, Baron99 said:

My bold. 


Once again, the Govt is trying to tread the high-wire while juggling soot of keeping some semblance of an economy going, trying to bring people back into towns & cities & giving a little bit of normality after a long period of lockdown by just asking them to behave like ADULTS & follow a few simple rules for a few months in order to protect NHS resources, limit the spread of the infection & try & protect the vulnerable from ending up in our hospitals, possibly resulting in many more  deaths of loved ones & those on the front line services.  


Yet I see on the news yesterday, videos of people having impromptu street parties in the middle of of Soho & Liverpool city centre after the pubs shut, goading police officers with chants of "Who are you?'; police officers who are only there to protect them & advise by the looks of things, (rather than handing out fines), that their actions could result in individuals in said crowds run the risk of catching COVID-19 & spreading it further. 


Then you here the comments of some students currently being asked to self-quarantine in Glasgow & Manchester.


They tell that on arrival at the halls of residence, COVID-19 procedures were put in place to socially distance the students but they have been totally ignored from the off, resulting in the spread of infection & even now, while they are supposed to be basically confined to their rooms, they are again ignoring the request to abide the rules & spreading the virus further amongst themselves. 


One can only suggest that it would take an individual from amongst the students to take a turn for the worst to realise that they aren't all immune from the virus, to bring them to their senses.  The Govt & the Universites are trying, asking 18+ year olds to act like responsible adults yet they choose to act like giddy pre-teens. 


I wonder how many of those students & those out on the streets not abiding by Govt requests to self-distance, who are running the risk of catching COVID-19 & passing the virus on, endangering their families & front line workers, including the doctors & nurses, were a few months ago, showing off on social media, banging their pots & pans & generally showing off in appreciation of the NHS?


All seems to be hollow gesturing now, considering that there's a chance that by their actions, there a good chance of them piling pressure back on the NHS. 

I remember what it was like being 18 and away from home the first time. The idea that 18 year olds are going to just sit in their rooms being sensible was always a non-starter.

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