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Coronavirus - Part Two.

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7 minutes ago, El Cid said:

She was in a similar position to Dominic Cummings, how should a person with COVID, or COVID symptoms get home if they live a long way away from their place of work.

She could have stayed in London. At our expense of course. As she does during usual Commons business.

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2 hours ago, El Cid said:

She was in a similar position to Dominic Cummings, how should a person with COVID, or COVID symptoms get home if they live a long way away from their place of work.

All this palaver, putting God know's how many people's health & let's not forget possibly their finaces at risk, if they have to self-isolate from being in contact with her, plus her political career, all for a 4 MINUTE speech, ironically about Coronavirus, including paying tribute to NHS workers. 


Ms Ferrier said: "I'd like to start by paying tribute to all NHS key workers and volunteers in my constituency for their care and commitment over the last seven months.". 


I'm sure the NHS workers will thank you for possibly upping their work load? 


She didn't even have the curtesy to inform her own party until the Wednesday, 2 days after she was confirmed COVID-19 positive.  


Reckless doesn't even come close.


On a separate but related story on how others deal with breaching COVID-19 regulations.  Did anyone else see the story tonight on Look North about the 5 welders from Doncaster who went to work on a project in the Isle of Man?  They knew on arrival they were only to go between their accommodation & work site & no where else. 


One time they called at a shop to pick up alcohol & sausage rolls. The authorities were informed. Result. All five in court  & sentenced to two weeks in gaol. 

Edited by Baron99
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Ms Ferrier notified the Commons of her positive test quite quickly but wasn’t so forthcoming about her travel timeline so it took a couple of days for the truth to come out giving  unsuspecting possible contacts the opportunity to spread the virus even further. If she had any sense of public duty as an MP her apology would have been followed by her resignation. Good to hear on Radio 4 several of those who elected her disgusted with her actions and calling for her to resign. Presumably she’ll still be paid her salary/expenses whilst her potential contacts will have to wait for their monetary isolation claim to be awarded 

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14 hours ago, West 77 said:

Nicola Sturgeon didn't sack the Scottish Chief Medical Officer until the media influenced her to do so. She didn't want to sack the lady because she believed the lady was good at her job. Similarly Boris didn't sack Cummings because he is good at his job. Nicola Sturgeon has no more moral fibre than Boris.

If Nicola Sturgeon had more moral fibre she wouldn't have sacked a perfectly good CMO during a medical crisis just to win some better newspaper headlines the next morning.

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30 minutes ago, West 77 said:

That's a good fair point. Boris has obviously got more moral fibre than Nicola Sturgeon because he didn't sack Cummings who is excellent at his job to win some better newspaper headlines the next morning.

What is Cummings excellent at?

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8 minutes ago, Pettytom said:

What is Cummings excellent at?

That's highly subjective depending on your personal worldview and bias. Cummings is obviously excellent at many things (see Brexit progress for one) but if the things he is excellent at are contra to your worldview he'll be presented as a terrible human being. 


So in summary - best we acknowledge our own bias and don't go there in this discussion. 

42 minutes ago, West 77 said:

That's a good fair point. Boris has obviously got more moral fibre than Nicola Sturgeon because he didn't sack Cummings who is excellent at his job to win some better newspaper headlines the next morning.

I would agree. I'll also say that Sturgeon is a very very good politician. She's wrong on many, maybe most things, but she's still an excellent politician. 


^^ Bias at work but recognised :)

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1 minute ago, Tony said:

That's highly subjective depending on your personal worldview and bias. Cummings is obviously excellent at many things (see Brexit progress for one) but if the things he is excellent at are contra to your worldview he'll be presented as a terrible human being. 


So in summary - best we acknowledge our own bias and don't go there in this discussion. 

Not so. He’s a SPAD to the second most hapless government I’ve ever witnessed. I think it is a subject worthy of debate.

Bias, or not, I’d like someone to explain to me exactly what it is that he excels at. Notwithstanding his ability to generate chaos wherever he goes.

7 minutes ago, West 77 said:

He's excellent at advising the Prime Minister. He is excellent at masterminding winning election campaigns such as the Leave Brexit campaign and the Tory 2019 landslide victorious General Election campaign.

I’ll give you the second one. 

However, I’d say that whoever is advising Johnson at the moment, is far from excellent.

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1 hour ago, Pettytom said:

Not so. He’s a SPAD to the second most hapless government I’ve ever witnessed. I think it is a subject worthy of debate.

Bias, or not, I’d like someone to explain to me exactly what it is that he excels at. Notwithstanding his ability to generate chaos wherever he goes.

I’ll give you the second one. 

However, I’d say that whoever is advising Johnson at the moment, is far from excellent.

I would have to know the detail of what he's advised to debate it. We don't even know the subjects he advises on apart from Brexit so I don't see how an informed opinion can be made.


Presumably neither you or I have no idea if he generates (presumably deleterious rather than useful) chaos or not. If you have some details you could share - not just second hand media reports - it would be interesting to read it. 


One thing I'm reasonably confident on is that (just about?) every  government on the planet has been shown to be hapless in their response to Covid-19. It couldn't really be any other way so I find it difficult to be too critical in general. I'm happy to discuss individual issues although we'll be doing it with 20/20 hindsight. ew

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55 minutes ago, West 77 said:

Yes, she is an excellent politician.  She has both Alex Salmond and Margaret Thatcher to thank for becoming an excellent politician.  Alex Salmond groomed her into becoming an electable candidate. In her younger days she was mocked because she was over weight and looked like Angela Merkel and failed to win minor elected positions.  Alex Salmond persuaded her to tidy her self up. She got into politics because of her hatred towards Margaret Thatcher. The ironic thing is much of her success as a politician is because she has adopted similar traits as Margaret Thatcher.

Ok I'm Scottish.

& don't agree with all her policies but there is something of a calmness about her compared to Borris's blustering's and mismanagement in these difficult times.

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