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Coronavirus - Part Two.

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52 minutes ago, Easy livin said:

so are you saying that after 6-months of repeatedly hearing how everybody has to look after the elderly and the vulnerable that the untested and may be dangerous vaccines with unknown long term effects will actually be tested on the vulnerable and elderly

No. We have already tested it on people. We wait to see if it has long term affects. Meanwhile there is nothing to lose by giving it to the elderly if we know it safe in the short term.

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5 hours ago, nightrider said:

The fines are now very large - he won't need many police to make examples of a few, which hopefully will deter the rest of the minority. Already started elsewhere -  £10k fine for a house party!





Exactly.  Yes, some would moan & start shouting, "Your making an example of me & a scapegoat" but so what, if it continues to protect the abiding majority.  

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2 hours ago, nightrider said:

No. We have already tested it on people. We wait to see if it has long term affects. Meanwhile there is nothing to lose by giving it to the elderly if we know it safe in the short term.

So just to be clear - you are think its fine using the elderly like lab rats because, meh... they are going to die soon anyway.  


I can see the human rights lawyers having a field day with that one.   




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4 hours ago, pattricia said:

Well Boris is prepared to deploy the Army to keep us in check. Shame he is not so inclined to muster them to police our borders !

It's not exactly what he said.  It's been misinterpreted & repeated so often now that many believe it.  I even heard one bloke on the radio, who grew up in Belfast but is now living in London state; "What are we going to have in England then?  The same as when I grew up in the 1970's in Belfast?  Check point & barbed wire every few hundred yards, manned by armed soldiers?" 


Er, no.  If people listened properly to the PM's announcement on this he said there was potential to use the military to free up the police by back-filling the in-house police duties. 


In other words, the police get to go out on the streets to enforce the COVID-19 rules, while the military, (I'm guessing we're talking about something like the Logistics Corps, rather than the SAS), get to handle nothing more lethal than the police admin. 

Edited by Baron99
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5 hours ago, Easy livin said:

On average of takes 7 years of clinical trials before a new drug is put forward for licence.



Whilst I do get where you're coming from, the flu vaccine changes every year and obviously there's not a 7 year test on that. I'm not an expert so happy to be educated why the flu vaccine can be different every year but others need 7 years testing?


Don't get me wrong, I understand what you're saying and I doubt I'll be in the first corhort to take a new vaccine 🤷‍♂️

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14 hours ago, Easy livin said:

On average of takes 7 years of clinical trials before a new drug is put forward for licence.



But vaccines and treatment drugs are different. 

Also, we have years of research already into  coronavirus vaccines of one type or another.


There is also an imperative to find effective vaccines that is powering the development of a safe and effective vaccine.


We will have one by next year, but like all vaccines, it will only work if most people have it. I don’t agree with compulsory vaccinations, but I do think that if you refuse it, you shouldn’t necessarily be afforded the opportunity to participate fully in our society.

Edited by Pettytom
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13 hours ago, ECCOnoob said:

So just to be clear - you are think its fine using the elderly like lab rats because, meh... they are going to die soon anyway.  


I can see the human rights lawyers having a field day with that one.   




Not me, thats what experts in the field think. Makes sense though - who cares about effects in 20 years (when 99% will be dead of old age), if it saves so many of their lives now.

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The above video illustrates the problems likely to occur  when a Covid-19 vaccination is rolled out for public consumption. 

Towards the front of the  queue will the elderly. Not because

some Dr Mengele thinks they are suitable lab rats,but because they are considered to be at risk.There will be no conspiracy to push them forward, "you first",just to see what happens.


To dole out vaccination passports and to restrict access to areas of public life, for those who don't have one,IMO ,although an option

by Government, will not happen.


And for Easy Livin's sake.God bless all those "Fools" who for the sake of us all,are putting themselves at some risk by participating in vaccine clinical trials.


We should be eternally grateful to them.



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