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Coronavirus - Part Two.

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21 hours ago, MuteWitness said:

Yes but there is lots saying hospitals are at the same capacity every year.  


I'm no expert i can only go on data that is available.


Maybe they are. But anyway the problem is not the number of patients now  - rather its the fact the number is doubling every week or so.

21 hours ago, West 77 said:

The reason why there is another lockdown is because it is highly likely that if there isn't a lockdown the NHS will be overwhelmed within a few weeks.

Not sure how well its going to work - just been in one the large supermarkets and very few staff had masks on. Around 10% of customers also unmasked. 

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On 03/11/2020 at 21:25, El Cid said:

Or speeding/dangerous driving?


No MOT = £100 fine

Coronavirus fines in England = £200 for the first offence, lowered to £100 if paid within 14 days

Scotland and other nations = £60


Is a speeding fine different in other nations or is the difference political?



Makes you wonder if the Coronavirus fines are legal,


"Britons could launch class-action lawsuit for BILLIONS in compensation for Government ‘falsely imprisoning’ nation during lockdown, law lecturer predicts"


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1 minute ago, retep said:

Makes you wonder if the Coronavirus fines are legal,


"Britons could launch class-action lawsuit for BILLIONS in compensation for Government ‘falsely imprisoning’ nation during lockdown, law lecturer predicts"


Yeah, sure that will work out. 

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1 hour ago, West 77 said:

I guess only those regions with low infection  rates will come out of this lockdown on 2nd December and put into tier one or two.  In my opinion the Government have been too generous with the furlough scheme.  Sectors like hospitality and retail should be removed from the furlough scheme because it's going to take too long for things to get back to normal.  Argos have actually increased their sales this year by 8% due to the big increase in online sales. 


I agree there is a lack of discipline. Anyone who can't wear a mask for the short time they are in a shop should stay at home. However, I think the bigger problem is households mixing. I've observed rule breaking this morning  in the form of neighbours going into other residents properties. 

All buisnesses need support or other wise some  will not reopen, infact loads wont. 

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21 minutes ago, PRESLEY said:

All buisnesses need support or other wise some  will not reopen, infact loads wont. 

There's quite a few that don't, and there's quite a few who have been on life support since before March. Furlough keeps the wider economy ticking. Just dumping 4m on UC will just watch it crash further.

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23 minutes ago, tinfoilhat said:

There's quite a few that don't, and there's quite a few who have been on life support since before March. Furlough keeps the wider economy ticking. Just dumping 4m on UC will just watch it crash further.

 You've enlightened me, I was just thinking all buisnesses would go under with out support.

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1 minute ago, West 77 said:

I agree with your sentiments . However, there isn't a magic money tree.  There is no guarantee there will be a vaccine by March and we could be in the same situation next year in November.  Sooner or later,  if there is no vaccine the Government will have no alternative to end furlough.  The reality is its a waste of taxpayers money giving furlough payments to workers who will lose their jobs after furlough funding ends.

Cheers, I hope it doesn't come to that,  fingers crossed the Vaccine emerges in the first quarter of next year.

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25 minutes ago, West 77 said:

I agree with your sentiments . However, there isn't a magic money tree.  There is no guarantee there will be a vaccine by March and we could be in the same situation next year in November.  Sooner or later,  if there is no vaccine the Government will have no alternative to end furlough.  The reality is its a waste of taxpayers money giving furlough payments to workers who will lose their jobs after furlough funding ends.

What do you think will happen to the economy if 10m people (That's Boris' figure - literally taken from the tv 20 minutes ago) who are on furlough but then on UC (at best)? 

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22 hours ago, Becky B said:

Sheffield hospitals are currently full to bursting.

And we're not the worst - only in the top 20 of hospitals that are being overwhelmed by admissions, apparently (I hear there was some sort of leaked document, but I didn't get the full details and haven't been able to verify directly).

Oh well, that's fine then, isn't it?

Of course it isn't fine thats why we should be protecting people at risk, its all very sad but if we keep locking down and no vaccine comes then what?  Should we not be protecting those at risk and shielding them ?


Also anyone know why covid patients are not kept separate from other patience ?  other infections have had different hospitals etc.  i can even remember early covid19 news reports from china of people in pods so they didn't infect others?  its really sad that people go in hospital with one thing and end up with covid and doesn't this put people off going to hospital all together?


Like i said I know nothing am willing to learn, i'm simply asking questions as a lot of people on here seem to have alot more understanding of the virus than men. 

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